Barbarian Archetype Abilities

Rules Questions

I'm playing an Invulnerable Rager archetype in a new campaign and at level 2 when I was hit by an attack I began to reduce the damage from the attack by my DR even though I wasn't in a rage. My DM stopped me and said I couldn't because I wasn't raging.

In looking closer at the rules, I think the Invulnerable Rager's DR should apply whether the character is raging or not since it is a class ability. The Uncanny Dodge ability that it replaces would always work, even when I'm not raging, so why wouldn't the DR.

Does anyone disagree?

Also, if I later take the rage power, Increased Damage Reduction, since it is a rage power, I would assume that it only applied if the character was raging since it is a rage power.

Does anyone disagree?

Glimras wrote:

I'm playing an Invulnerable Rager archetype in a new campaign and at level 2 when I was hit by an attack I began to reduce the damage from the attack by my DR even though I wasn't in a rage. My DM stopped me and said I couldn't because I wasn't raging.

In looking closer at the rules, I think the Invulnerable Rager's DR should apply whether the character is raging or not since it is a class ability. The Uncanny Dodge ability that it replaces would always work, even when I'm not raging, so why wouldn't the DR.

Does anyone disagree?

Also, if I later take the rage power, Increased Damage Reduction, since it is a rage power, I would assume that it only applied if the character was raging since it is a rage power.

Does anyone disagree?

Your interpretation is correct.

Invulnerability (Ex) is always up, raging or no.

Increased DR only works when raging:

The barbarian's damage reduction increases by 1/—. This increase is always active while the barbarian is raging.

Thanks for the responses. Appreciate the help.

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