Douglas Mawhinney |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

When I was looking over the Half-Orc today I stopped and really read the racial trait Orc-Blood.
Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Has anyone else played as this ability allowing a Half-Orc to take a feat with a prerequisite of Human?
Now, my group has never played it like this, we always played it as you could use magic items that required you to be human without making a UMD check, or if a spell does extra damage to humans it would also do it to Half-Orcs. I'm pretty sure that is RAI, but I was wondering if anyone else had ever interpreted it differently.
This question of course also applies to a Half-Elf's Elf-Blooded trait.

MendedWall12 |

This argument has gone around before.
See this thread for that discussion. I believe there were some FAQ tags handed out there because of the lack of clarity.
Cheers! :)

MendedWall12 |

I'd absolutely agree with you, except for the fact that the feat Racial Heritage saysFeats are not effects.
It has more to do whether a racial item will operate for you or whether a bane weapon will trigger for you.
Half races will be susceptible to the banes of both parent races.
Benefit: Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.
That feat specifically says being able to take a feat is an effect conferred by your race(s).
Racial Heritage might be the only place in the rules that lists taking feats as an effect of race though, which would make it an FAQ-able exception, to what is normally considered the rule. The problem is, there it is in black and white unequivocally saying taking a feat is an effect of the mechanics conferred by race.

Douglas Mawhinney |

This argument has gone around before.
See this thread for that discussion. I believe there were some FAQ tags handed out there because of the lack of clarity.
Cheers! :)
Oops! Sorry, I didn't realize this had come up before. I broke the cardinal rule of searching before posting. My apologies.
I mainly asked because the 3.5 PHB had a line about the ability applying only to magic items and special effects, however the Pathfinder Core Rulebook doesn't.
From the 3.5 PHB
Half-orcs, for example, are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect orcs as their orc ancestors are, and they can use magic items that are only usable by orcs. (See the Monster Manual for more information about orcs, and the Dungeon Master’s Guide for more on magic items.)
Then again the line was not included in the SRD, so that probably explains why it was not added into the race description. Paizo had to go off the SRD to be OGL compliant.
My group normally plays it as just magic items and stuff like the bane weapon ability, but I was building a Half-Orc Fighter based on being the toughest guy in the room and I was salivating over the human-only feat Fast Learner from the Paizo Blog. I wanted to get both a hit point and the Half-Orc favored class option of +2 to stabilize checks. (Never mind that the wording for that feat is a little wonky right now too!)
Thanks - (and I'm sorry if this becomes another huge thread war)

Umbranus |

On this page here it is described what abilities which subtype gets.
This includes low-light vision for the elf subtype and darkvision for the dwarf subtype.
Does that mean, that you get either ability when you take elf or dwarf racial heritage? I'm rather sure you don't. So you most likely only count as that race but do not get the subtype, correct?
Could you take giant racial heritage? In pathfinder they are humanoids after all.

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On this page here it is described what abilities which subtype gets.
This includes low-light vision for the elf subtype and darkvision for the dwarf subtype.
Does that mean, that you get either ability when you take elf or dwarf racial heritage? I'm rather sure you don't. So you most likely only count as that race but do not get the subtype, correct?Could you take giant racial heritage? In pathfinder they are humanoids after all.
You do not gain the subtypes. You can choose giant. In fact, there are stone giant and ogre only feats. You would be able to take them after the racial heritage feat.

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Can you have a half-orc-half-elf?
Not on my table.
Interestingly enough Paradigm Concepts in their Eldest Sons book had what was called the "half-elf" template which could be applied to any humanoid. You could use that as a starting basis.