What races have you NEVER played?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I've played all the Paizo core races, + tiefling, drow, maybe a few others. I have a friend who exclusively plays gnomes. I'm a fan of gnome wizards because of the limitless potential of prestidigition and mage hand. Use mage hand to hit someone in the face with a cream pie, then create the illusion of a second cream pie in the hands of someone nearby. Since none of this is an attack, per se, do all this while invisible. Instant bar fight.

They don't do much for me personally. I feel they don't do anything as well as a human or an elf. Skill focus? Meh. I would just take it as a feat... if the character I was building could really benefit from it. If I wanted to see in lowlight... I would just save for up for darkvision goggles or just drop a feat on blind-fighting.
The only thing I take away from this race, that is great, is if you're personally indecisive about your character build right from its start.

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Humans for the win!!! It was humans that stormed the black gate and held fast against the black hordes at Mina Tirith! It was humans that beat back the Tyranids, humans that defeated the Zerg, and humans that put an end to The Flood! Human beings bested the Yuzhang Vong, stopped The Advent in their tracks, and put an end to the Scrin menace! A single human being destroyed a reaper, another toppled the entire Sith Empire AND THEN went to go wipe out their entire species, and yet another still ruined the Gods of Olympus themselves! Humans mastered the Pieces of Eden, conquered both the sky and the ocean floor, and made all of nature their slave! The Dwarves are greedy, the Elves are vain and cowardly, and everyone else is just plum useless!

We set off fission bombs in our only bioshpere! We flood our air and water with deadly poisons to weed out the week! WE NAILED OUR GOD TO A STICK!

Eh, HFY only works because fiction is from our perspective. I'm sure that if we ever met another sentient species they'll have some pretty awesome stories of the stupid crap they've pulled.

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