I issue the Pathfinder community a challenge


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Eh, I got taken out in the third fight (Karn).

It was hopeless. I had a speed score of 60' and shot on the run, but neither were used, and I had to fight in a closet with a hasted fighter. Oh well.

Hats off to the guy who killed me. His crit damage brought a tear to my eye.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, once he got up the haste potion you were done. As long as he could close with you didn't have a chance. Potion of fly or spider climb and if you'd climbed the statue you'd had a higher ground bonus.
And possibly stopped him from closing. But what can you do.

Darksmokepuncher wrote:
Vinja89 wrote:
thats not something i would expect from the one who dominated his first fight completely XD this is jag Btw if ryan who made felix is on this board i wish you the best of luck in our fight!

Good luck to you as well Jag. I warn you though, The Grey Knight and Pharasma's Curator of Bones, Felix Trodaire comes for you, Emperor's chosen!


The drunken devil has never been one to fear mortal men, the worthier the opponent the better :-p but regardless of who wins lets hope we put on one HELL of a show brother!


So be it!

Dark Archive

Tomarrow I fight a psionichamster. Where we're the losing builds being posted again? Advice?


Jarred Henninger wrote:
Tomarrow I fight a psionichamster. Where we're the losing builds being posted again? Advice?

Oh if only I could have used psionics for this character...

I look forward to the match.

Cranewings started a "PF Community Challenge Characters" thread in the advice boards.

Edit: Character Thread

Liberty's Edge

I just watched the battle between Villain and Doln, and have to take a small exception to how the combat was run.
I originally thought you had to do you charge from you starting position, but after reading the rules again, I really can't see anything preventing you from backing up and charging as he did in the match. Maybe some one else could further clarify this, but at the moment that actually looks legal.

I really have 2 concerns with the match. After Villain hid around the corner Dolne drew is bow to shoot him and Villain used Deflect arrows to bat it away. However Dolne in the very next round he swung his 2 handed Elven curve blade. How? He had to drop it to pull the long bow and shoot. I'd understand if it was a thrown dagger, you could still hold (though not threaten with) the Elven Curve Blade in your off hand and still manage to attack the next round, but he drew his bow! Thats a two handed item to fire, which mean that he dropped the Elven Curved blade on the move. At the very least it would take him a move action that would provoke an attack of opportunity if he dropped it in the square he ended in to pick up the Elven curve blade again.

My 2nd concern may be moot, as a significant amount of damage was done with the crit, but it appeared there was 2 additional d6s added to the damage. Now it is more than likely that he'd not survive the damage either way, it left with having taken more than 70 points of damage, but then again, if he had Orc Ferocity and more healing available, He might've survived the attack.

I am probably screwing myself over (as I'm playing a Monk) but I have a question about the last fight. If I recall correctly (and please tell me if I'm just misremembering, or flat out wrong about the rules) but I thought that you had to make a FoB as a full-round action, but in the fight I could have SWORN the Pally made a FoB AND moved in the same round a few times?

I can't believe I won by pointing my finger at my opponent and muttering something (Battle 2). There wasn't even enough action for anyone to guess at the classes. But the spell-slingers are showing themselves to be quite formidable.

I just rewatched my video and found out I held Sam an extra 2 rounds was suppose to be 5 although he was held for 7. I'm not sure I should of won that fight now.

Liberty's Edge

Meh. As much as we try to stack the deck it really does come down to die rolls in the end. Though I do find it funny that you're right. With Cause Fear on all of the major caster lists but the druid's nobody still has a clue as to what you're playing.

As far as DoctorYesNinja's question, you can still take a 5 foot step admidst a full round action.

Liberty's Edge

I also read up on Coup de Grace. It doesn't say anywhere in there that you'd do maximum damage. You just get the benifits of a critical hit. you'd still have to roll all of your damage. And you're right about the 7 rounds held. But it is up to the GM, and I think he was a little tired and distracted with work and the home improvements going on. He may let the ruling stand just to proceed with the tournement, or he might offer to rerun the fights again later if he gets enough requests to.

Zephyre Al'dran wrote:

As far as DoctorYesNinja's question, you can still take a 5 foot step admidst a full round action.

You can't take a 5 foot step the same round you charge in though which is also on page 198

I agree, it would seem as the 1st and 4th fights had some rules glitches, perhaps enough to have changed the outcome in either case.

Hopefully Sean will come up with a fair way to adjudicate.

I'm up tomorrow (Johnny Come Lately) We'll see what happens, best of luck to all with your contests!

At this point I'm starting to get a bit worried about the rules. Now don't misread this completely, this is all just fun and games.

1. Coup de crace does not deal max damage, just an auto-Crit
2. An arena with presumable viewers does not simply have no walls. You cannot just run out into a wall, you'd have to climb out and over. Fear wouldn't function like that.
3. Hold person lasts 1 round per level. Unless there was some meta magic or a special ability added to that spell, it shouldn't have lasted so long.
4. I agree about drawing as part of a move action. In order to draw, you must sheath or drop. If you do not use an an action to sheath, you
It's drop, making it impossible to switch out, and back to your original weapon.
5. You cannot move and charge in the same round, as charge is a full round action. You couldnt even 5 foot step.

While its disapointing for anybody who invested time into their gladiator, it's still fun! Please double check the rules if you're not sure mr Sean Connors! Then again, the favor could always fall in my favor sooo...

cdogg wrote:
cdogg wrote:
Crysknife wrote:

Got a C, I'm Fabio, the PC is Giorgio, and I don't remember who I'm up against, but if I remember correctly he was a B-.

Well, I thought there would be plenty of wizards, I guess it will be easy for a melee fighter to kill my character.
Im pretty sure your up against my character, theodore
What kind of character do u have? (im just curious, not as if i can make modifications...)

Hi, I've a monk4/cleric1, built mostly for having a great will save: as I said, I expected lot of will-targeting wizards, so I built to screw them.

Main idea is focus on stunning fist (wis 20) combined with 3 attacks with FoB and ki. Against fighters, the idea is to skirmish making use of my high speed, arc of lightning and obscuring mist/blind fight/high perception/healing spells. Deflect arrows for archers. Unfortunately I didn't take into account consumables (I thought they were banned, my bad).
So, I think I've decent chances against wizards, not so against fighters due to low to hit and not stellar AC.

Please, since I don't have easy access to youtube, may I ask you to alert me when the results are out and about the outcome of the fight?
Thank you and good luck!

Great Job Marlowe! You defeated me. I will accept it graciously and pass along the promised goodies.

For Sean, I do have two points, and it seems from the other matches that I am not alone. Slow Down. You are getting ahead of yourself.

Each attack in an iterative attack sequence should be rolled in order because a natural "1" shuts down the the rest of the attacks. I always warn my players that roll dice in a bunch that if you drop a one on the table I am going to assume it was the first attack.

Also, 5 ft shift uses up your swift action, no ki use in the same round.

Still, not intending to take away from Marlowe's victory, great job with the monk build!

Hey, BigDTBone. Thanks a bunch! I'll admit I was scared of your build at first. I had no idea about the iterative attack rule, so maybe Sean didn't either. Either way, that might have drastically changed a few things, as it seems I rolled ones on about half of my attacks. XD But, I'll go with Sean's ruling if you will. Either way, that was a REALLY fun fight, I think.

DoctorYesNinja wrote:
Hey, BigDTBone. Thanks a bunch! I'll admit I was scared of your build at first. I had no idea about the iterative attack rule, so maybe Sean didn't either. Either way, that might have drastically changed a few things, as it seems I rolled ones on about half of my attacks. XD But, I'll go with Sean's ruling if you will. Either way, that was a REALLY fun fight, I think.

I am happy to take Sean's ruling, however I may be mistaken on the natural 1 rule. I went into the PRD looking for it and didn't come up with anything. Maybe it was just a house rule we have used forever and ever. Anyway, great job!

Dark Archive

it's a house rule, and 5ft step is a free action.
Well done doc

So there were only 2 fights tonight? dam... im pretty sure mine was next :S

Also, did any of you understand that whole spellcraft check to be able to cast rule that occurred during rodrick and the unnamed hero's match? I nvr heard of anything about that...

Dark Archive

i think it was supposed to be a cast defensively check, one wasn't needed so the spell should have gone off.

Liberty's Edge

Great fight in both cases. I agree about the issue with the using a spellcraft check. The concentration check should've been caster level plus ability modifier, but even that was unecessary as he had been far enough away to not induce an attack of opportunity anyway.
Is it just me, or am I noticing a ton of paladins and monks so far? Only one definitive wizard and one other caster who we really don't know what he was. I think there might've been a fighter or 2, but it really is difficult to say.
I am still wondering how the monk in the last fight managed a +9 to damage. I can see pulling it off with 20 str + 2 str belt and +1 amulet of mighty fist and power attack, which could leave him with +9 to hit and + 9 to damage, but he never mentioned he was power attacking as the other character did. I'm fine with it, it led to a fantastic fight, I'm just surprised it wasn't mentioned or that he wouldn't switch out for a +10 to hit and +7 to damage all of those rounds he was missing.

The first fight was fantastic. It's a shame that he couldn't pull off a crit with the keen falchion, as it likely would've ended the fight in a single blow, but the triple threat peppering of attacks really did the trick from the monk did the trick.

Liberty's Edge

I hope my fight goes half as well as some of these others, but it will ultimately come down to the die rolls. Truthfully, see how many paladins are wandering around I'm not looking forward to round 2 even if I do make it through. Se la vie...

Great, the next fight is "Fabio VS Georgio"... I'm not sure I want to know the outcome. 'nuff said.

Dark Archive

it was just power attack.
+5STR, +4PA
Amulet was human bane not a +1

Liberty's Edge

I don't think that fits. Or at least the math seems off. He did use 4 Stunning fists, I guess he could've had a level in fighter, which would increase the AT Bonus high enough to get the - 2 to hit +4 to damage, but he was hiting with a +9 per hit. -2 to hit from a bases at of 4 + 5 for strengthwould be + 7 per hit, not +9. If it was Human bane the either th target wasn't human or the extra 2d6 damage vs humans was never applied. That extra 2d6 per hit would've decided the fight far more in the monks favor.

Well, paladins and monks were there because we all thought that all the others would make wizards... It's a real treat for fighters.

Kybryn wrote:
Great, the next fight is "Fabio VS Georgio"... I'm not sure I want to know the outcome. 'nuff said.


And actually, I'm Fabio, Giorgio is the name of the character (italian for George, like the christian dragonslayer).
I'm pretty sure I would loose against him with my one level of commoner, so I'm not so curious about the outcome too...


Well, just got the chance to watch Rodric vs Unnamed Hero's fight.

Poor monk, came up against the high AC, good save character he probably did not want to fight.

A couple of nitpicks, which seem to be carryovers from WHFRPG/Dark Heresy:

"spellcraft" checks? Concentration was decent, but no defensive casting was really necessary here. I doubt the Monk was evil, so there wouldn't have really been any difference, anyways.

Also (since there's likely more Monks coming up in the tourney)
Stunning Fist:

Stunning Fist (Combat)
You know just where to strike to temporarily stun a foe.

Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +8.

Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn). A stunned character drops everything held, can’t take actions, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.

Special: A monk receives Stunning Fist as a bonus feat at 1st level, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. A monk may attempt a stunning attack a number of times per day equal to his monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels he has in classes other than monk.

Not that it would have changed the outcome of this particular bout (Unnamed Hero hit on his first stunning attempt, IIRC), but would have allowed him to space them out a bit more through the fight.

Did anyone else see this fight in their minds when watching this vid?

Zephyre Al'dran wrote:

I just watched the battle between Villain and Doln, and have to take a small exception to how the combat was run.

I originally thought you had to do you charge from you starting position, but after reading the rules again, I really can't see anything preventing you from backing up and charging as he did in the match. Maybe some one else could further clarify this, but at the moment that actually looks legal.

You must charge directly to your target. Moving away from the target is not an option.

Movement During a Charge: You must move before your attack, not after. You must move at least 10 feet (2 squares) and may move up to double your speed directly toward the designated opponent. If you move a distance equal to your speed or less, you can also draw a weapon during a charge attack if your base attack bonus is at least +1.

Dark Archive

Melee Unarmed Strike +7 (1d8+7/20/x2)
Melee Vs Human Unarmed Strike +9 (1d8+9/20/x2)
Flurry of Blows Unarmed Strike +6/+6 (1d8+9/20/x2)
Flurry of Blows Vs Human Unarmed Strike +8/+8 (1d8+11+2d6/20/x2)

Flurry attack Brackdown: BAB+5, STR+5, -2Flurry, -2PA

Crysknife wrote:

Well, paladins and monks were there because we all thought that all the others would make wizards... It's a real treat for fighters.

Kybryn wrote:
Great, the next fight is "Fabio VS Georgio"... I'm not sure I want to know the outcome. 'nuff said.


And actually, I'm Fabio, Giorgio is the name of the character (italian for George, like the christian dragonslayer).
I'm pretty sure I would loose against him with my one level of commoner, so I'm not so curious about the outcome too...

Georgio's up against my character, Theodore bagwell ;)

Liberty's Edge

Jarred Henninger wrote:

Melee Unarmed Strike +7 (1d8+7/20/x2)

Melee Vs Human Unarmed Strike +9 (1d8+9/20/x2)
Flurry of Blows Unarmed Strike +6/+6 (1d8+9/20/x2)
Flurry of Blows Vs Human Unarmed Strike +8/+8 (1d8+11+2d6/20/x2)

Flurry attack Brackdown: BAB+5, STR+5, -2Flurry, -2PA

If you have a single level in monk, the maximum BAB you can have by 5th level is a +4 because a monk is on a 3/4 progression, and does not get an attack bonus at level one. Assuming 20 str the attacks should be as follows. Since he used Ki Pool, it had to be at least a 4th level monk, plus 1 level in some other fighter class.

Melee Unarmed (No Power Attack) +9 to hit 1d8+5 damage
Melee Unarmed (Power Attack) +7 to hit 1d8+9 to damage.
Melee Unarmed (No P Att, Target Human) +11 to hit 1d8+7 +2d6 damage.
Melee Unarmed (P Att, Target Human) +9 to hit 1d8+11 + 2d6 damage.

FOB (No P Att) +8/+8 1d8+5 damage
FOB (P Att) +6/+6 1d8+9 damage
FOB (No P Att, Target Human) +10/+10 1d8+7 +2d6 damage.
FOB (P Att, Target Human) +8/+8 1d8+11 +2d6 damage.

Keep in mind that monks only suffer a -1 penalty to hit with Flurry of blows and that disappears at 5th level.

Now I just looked at this again and your earlier post, but you could've taken a level in Ranger with human as you're favored enemy for just a +2 bonus to hit and damage. Is that what you meant by "Amulet was human bane not a +1"? If so, the scale above still works but we would not have seen the extra 2d6 of damage.

Dark Archive

It's my character so i know for a fact it's a full lvl 5 monk build.

A monks BAB is = to monk lvl when using flurry of blows
so when using flurry i have BAB of 5, which triggers power attack twice so -2, flurry also gives a -2 to attacks, and adding +5 from a 20 STR i get +6 to hit with flurry.

Monk: How does a monk's improved BAB when flurrying interact with feats like Power Attack and Combat Expertise, which have different effects depending on your BAB?

The monk uses his improved flurrying BAB to determine the effect of those feats.

—Sean K Reynolds, 07/08/11

FAQ Link

I meant i have a Human Bane Amulet of Mighty Fists, giving my unarmed and natural attacks the human bane property.

Jarred Henninger wrote:

I meant i have a Human Bane Amulet of Mighty Fists, giving my unarmed and natural attacks the human bane property.

Really nice idea, I considered if shy away from human because of favored enemy but decided that rangers would probably not be common. Even if I made a monk too, i didn't think about bane mighty amulet, that's a very good catch sir!

Crysknife wrote:
cdogg wrote:
cdogg wrote:
Crysknife wrote:

Got a C, I'm Fabio, the PC is Giorgio, and I don't remember who I'm up against, but if I remember correctly he was a B-.

Well, I thought there would be plenty of wizards, I guess it will be easy for a melee fighter to kill my character.
Im pretty sure your up against my character, theodore
What kind of character do u have? (im just curious, not as if i can make modifications...)

Hi, I've a monk4/cleric1, built mostly for having a great will save: as I said, I expected lot of will-targeting wizards, so I built to screw them.

Main idea is focus on stunning fist (wis 20) combined with 3 attacks with FoB and ki. Against fighters, the idea is to skirmish making use of my high speed, arc of lightning and obscuring mist/blind fight/high perception/healing spells. Deflect arrows for archers. Unfortunately I didn't take into account consumables (I thought they were banned, my bad).
So, I think I've decent chances against wizards, not so against fighters due to low to hit and not stellar AC.

Please, since I don't have easy access to youtube, may I ask you to alert me when the results are out and about the outcome of the fight?
Thank you and good luck!

Hey fabio. During the fight my character won initiative but u resisted his cause fear spell. then u cast command on me and I failed my save and lost the bout. Although this may be an error. What is the DC you set for your command spell?

Another one bites the dust, fleeing through the illusionary, non-existent arena walls. Could it be that this whole thing is an illusion? If the wall is an illusion, what is the Emporer sitting on? Is he actually flying? Or is he an illusion too? The plot keeps thickening.

No but seriously, fear should just cause you to keep running around the arena until it wares off.

Liberty's Edge

Look at it this way, those guys who ran away got to keep their lives. Everyone else has died rather brutally either due to Critical Hits or Coup de Gras.

@Jared = Ah, I see how it works out now. I never paid attention to that line in the flurry of blows, instead I usually just refer to the chart. But even with that, the attack bonus was still off by a either 1 point if your opponent was human, or 3 points if he wasn't. If he was human, you should've been doing and extra 2d6 per hit, which in this case could've decided the match in your favor, as you had hit him way more than he had connected with you.

Kybryn wrote:

Another one bites the dust, fleeing through the illusionary, non-existent arena walls. Could it be that this whole thing is an illusion? If the wall is an illusion, what is the Emporer sitting on? Is he actually flying? Or is he an illusion too? The plot keeps thickening.

No but seriously, fear should just cause you to keep running around the arena until it wares off.

The latest one didn't lose to Cause Fear, he lost to Command. The command could have been 'Surrender' or 'Yield'

wargamer wrote:
Kybryn wrote:

Another one bites the dust, fleeing through the illusionary, non-existent arena walls. Could it be that this whole thing is an illusion? If the wall is an illusion, what is the Emporer sitting on? Is he actually flying? Or is he an illusion too? The plot keeps thickening.

No but seriously, fear should just cause you to keep running around the arena until it wares off.

The latest one didn't lose to Cause Fear, he lost to Command. The command could have been 'Surrender' or 'Yield'

Not true, look up command options.

The arena area limit doesn't necessarily mean that that's where the walls are. Think of it like a Basketball court. You can go 'out of bounds' and not be in the stands. There's actually a significant amount of room between the court (or the fighting arena, in this case) and the stands where the audience is (or the walls, in this case). Just an idea.

DoctorYesNinja wrote:
The arena area limit doesn't necessarily mean that that's where the walls are. Think of it like a Basketball court. You can go 'out of bounds' and not be in the stands. There's actually a significant amount of room between the court (or the fighting arena, in this case) and the stands where the audience is (or the walls, in this case). Just an idea.

Yeah, I can see what your describing, although i've never seen an arena depicted that way. To me it's just the issue of balance. Fear and command in this case become terribly powerful. Why not just make them run away, or to the opposite corner of the arena until they snap out of it? I think that this would satisfy everyone.

I know what you mean. Admittedly if I had known it would be exactly like this, I would have built an enchanter geared towards making people run away, or maybe a bull-rusher or something. Keep in mind, though, that the arena's layout is going to change. So it might turn in to something where it's not feasible for the opponent to run away.

Hi cdogg, I was surprised by this fight, I never mentioned using command this way (I hadn't thought about an arena built this way): the idea was mainly to use the fall command. This one worked better.
The DC was 16, I heavily invested in WIS mainly for stunning fist. What was your save?
Now that combat is over, what kind of character was Theodore?

Kybryn wrote:
wargamer wrote:
Kybryn wrote:

Another one bites the dust, fleeing through the illusionary, non-existent arena walls. Could it be that this whole thing is an illusion? If the wall is an illusion, what is the Emporer sitting on? Is he actually flying? Or is he an illusion too? The plot keeps thickening.

No but seriously, fear should just cause you to keep running around the arena until it wares off.

The latest one didn't lose to Cause Fear, he lost to Command. The command could have been 'Surrender' or 'Yield'
Not true, look up command options.

Flee, I guess.

Crysknife wrote:

Hi cdogg, I was surprised by this fight, I never mentioned using command this way (I hadn't thought about an arena built this way): the idea was mainly to use the fall command. This one worked better.

The DC was 16, I heavily invested in WIS mainly for stunning fist. What was your save?
Now that combat is over, what kind of character was Theodore?

Kybryn wrote:
wargamer wrote:
Kybryn wrote:

Another one bites the dust, fleeing through the illusionary, non-existent arena walls. Could it be that this whole thing is an illusion? If the wall is an illusion, what is the Emporer sitting on? Is he actually flying? Or is he an illusion too? The plot keeps thickening.

No but seriously, fear should just cause you to keep running around the arena until it wares off.

The latest one didn't lose to Cause Fear, he lost to Command. The command could have been 'Surrender' or 'Yield'
Not true, look up command options.
Flee, I guess.

Thats unfortunate. I guess sean made a mistake because theodore should have made his save. He is a halfling with 1lvl fighter 4 lvls bard. I gave him point blank shot and rapid shot as well as spell focus and greater spell focus (necromancy). So my tactic was to use blindness/deafness set at a high DC (CHA score = 20) or cause fear at high DC. With your massive Will save (+14! good job, not sure how u manage such a good save!) u saved against cause fear.

My characters Will save was +7, but due to his bardic ability well-versed he has a +4 vs language dependent spells (command is a language dependent spell). Therefore he should have had a +11 on his save. Sean rolled a 6 so I should have gotten a 17 on my save which would have been a success. I guess he didnt count in my well-versed ability... so my character ran out of the arena and lost. I don't mind losing, but it sux to be declared the loser when my character actually didnt lose...

U have been humble but your character build is actually quite solid. Im rooting for u in this competition! :)

cdogg wrote:

Thats unfortunate. I guess sean made a mistake because theodore should have made his save. He is a halfling with 1lvl fighter 4 lvls bard. I gave him point blank shot and rapid shot as well as spell focus and greater spell focus (necromancy). So my tactic was to use blindness/deafness set at a high DC (CHA score = 20) or cause fear at high DC. With your massive Will save (+14! good job, not sure how u manage such a good save!) u saved against cause fear.

Well, he hasn't, that's against enchantment thanks to still mind. He still has a +12 which would have been enough I think (can't see the dice on my phone). +12 is from high wis, good saves from both monk and cleric and cloak of resistance.


My characters Will save was +7, but due to his bardic ability well-versed he has a +4 vs language dependent spells (command is a language dependent spell). Therefore he should have had a +11 on his save. Sean rolled a 6 so I should have gotten a 17 on my save which would have been a success. I guess he didnt count in my well-versed ability... so my character ran out of the arena and lost. I don't mind losing, but it sux to be declared the loser when my character actually didnt lose...

What a pity!!

I see why Sean got it wrong though: I've played a couple of bards and NEVER got to use the well-versed ability, it's the kind of ability that's easy to forget in combat.


U have been humble but your character build is actually quite solid. Im rooting for u in this competition! :)

Thanks! I still think it lacks offensive power but we'll see, good luck for the next time!

EDIT: I just wanted to add that I like the idea behind your build, going for bard was definitely a nice idea, since you got the save or lose spells even without going wizard. Halfling was another nice touch!

Crysknife and Cdogg, you guys are getting a rematch! Very cool. Good luck to you both, this should be fun.

DoctorYesNinja wrote:
Crysknife and Cdogg, you guys are getting a rematch! Very cool. Good luck to you both, this should be fun.


cdogg wrote:
DoctorYesNinja wrote:
Crysknife and Cdogg, you guys are getting a rematch! Very cool. Good luck to you both, this should be fun.

Good luck fabio

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