WA, Seattle - Pathfinder (Rise of the Runelords) and other stuff

Gamer Connection

Looking for a few players that want to get in on a Rise of the Runelord game I'm going to start running soon (as early as this Sunday if I can get the interest up). Probably be a once a month type of thing.
We're a bunch of mid 20 to 30 year olds. We mostly play in Redmond and North Seattle.


This is interesting. I live in Kirkland and have been wanting to play RotRL for years.

What info do you need from me?

Darksmokepuncher wrote:

This is interesting. I live in Kirkland and have been wanting to play RotRL for years.

What info do you need from me?

Maybe just an experience level and availability, I guess?


I run a group for Pathfinder on Saturday nights. I'm fairly available, just depends on time of meeting.

I've played and run games for 8 years. I have a background in English Literature and Theater. You can see several examples of my character by looking through my aliases.

Feel free to write here or PM or email me any other questions or concerns you may have.

It sounds interesting! I live in Lynnwood, but unfortunately I lack a reliable mode of transportation, otherwise I'd apply for admission.

Grand Lodge

Are you guys still looking for players? I live in Edmonds. What day/time do you play?

I'm actually interested as well. If there's still room, I can find my way out there.

So, I'm also looking to get into a game in Seattle. Is there anything out there that's looking for an extra player? (I also DM as well, but I'd rather get my feet wet as a player first)

I've been playing RPGs for over 20 years but new to Pathfinder, specifically. I've heard good things about it-- its been described to me as "what 3.5" should have been. So, I'm looking to give it a shot.

I'm in my 40s. I'm reasonably well-socialized and play well with others. More of a RPer than a "roll player" but I do appreciate a nice dramatic combat.

I'm looking for something in the seattle area on weekends but failing that, something that I can get to on a single bus or via carpool.

Feel free to send me a PM if you're looking for someone to round out your table! Thanks!

I feel like I should throw in my hat as well, though I can see that this thread is getting crowded. I'm a recent college graduate and in search of a Seattle pathfinder group. I've played pathfinder for a year and a half. Living in Shoreline, WA and drive to Redmond for work.

I can play and GM pathfinder as well as a handful of other games I have stories written up for. I live in Everett and there are two game stores, Gameshire and Wishes, that I can run from. I'm available most days after noon but not past 7. Sundays and Thursdays I could run later.

The Exchange

Just thought I would throw in an advertisement here for a game I'm hoping to start up soon. I'm looking for some experienced Pathfinder players to play through the Slumbering Tsar Saga. I've got a couple people lined up so far, it's a published campaign on the more difficult side, which starts at level 7 and takes you through level 20 and possibly beyond.

The two players I have so far and I are all mature and social, we all like to strive for that mythical balance where characters are both role played well, and moderately optimized. Likewise we like players who can take a joke and have fun at the session, but who are still able to focus on the game and respect one the time we all take to get together and play

I live and work in Redmond, and that's where we will be playing, but anybody willing to travel is welcome to join. If you are interested, PM me or email me at zuckussand4.lom (at) gmail (dot) com and let me know what your availability is.

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