
Ezberron's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Sneak attack doesn't matter if it's a main-hand weapon or a off-hand weapon.

So, yes, assuming the target qualifies for sneak attack damage (flanked, flat-footed, etc) both weapons can do sneak attack damage if they hit.

So, I'm also looking to get into a game in Seattle. Is there anything out there that's looking for an extra player? (I also DM as well, but I'd rather get my feet wet as a player first)

I've been playing RPGs for over 20 years but new to Pathfinder, specifically. I've heard good things about it-- its been described to me as "what 3.5" should have been. So, I'm looking to give it a shot.

I'm in my 40s. I'm reasonably well-socialized and play well with others. More of a RPer than a "roll player" but I do appreciate a nice dramatic combat.

I'm looking for something in the seattle area on weekends but failing that, something that I can get to on a single bus or via carpool.

Feel free to send me a PM if you're looking for someone to round out your table! Thanks!