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I wish to build a Divine Unarmed fighter focused on unarmed combat for my backup character in case of death. Requirements are pretty much that he needs to be able to tank well.
Anyone have any ideas?
~Campaign notes~
Carrion Crown Campaign (early third book)
Level 7
25 point buy
1 Trait
Currently I'm thinking of Monk 1/Paladin 6.

wraithstrike |

You will probably have to go TWF to make it work. Ranger might work, but you will probably have to redo the fluff if you don't care for rangers.
I would skip the monk and just go paladin if you want to use a paladin. Be prepared to use all of your feats or at least most of them on the TWF fighting tree though.

Joyd |

Few quick questions -
Do you care about whether or not the character wears medium/heavy armor, or is that part of the concept mutable?
What aspects being being "divine" do you care about? Healing and support magic? Potency against the undead? Fluff? Any character can be devoted to a deity. Do you have a deity in mind?

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Few quick questions -
Do you care about whether or not the character wears medium/heavy armor, or is that part of the concept mutable?
Preference is for little or no armor, mostly for fluff reasons, perhaps I could just get glamered armor for that, then I wouldn't have to put so much emphasis on Dexterity and Wisdom.
What aspects being being "divine" do you care about? Healing and support magic? Potency against the undead? Fluff?
Mostly Fluff. I need to be able to tank (our other "tank" is impossible to hit but returns fire like a small child and thus most monsters ignore him, and the rest of the party is relatively soft)
Any character can be devoted to a deity. Do you have a deity in mind?
No deity currently in mind, preference on a good one, or one that can be horribly mistaken as good in a comical manner. Alternatively just the general idea of "good".

wraithstrike |

I would go with glamered armor. It also allows you to not spread your stats so thin. If you are going with a two weapon build strength will be important, and the monsters will ignore you two if you can't bypass DR.
Honestly I would go with the cestus since there is no way to bypass DR by RAW using unarmed attack.

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I'd go Inquisitor/Monk over Paladin/Monk, at least if your GM is willing to apply Bane to all your unarmed strikes. Much better stat synergy. Heck, even if he's not willing to do that, you can go Master Of Many Styles and skip out on the Flurry for Style Feats (many of which are rather effective...Dragon Style plus Elemental Fist looks pretty fun, for example, especially stacked with Bane).
You can go Conversion Inquisition if you still want to be party face and have stats like this by 7th:
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 7

Thomas Long 175 |
I would go with glamered armor. It also allows you to not spread your stats so thin. If you are going with a two weapon build strength will be important, and the monsters will ignore you two if you can't bypass DR.
Honestly I would go with the cestus since there is no way to bypass DR by RAW using unarmed attack.
Actually the Martial Artist Monk can. I would suggest this character for this very reason, since you can pump its ac and with weapon finesse and an amulet of mighty fists (agile) you can get your dex bonus to damage and to hit
Exploit Weakness (Ex)
At 4th level, as a swift action, a martial artist can observe a creature or object to find its weak point by making a Wisdom check and adding his monk level against a DC of 10 + the object’s hardness or the target’s CR. If the check succeeds, the martial artist gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls until the end of his turn, and any attacks he makes until the end of his turn ignore the creature or object’s DR or hardness. A martial artist may instead use this ability as a swift action to analyze the movements and expressions of one creature within 30 feet, granting a bonus on Sense Motive checks and Reflex saves and a dodge bonus to AC against that opponent equal to 1/2 his monk level until the start of his next turn.
This ability replaces ki pool.
Further you could try something like a druid for the further stat increases from wild shape. Talk to your dm see if you can find a totem animal that will fit your god, kinda a symbol of him you can turn into