Monk abilities and an animated shield?

Rules Questions

I am curious if there is any input on whether or not an animated shield would strip a monk of its abilities while it is hovering in front of the monk.

Currently the SRD says this about the animated quality:

Animated: As a move action, an animated shield can be loosed to defend its wielder on its own. For the following 4 rounds, the shield grants its bonus to the one who loosed it and then drops. While animated, the shield provides its shield bonus and the bonuses from all of the other shield special abilities it possesses, but it cannot take actions on its own, such as those provided by the bashing and blinding abilities. It can, however, use special abilities that do not require an action to function, such as arrow deflection and reflecting. While animated, a shield shares the same space as the activating character and accompanies the character who activated it, even if the character moves by magical means. A character with an animated shield still takes any penalties associated with shield use, such as armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, and nonproficiency. If the wielder who loosed it has an unoccupied hand, she can grasp it to end its animation as a free action. Once a shield has been retrieved, it cannot be animated again for at least 4 rounds. This property cannot be added to a tower shield.

And says this about Monks:

When wearing armor, using a shield, or carrying a medium or heavy load, a monk loses his AC bonus, as well as his fast movement and flurry of blows abilities.

The question is, when you have an animated shield activated for 4 rounds hovering in front of you, is it still considered being "used"?


"A character with an animated shield still takes any penalties associated with shield use"

The key is, "A character with an animated shield still takes any penalties associated with shield use, such as armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, and nonproficiency."

Is losing AC bonus/fast movement/flurry of blows a penalty for using a shield? If yes, then you take the penalty.

Caoulhoun wrote:
A character with an animated shield still takes any penalties associated with shield use, such as armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, and nonproficiency.

The game definition of penalty is a numerical value that is subtracted from a check or statistical score.

By this wording, the above quote doesn't directly apply to the monk abilities.

Using the regular English definition of penalty (consequence or disadvantage), losing your AC bonus, fast movement, and flurry would certainly qualify as a penalty associated with shield use.

Caoulhoun wrote:
when you have an animated shield activated for 4 rounds hovering in front of you, is it still considered being "used"?

I believe that is the intent.

James Jacobs' post here makes it fairly clear that the shield is still getting in your way and taking some of your concentration. A non-proficient monk would be taking the armor check penalty to his attacks, so it makes sense that it would affect anything else that gets limited by a shield.

Grick wrote:

James Jacobs' post here makes it fairly clear that the shield is still getting in your way and taking some of your concentration. A non-proficient monk would be taking the armor check penalty to his attacks, so it makes sense that it would affect anything else that gets limited by a shield.

Grick, do you think it matters if the monk is proficient? I would think even with a level of fighter, the penalty would still apply.

edit: and by penalty, I mean that he'd lose flurry, ac bonus, etc...

course wrote:
Grick, do you think it matters if the monk is proficient?

No, I was just using that to show how the animated shield still involves the person using it. If the shield was aware enough to not cause any check penalty, hamper attacks, or disrupt spellcasting, it would be a lot more reasonable to not get in the way of monking things.

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