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Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

About Big Ern

"Big Ern" Krakenov
male human barbarian 1/alchemist 1

Alignment: chaotic something
Region: Rostland
Age: 27 (adult)


Hit Points: 22 [12 + 6 + 2*2 con]
AC 18 [+6 armor, +2 dex], Touch 12, Flat 15
Initiative: +2
BAB/CMB: +1/+6 [+1 bab, +5 str]
CMD: 18 [+1 bab, +5 str, +2 dex]
Speed: 30 ft (40 ft unarmored)
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will -1 [base +4/+2/+0] (+2 vs. fear)

greataxe (1d12+7, x3), +6 [+1 bab, +5 str]
greataxe + PA (1d12+10, x3), +5 [+1 bab, +5 str, -1 pa]
greataxe + PA + rage OR mutagen (1d12+13, x3), +7 [+1 bab, +7 str, -1 pa]
greataxe + PA + rage AND mutagen (1d12+16, x3), +9 [+1 bab, +9 str, -1 pa]
javelin (1d6+5, x2), +3 [+1 bab, +2 dex]
bomb (1d6+3 or 4, x2,), +4 touch [+1 bab, +2 dex, +1 competence]

Armor: breastplate

Extra Rage [1st]
Power Attack [human]
Brew Potion [alch 1]
Throw Anything [alch 1]

Courageous (+2 to saves vs. fear)
Rostlander (+1 to Fort saves)

Racial and Class Abilities:
Rage (12 rounds/day)
Bombs (1d6+3, 4/day)
Mutagen (+4 Str, -2 Int)
Fast movement +10'
Favored class (alchemist)
Mapmaker (geography is a class skill, 1 skill pt./level for craft: maps)

Extracts Prepared
Level 1 [DC 14]: Shield, Cure Light Wounds

Formula Book
Level 1: Enlarge Person, Shield, Cure Light Wounds, True Strike, Comprehend Languages

Skills [8 barb, 8 alch, 1 maps]
Armor Check Penalty: -4
Appraise +8 [2 ranks, +3 class, +3 int]
Craft (alchemy) +9 [2 ranks, +4 class, +3 int]
Craft (maps) +7 [1 rank, +3 class, +3 int]
Acrobatics +3 [2 ranks, +3 class, +2 dex, -4 acp]
Knowledge (nature) +8 [2 ranks, +3 class, +3 int]
Knowledge (geography) +7 [1 rank, +3 int, +3 class skill]
Perception +3 [1 rank, +3 class, -1 wis]
Spellcraft +8 [2 ranks, +3 class, +3 int]
Climb +6 [2 ranks, +3 class, +5 str, -4 acp]
Survival +4 [2 ranks, +3 class, -1 wis]

Languages: Common (Taldan), Sylvan, Dwarven, Giant

Other Items [250 gp starting]: breastplate [200 gp], alchemist component pouch [? 5 gp], formula book [free], greataxe [20 gp], 3 javelins [3 gp], explorer's outfit [free], sap [1 gp], backpack [2 gp], 50' of hemp rope [1 gp], tinderbox [1 gp], 2 sunrods [4 gp], 3 waterskins [3 gp], inkpen and ink [8.1 gp], 2 sheets of parchment [.4 gp], 5 pitons [.5 gp], hammer [.5 gp], winter blanket [5 gp]

166 gp (cash reward for kobolds)

Big Ern and his brothers are woodcutters in the southern forests of Rostland. Ern is a pretty lousy woodsman (he likes to drink and fight more than doing actual work), so by mutual agreement he has been nominated to join the expeditionary forces in the hopes of grabbing a nice chunk of land for the Krakenov brothers.

When not belching, farting, drinking, fighting, or scratching himself, Big Ern likes to brew rotgut liquor; some of his concoctions even have magical powers, although that's a science he's still in the process of learning.