Neutralize Poison clarification

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

I have a question about the second paragraph of this spell listing. If you cast this spell before you're exposed to the poison and are then poisoned (during the 10 mins./level duration of the spell), what happens? Are you immune to any poison you are subjected to for the duration of the spell, are you immune only if you make the caster level check against the DC of the poison, if this caster level check fails do you get a regular saving throw just as if you hadn't cast this spell and were unwarded? The spell never defines what it means by "neutralized". In fact, it uses the language "cured creature". Also, "temporary" seems to refer to poisons with an onset time. Very confusing.

Erich L wrote:
I have a question about the second paragraph of this spell listing. If you cast this spell before you're exposed to the poison and are then poisoned (during the 10 mins./level duration of the spell), what happens?

The second paragraph of neutralize poison refers to casting the spell on a poisonous creature, like a snake. By neutralizing the poison in the snake, if the snake bites someone, they don't get poisoned.

Basically, you have two options.

A) You can cast it on a friend who was poisoned, to try to cure the poison that's afflicting them. (CL check)

B) Alternately, you can cast it on a snake, or a bottle of poison, or the needles inside a trap, which makes it not poisonous for a time. (Will save)

Lantern Lodge

Now that I reread the paragraph it's clear to me. Thanks, Grick, for clarifying it up for me...

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