Trying to make a Final Fantasy style dragoon character under Pathfinder rules. There are several ways thematically to play this, the Cavalier gets the Order of the Dragon, the Paladin gets Oath Against the Wyrm, and the Fighter gets an actual Dragoon archetype, and I'm sure there's several other things I'm overlooking, all of which I think are great. However, the main thing that's missing is the Jump ability. Is there some way to simulate this? I was thinking that maybe you could just make an acrobatics check for a charge type attack or something, but is there any mechanic to make this feasible/allowable?
My second question is about getting a Wyvern or Dragon or some other draconic type creature as a bonded mount/animal companion. Strictly by RAW, is this allowable without pleading to the GM?
Thank you for your help.

Threeshades |

I don't know what dragoons are like in Final Fantasy, I'm pretty there are feats however that let you improve your charge with acrobatics.
And no dragon types are not really available as companions for any classes. The closest would either be the Leadership feat, which might allow you to take a dragon type creature as a cohort at higher levels or you get summoner levels and make yourself a dragon-like eidolon, which however is not truly a dragon nor would it be suitable as mount unless you make a small sized character or go quite a few levels into summoner.
With leadership you can get a Wyvern cohort but you need a leadership score of 14, which is calculated from your character level + charisma modifier + a few other beneficial or detrimental factors.
See the leadership feat for that. A Wyvern, according to the Bestiary counts as cohort level 10.
You can also have a young dragon which counts as cohort level = to 8+ the dragon's CR which equals to 14 for a white dragon (which is evil) or 15 for a brass dragon at minimum, which leaves you with a needed leadership score that most characters won't have before level 20.


@Threeshades - The leadership idea is cool, I didn't think of that. Comes a bit later than I want, but at least that way it's possible. Thanks.
@Odraude - I saw that, but I don't want to have to wait until level 15 to get it and still be restricted to jumping off my mount for it. Never seen that feat before, which fits perfectly. Great find, thanks.
@Izkrael - Unfortunately, my group is pretty strict on just Pathfinder rules, no 3rd party or anything. Thanks though.

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A dragoon was simply a sort of medium cavalry that also carried a carbine so that they could fight on foot if needed.
Back when Dragoon actually meant something!
Was excited for a thread about "mounted infantry" not this silly final fantasy nonsense!
(though a "Dragoon" was part of my final team in Final Fantasy 3)
Oh and as an actual answer I don't think anything will properly simulate the Dragoons Jump ability. You could potentially get a flying mount to pick you up and then drop you when you are above the enemy and land on top of them (bonus points for duel wielding polearms) but then you will suffer the fall damage. The system just isn't meant for the acrobatics that you see in Final Fantasy.