CaspianM |
I've been doing a lot of digging around with Cavaliers and I was wondering, what is the interaction with the crit multiplier with the multiplier from Spirited Charge? Is it not a crit multiplier so its a case of 3x damage x3 or does a crit only add another 2x damage in the way Pathfinder deals with crits?
Some call me Tim |
The same as any other time you multiply. The multipliers add.
"When you are asked to apply more than one multiplier to a roll, the multipliers are not multiplied by one another. Instead, you combine them into a single multiplier, with each extra multiple adding 1 less than its value to the first multiple. For example, if you are asked to apply a ×2 multiplier twice, the result would be ×3, not ×4. (PFRPG 12)"