Kindle Fire and Paizo Downloads


Grand Lodge

Does anyone know how to get your downloads from Paizo (this site) onto your Kindle Fire? I tried but it just doesn't seem to be working for me? Any suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Download to computer and transfer over USB?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

You'll find a number of suggestions here.

I personally would ignore any posts that recommend converting PDFs to mobi format, as that won't work very well with Paizo PDFs... though converting Paizo epubs to mobi format is fine.

(I deleted the similar post in the CS forum—there's no need to start multiple threads with the same question.)

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:

You'll find a number of suggestions here.

I personally would ignore any posts that recommend converting PDFs to mobi format, as that won't work very well with Paizo PDFs... though converting Paizo epubs to mobi format is fine.

(I deleted the similar post in the CS forum—there's no need to start multiple threads with the same question.)

Great thanks. I started two because I was unsure if it was a customer service question, in which case I expected it to be deleted or go unanswered. I should have known better with your companies reputation!

Liberty's Edge

Nacona wrote:
Does anyone know how to get your downloads from Paizo (this site) onto your Kindle Fire? I tried but it just doesn't seem to be working for me? Any suggestions?

Copy via USB, or email them to the email address associated with your Kindle Fire. I have my Fire hooked up by USB at this moment prepping for this weekend's game :)

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I've had no problems with transferring any/all of my Paizo PDFs from my laptop to my Kindle Fire via USB cable. I'm a big fan of the "Lite" versions of the .pdfs too now. I'm able to first download the zip/pdf from the Paizo website to my laptop just fine and then transfer them to the KF. I've been investigating using wifi transfer apps or remote desktop apps like Splashtop to facilitate getting rid of the USB cable between my laptop and KF.

However, I haven't been able to successfully download any files directly from the Paizo website onto my Kindle Fire. The KF just sits there saying "downloading" and never shows any progress or total size or time it will take to download the file.

Anyone have any success with downloading directly from Paizo with the KF or is this not possible?
Is this a Kindle Fire OS thing, KF browser thing or something else?
Or am I the only one with this problem?

Thanks for the info everyone.

Rovewin wrote:

I've had no problems with transferring any/all of my Paizo PDFs from my laptop to my Kindle Fire via USB cable. I'm a big fan of the "Lite" versions of the .pdfs too now. I'm able to first download the zip/pdf from the Paizo website to my laptop just fine and then transfer them to the KF. I've been investigating using wifi transfer apps or remote desktop apps like Splashtop to facilitate getting rid of the USB cable between my laptop and KF.

However, I haven't been able to successfully download any files directly from the Paizo website onto my Kindle Fire. The KF just sits there saying "downloading" and never shows any progress or total size or time it will take to download the file.

Anyone have any success with downloading directly from Paizo with the KF or is this not possible?
Is this a Kindle Fire OS thing, KF browser thing or something else?
Or am I the only one with this problem?

I'm having the same issue. Any ideas?

Lord Zeb wrote:
I'm having the same issue. Any ideas?

No ideas. It looks like they're looking into it. I'm following this thread and it's getting some attention.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Download and install the x-plore app and this will allow you to open and read the files in zip files. (Plus its a very nice file browser app)

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