The LGBT Gamer Community Thread.

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Hello, everyone! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted in this thread, getting adjusted to a new semester (and now it’s really time to start thinking about term papers, but it’s what passes for “Spring” Break up here in the frozen North next week, so I’m fairly optimistic), but I thought, in the spirit of trying to contribute to the happy thoughts that this thread often offers (especially after much of the last page or so), that I might share some recent, small personal triumphs. I hope that’s not too gloat-y! :)

So, first of all, I’ve been back (after an acceptable though far from entirely agreeable hiatus) on estrogen as well as anti-androgens for about a month now, with a schedule for follow-ups with my endocrinologist, and that’s been quite lovely. More recently, last week I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in an arts festival for queer folks at the school I’m currently attending. I read some silly poetry that I had been working on on and off, and had myself introduced as trans and lesbian. It was easily the most terrifying thing I’ve done in a long while, but it was a lot of fun, and in the event, with a highly sympathetic audience, … liberating? An immense relief? The right word escapes me at the moment.

On a note actually related to gaming, I thought I might as well ask, since I'm posting anyway, any other scribblers here if they’ve ever been really surprised by their characters. I’ve been thinking about a character I’ve been working on for a while for a Pathfinder game – a Calistrian warpriest – and it suddenly occurred to me that while I couldn’t see her fussing about much with jewelry, I could imagine that she had a good bit of enthusiasm for other small fancy things – interesting millinery, neat embroidery, ribbons, scarves… I wasn’t expecting it, but then I thought “the mithral hand in a velvet glove,” or the other way around, and now it just seems to make sense for her.

I am opposed to new classes! Core classes only!

...make it a calistrian Inquisitor....

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Qunnessaa wrote:
On a note actually related to gaming, I thought I might as well ask, since I'm posting anyway, any other scribblers here if they’ve ever been really surprised by their characters. I’ve been thinking about a character I’ve been working on for a while for a Pathfinder game – a Calistrian warpriest – and it suddenly occurred to me that while I couldn’t see her fussing about much with jewelry, I could imagine that she had a good bit of enthusiasm for other small fancy things – interesting millinery, neat embroidery, ribbons, scarves… I wasn’t expecting it, but then I thought “the mithral hand in a velvet glove,” or the other way around, and now it just seems to make sense for her.

I made a PFS halfling ex-slave who escaped from Cheliax. They're an earthbender a geoterrakineticist from the Occult Adventures Playtest, and the very first scenario I played them in was Slave Ships of Absalom. I hope it's not too spoiler-y to reveal that there are a lot of slavers in that one. :P Anyway, I was kind of surprised at just how visceral their reaction to dealing with slavers and slave-owners was (especially the ones that I wasn't allowed to kill because they were legal business people in a major city). I ended up shooting rocks all over people's offices and breaking their windows out of spite, and getting pretty rough with my interrogation. I was kind of questioning the NG alignment I wrote down...

If you wanted a consistent Classical neologism (not a Greek/Latin mash-up), you should have gone with geokineticist. :)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I personally think of it as such (when I don't just call them an earthbender), but the Playtest Official TM name is terrakineticist. Switching from "terra-" to "geo-" was one of the most common points of feedback in the class's discussion thread. :)

Silver Crusade

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U.S. Army considering plan that would make it harder to discharge transgender soldiers.

Things about biological sex/gender that most avid readers of this thread might already now, but still might be worth reading/showing to others.


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Evidence Supporting the Biological Nature of Gender Identity Very good review paper covering a wide range of examples supporting the current theory that internal gender identity is a fixed, biological trait, not subject to social factors.

Shadow Lodge

What is the Popes true feelings on TG/TS?

Rather sad given how much more enlightened he seems to be that prior Popes.

Jessica half Orc Pistoliero wrote:

What is the Popes true feelings on TG/TS?

Rather sad given how much more enlightened he seems to be that prior Popes.

About the best I can hope for from Popes on Gender and LGBTQ issues is that they'll do what Francis said he'd do and shut up about it. I don't expect the Pope to convert the Church to an ally, but he could stop being an active enemy. Talk about economics and peace instead.

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I won't hold my breath. Liberals are falling all over this pope because he's said a few vaguely not-horrific things about gay people and seems to actually care about the poor (which doesn't get him any bonus points because caring about poor people is the minimum necessary criteria to be even a little bit convincing that you're even trying to live up to the anti-wealth agenda set forth in the gospels).

He's still a reactionary, patriarchal, hypocritical, sex-phobic, misogynist a*!@~#+. He's just a little less overt about it compared to previous popes, and somehow progressives are fighting over who gets to bake him the most cookies for not being quite as far away from basic human decency as Ratzinger.

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Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:

I won't hold my breath. Liberals are falling all over this pope because he's said a few vaguely not-horrific things about gay people and seems to actually care about the poor (which doesn't get him any bonus points because caring about poor people is the minimum necessary criteria to be even a little bit convincing that you're even trying to live up to the anti-wealth agenda set forth in the gospels).

He's still a reactionary, patriarchal, hypocritical, sex-phobic, misogynist a%#%$#%. He's just a little less overt about it compared to previous popes, and somehow progressives are fighting over who gets to bake him the most cookies for not being quite as far away from basic human decency as Ratzinger.

As I said, talking about the poor and not talking about gay people and sex in general would be a major improvement. Enough for me to be quite happy with him.

I don't expect miracles.

Actually caring about the poor may be the minimum set forth in the gospels, but it's not like it's been a common trait for Popes.

Silver Crusade

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When discussing the Pope, thejeff wrote:-

'I don't expect miracles'.

This amuses me. : )

At first he made me want to get closer to my Catholic roots, but I just can't. Still take part in ceremony because of time honored tradition, but actually believe? It just doesn't add up with my knowledge of science and history.

Did anyone else see the announcement from the group at paying D&D with porn stars?

Edit, I hope it doesn't offend anyone, the blog is definitely nsfw, but they have a hell of a great stand on the issue at hand

How about a link? There's no rule against linking to NSFW things on the board.

Silver Crusade

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
How about a link? There's no rule against linking to NSFW things on the board.


Liberty's Edge Contributor

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Terquem wrote:

Did anyone else see the announcement from the group at paying D&D with porn stars?

Edit, I hope it doesn't offend anyone, the blog is definitely nsfw, but they have a hell of a great stand on the issue at hand

While I support acknowledging trans people as human beings, I think it's important to point out that the owner of Playing D&D with porn Stars has a history of harassing and stalker people online, including at least one Paizo employee.

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So for those that don't know: Basically The Escapist, a game news site, has been very supportive of "GamerGate", which is basically an anti-feminist and generally misogynistic harassment campaign filled with right-wing extremists. The Escapists' latest actions have been firing all employees that are against GamerGate, and hiring two GamerGaters; both have said disgusting things all over the place, but one of them in particular has been unusually transphobic, even for a group like that.

Now, Zak S, the guy that does D&D with Pornstars, and who's a serial stalker and harasser and generally disgusting creepy guy, has decided to stop all cooperation with the Escapist and stated the reason that he won't accept them hiring an ideological transphobe.

TBF, this says a lot more about the Escapist than Zak; as someone on reddit said:

someone on reddit wrote:
When Zak frikkin' S. thinks you're too toxic to be associated with it's time for some deep reflection.

Rysky wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
How about a link? There's no rule against linking to NSFW things on the board.

Ya rly.

Now, since apparently the site is not safe for things other than work (like common decency and respect for trans people and so forth) I retract the request for a link. No reason to drive up their google ranking.

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Rysky wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
How about a link? There's no rule against linking to NSFW things on the board.

In that case, read the latest Oglaf. Just remember to click the next page button to the right, because the story is two pages. Also, VERY NSFW (sexies). Hilarious, though, and I love the casual acceptance of homosexuality in the strip.

Oglaf is awesome. Lots of other webcomics have really great celebration of sexual diversity, often treating it as completely normal. Just earlier today I noticed that a recent OotS strip implied that Haley is bisexual and has dated women in the past:

A flesh golem type thing made from a female body attacks her and a friend.

Friend: "Old girlfriend?"

Haley: "Nah, I had much better taste in girls than that!"


I've never noticed any indication of this previously (maybe I just didn't see it, it's been a while since I read the archives of that strip) and as far as I can tell she's been dating Elan since the beginning of the story.

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Man that's kind of a shame. I was just introduced to Playing D&D With Porn Stars from the Alexandrian's talk about Vornheim and Urban Crawls too...

Also, hey, I'm back. I actually have time now to do stuff on Paizo again!

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During Haley's aphasia, one of her "mental ghosts" was called "Haley's Latent Bisexuality" and, whilst attempting to confess her love to Elan, she cries out that she's kissed a girl... okay, more than once!

(I have been reading OotS since episode 100 or so.)

Today is one of those days that has really gotten me down. I just feel after fighting (again) with my mother over trivial crap that if I had a choice I wouldn't be the gay man I am. I am so sick of being yelled at by both my parents. I'm sick of the blind hatred of my step-father. I'm sick of all the hateful comments I see on any political news site I go to. Or even online movie reviews of all things. I'm sick of the awkwardness that inevitably happens when ever I meet someone new and they find out I'm gay. I'm sick of all the people who want denounce my marriage to my husband or think it's their business to comment on it. I just really tired of it all today. These days really suck.

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The Minis Maniac wrote:
Today is one of those days that has really gotten me down. I just feel after fighting (again) with my mother over trivial crap that if I had a choice I wouldn't be the gay man I am. I am so sick of being yelled at by both my parents. I'm sick of the blind hatred of my step-father. I'm sick of all the hateful comments I see on any political news site I go to. Or even online movie reviews of all things. I'm sick of the awkwardness that inevitably happens when ever I meet someone new and they find out I'm gay. I'm sick of all the people who want denounce my marriage to my husband or think it's their business to comment on it. I just really tired of it all today. These days really suck.

I feel ya.


Take care.

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
How about a link? There's no rule against linking to NSFW things on the board.

I didn't post a link because I wasn't completely informed of the parties involved, I only heard about this issue from a Facebook Post by a person who posts in these forums that I follow (Gender Roleplay)

I had no idea the blogger was an online stalker and harasser. I hope I didn't cause any hurt by mentioning the story

I don't understand trans/homo/gender queer phobia, and the hatred that usual is found with it. I really don't.

Odraude wrote:

Man that's kind of a shame. I was just introduced to Playing D&D With Porn Stars from the Alexandrian's talk about Vornheim and Urban Crawls too...

Also, hey, I'm back. I actually have time now to do stuff on Paizo again!

I had no idea D&D with Porn Stars was even still around. I knew of a few people in adult entertainment into tabletop stuff, but I have not had contact with them in many, many years. Certainly had no idea the person in the site was something of a stalker? That's news to me, and something I would have to find out more about- then again I really, really dont' follow much online happenings due to my avoidance of facebook, twitter and the like.


Terquem wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
How about a link? There's no rule against linking to NSFW things on the board.

I didn't post a link because I wasn't completely informed of the parties involved, I only heard about this issue from a Facebook Post by a person who posts in these forums that I follow (Gender Roleplay)

I had no idea the blogger was an online stalker and harasser. I hope I didn't cause any hurt by mentioning the story

I don't understand trans/homo/gender queer phobia, and the hatred that usual is found with it. I really don't.

I don't get why people think yelling at someone/threatening them with violence is going to get them to change something so fundamental as their sexuality.

Nebraska supreme court is closer to a ruling on gay marriage. Should be a ruling in the next day or so!

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Freehold DM wrote:
Terquem wrote:
Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
How about a link? There's no rule against linking to NSFW things on the board.

I didn't post a link because I wasn't completely informed of the parties involved, I only heard about this issue from a Facebook Post by a person who posts in these forums that I follow (Gender Roleplay)

I had no idea the blogger was an online stalker and harasser. I hope I didn't cause any hurt by mentioning the story

I don't understand trans/homo/gender queer phobia, and the hatred that usual is found with it. I really don't.

I don't get why people think yelling at someone/threatening them with violence is going to get them to change something so fundamental as their sexuality.

1) It's not, any more than yelling at or threatening people with violence will get them to change their skin color. It might however get them to go away and thus confirm that you're more potent than them.


2) The people doing so don't believe it's fundamental, but that it's just some weird perverse choice.

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It is a good thing that, while getting acceptance for other things being biological with us humans is difficult, the idea that our sexuality is biologically determined is spreading.

As for the idea that it is a choice... seriously, what would the motivation be? "I need to decide if I am straight or gay... hmmm, either I choose to be straight, with no particular problems relating to this... no, I think I will become gay instead, with all the ill will and poor understanding that comes with being gay! Brilliant!" It is also heartwrenching to hear what some of the anti-gay campaigners say... "We must all stand firm against the temptation of committing homosexual acts!!!1" Somehow, I think there is a problem there...

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The Minis Maniac wrote:
Today is one of those days that has really gotten me down. I just feel after fighting (again) with my mother over trivial crap that if I had a choice I wouldn't be the gay man I am. I am so sick of being yelled at by both my parents. I'm sick of the blind hatred of my step-father. I'm sick of all the hateful comments I see on any political news site I go to. Or even online movie reviews of all things. I'm sick of the awkwardness that inevitably happens when ever I meet someone new and they find out I'm gay. I'm sick of all the people who want denounce my marriage to my husband or think it's their business to comment on it. I just really tired of it all today. These days really suck.

Someone famous said "Family is an accident of DNA" or the like.

Don't feel obligated to subject yourself to pain just because you are related.

Especially if you're NOT related.

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Sissyl wrote:
seriously, what would the motivation be? "I need to decide if I am straight or gay... hmmm, either I choose to be straight, with no particular problems relating to this... no, I think I will become gay instead, with all the ill will and poor understanding that comes with being gay! Brilliant!"

Actually, for some people - me included - it is possible to consciously affect our preferences. Not like "well today I'm gonna be straight", but if I'm mostly around nice guys I'll get less attracted sexually to women (including, like, total strangers and fantasies etc) and vice versa.

So when I basically only socialized with women, I was pretty much only into women sexually. When I only socialized with men, I was pretty much only into men.

Since I've learned this, I could shift around my sexuality if I wanted to through who I associate with, but the question is: Why would I? Even if sexuality was 100% conscious choice for every person, there's still no reason to chastice people for their sexuality.

Granted, I've always been mostly attracted to people with an androgynous gender expression regardless of their gender or body type. I have no idea if those things are related though.

Freehold DM wrote:
Odraude wrote:

Man that's kind of a shame. I was just introduced to Playing D&D With Porn Stars from the Alexandrian's talk about Vornheim and Urban Crawls too...

Also, hey, I'm back. I actually have time now to do stuff on Paizo again!

I had no idea D&D with Porn Stars was even still around. I knew of a few people in adult entertainment into tabletop stuff, but I have not had contact with them in many, many years. Certainly had no idea the person in the site was something of a stalker? That's news to me, and something I would have to find out more about- then again I really, really dont' follow much online happenings due to my avoidance of facebook, twitter and the like.


Good to be back. Schedule is crazy with school and work. Though I'm pretty far into the courses now, making awesome foods.

Scarab Sages

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The Minis Maniac wrote:
Today is one of those days that has really gotten me down. I just feel after fighting (again) with my mother over trivial crap that if I had a choice I wouldn't be the gay man I am. I am so sick of being yelled at by both my parents. I'm sick of the blind hatred of my step-father. I'm sick of all the hateful comments I see on any political news site I go to. Or even online movie reviews of all things. I'm sick of the awkwardness that inevitably happens when ever I meet someone new and they find out I'm gay. I'm sick of all the people who want denounce my marriage to my husband or think it's their business to comment on it. I just really tired of it all today. These days really suck.

*Hugs* I hope you will always find strength and happiness in abundance to fight off these days.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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It's Not That "It Gets Better," It's That Heterosexuality is Worse

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mechaPoet wrote:
It's Not That "It Gets Better," It's That Heterosexuality is Worse


That said, this rings very true:

That article linked above wrote:

We have been encouraged by the mainstream gay and lesbian movement to spread the word to straight people (and then internalize for ourselves) that being queer is very, very hard, and that this fact is very, very sad. One of the most popular gay and lesbian retorts to the homophobic assertion that gays should quit their shenanigans and choose heterosexuality is: “my god, don’t you think I would do that if I could? Who would choose a life of discrimination and homophobia? No rational person would do that, and ergo, I must have been born this way.”

Sovereign Court

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I suppose I should pop in to mention that I'm a gamer and I'm bisexual.

Also, the article above is pretty spot-on. Honestly, If I actually had a choice (which I didn't) I don't think I'd have gone with anything other than bi.

Not that I can really take advantage of it much, as I have no idea how to tell if a guy is interested in other guys beyond actually being told so.

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I don't care for the article, but that probably has more to do with the approach than the topics mentioned.

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Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
I don't care for the article, but that probably has more to do with the approach than the topics mentioned.

The article is thought-provoking. It glosses over the genuine adversity that many LGBT people face, though. It feels like the author is coming from a relatively privileged environment and expanding it to others. It also seems awfully condescending to straight people.

That said, there are a few interesting points, and I agree that if I had the opportunity to change my orientation, I would not.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
At first he made me want to get closer to my Catholic roots, but I just can't. Still take part in ceremony because of time honored tradition, but actually believe? It just doesn't add up with my knowledge of science and history.

Christopher Langan has been described as the smartest man in the world with an IQ that is somewhere between 195 and 210 and is a scientist and a christian (or theist). there are also other Philosophers like Alvin Plantinga, William Lane Craig.

There are also famous christian scientist like Lawrence Krauss, Robert Coleman Richardson, Colin Blakemore, Peter Atkins, and Robert Foley who is a Professor of Human Evolution and many others and they don't think there is much of a conflict between science and religion.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

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Removed a post. I hope it is understood that making broad generalizations/making stereotypical remarks about any gender is not at all appropriate in this thread. Expressing your preferences and experiences is OK, but be cognizant of others in the conversation.

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Reuters wrote:
"The definition of marriage is an issue for the people of Nebraska, and an activist judge should not substitute his personal political preferences for the will of the people," Governor Pete Ricketts said in a statement.

LOL@activist judge.

wikipedia wrote:
In 2003-05, Bataillon heard Citizens for Equal Protection v. Bruning, a federal constitutional challenge to Nebraska Initiative Measure 416, a voter initiative constitutional amendment that prohibited Nebraska from recognizing same-sex marriages or unions. In November, 2005, Bataillon ruled that Initiative Measure 416 was unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause, the First Amendment, and the Contract Clause's prohibition on bills of attainder. Bataillon became the first judge in the U.S. to invalidate a state marriage amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman on federal constitutional grounds. In July, 2006, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit reversed his decision on all three arguments and held that "laws limiting the state-recognized institution of marriage to heterosexual couples ... do not violate the Constitution of the United States."

Consistent != activist.

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Kryzbyn wrote:
Reuters wrote:
"The definition of marriage is an issue for the people of Nebraska, and an activist judge should not substitute his personal political preferences for the will of the people," Governor Pete Ricketts said in a statement.

LOL@activist judge.

wikipedia wrote:
In 2003-05, Bataillon heard Citizens for Equal Protection v. Bruning, a federal constitutional challenge to Nebraska Initiative Measure 416, a voter initiative constitutional amendment that prohibited Nebraska from recognizing same-sex marriages or unions. In November, 2005, Bataillon ruled that Initiative Measure 416 was unconstitutional under the Equal Protection Clause, the First Amendment, and the Contract Clause's prohibition on bills of attainder. Bataillon became the first judge in the U.S. to invalidate a state marriage amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman on federal constitutional grounds. In July, 2006, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit reversed his decision on all three arguments and held that "laws limiting the state-recognized institution of marriage to heterosexual couples ... do not violate the Constitution of the United States."
Consistent != activist.

Activist == "Made ruling I didn't like"

Well, I can see him equating activist meaning "bypassing the will of the people", but in this case, the will of the people is unconstitutional, AND IT'S HIS JOB.

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