Lucendar |

Hey all! Players just finished prequel and we're ready to start the Council of Thieves AP in full when one of our players disappeared. Link to Thread.
Current group consists of: 2 rogues, cleric, and inquisitor so some type of melee specialty is preferred but all concepts will be considered.
Submission: I am looking for a player who can post multiple times per day. Not looking for a number crunch unless that is your style, but a feel for the character's appearance, personality, and background (ties to Westcrown). I want the characters to be from Westcrown or have significant ties to it, as the campaign only works if you care about this place.
Mechanics: 1st level, max hps, 20 pt build, 2 traits (1 must be Campaign), average gold. No gunslinger, samurai, summoner, or ninja. Please post your timezone in your application. I am in the EST. Since I am only looking for one player, recruitment will close fairly quickly so don't wait till last minute. Any questions, let me know. Thanks!

Cairn Stern |

I'd love to reskin this character into a Fighter/Unbreakable archtype and maybe dipping into Cavalier depending on where the story goes. Wont be able to do crunch until this evening though.
In all appearances cairn resembles a chunk of granite. He's thick, stocky and planed in hard edges with the patience to wait for the same said rock to move out of his way. He never lets emotion guide his hand or rule his head. He had come to Westcrown only because it was his dying mother's wish. Something about restoring glory to his fallen house. He knew that his parents had lived in the metropolis some years ago but they rarely spoke of it and never in front of the neighbors. His father had evidently never made it out of the city and his mother woudlnt tell him the reason. She tried on her deathbed to relate the tale but her strength left her too soon. She handed him a careworn brooch and made him swear to the task. He saw her buried as proper as he could and mourned a more than suffecient time before heading to Westcrown. He entered the city with just a shread of hope and full of suspicion.
Im in EST as well. I can and often do post multiple times per day from roughly around 5 am to 10 pm.

Deacon Nesser |

Funnily enough, I built Deacon for a CoT game that I never got picked for.
He's a Melee focused (Arcane Duelist) which hopefully lines up with the group Mechanically as well as fluff. (I'm sure the rogues would like Inspire Courage)
I live in Queensland Australia so that's GMT +10. I LIVE on my computer both at work and home so can post multiple times, day or night every day (I like a fast posting game)
Hoping I make the cut.
Still 3rd level, but I'll take him back.

![]() |

All right, if you will allow players running CoT and one playing in one of your other games, I have a Paladin of Shelyn concept for Council of Thieves that I have been kicking around for a long time. He could go human or tiefling depending on whether you want to consider tieflings with all of the baggage that goes with them in Westcrown. If you are considering them, let me know how you want to build them (B1, Infernal Bastard trait, Variant Heritages, Variant Abilities).

Caladius Rend |

Tieflings must take IB trait and roll on the 2 charts. Deacon, don't have access to prd right now. Can you give me stats for Nodachi?
Charts? ... looks at d20pfsrd... oooo! Charts!
In that case,1d10 ⇒ 9 (Qlippoth-Spawn +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2 Intelligence Rare in the extreme, the warped scions of the eldritch qlippoths retain the tenacity and insidiousness of their horrific forbears.)
1d100 ⇒ 55 (You are unnaturally sly, granting you a +2 racial bonus on all Sleight of Hands checks.)
Question though, the 2nd chart replaces the darkness racial ability, which is also lost through the IB campaign trait. Would that 2nd chart therefore replace the at-will cantrip from the campaign trait instead?

Andrzej Plamen |

Hi Lucendar, FW here again.
Rather than reskin one of previous alias, which didn't work for your Savage Tide - I hope to finish a brand spanking new fighter for this game.
It should be done later today, unless Liverpool lose to Everton in the FA Cup* and then I may forced to seek solace in the bottom of a pint.
* = soccer

Lucendar |

Sorry, I'm late, but was out today. Well, time for a decision. Thanks to all the applicants but my choice is: Caladius Rend. Please report to thread. Link to Thread