Grizzly the Archer |

Striding and springing give you: +10' movement, (enhancement bonus), and a +5 competence bonus to acrobatics.
Boots of elvenkind give a +5 competence bonus to acrobatics.
The two acrobatics bonuses do not stack, you only get a +5 total.
As for boots of speed added on, you act as if hasted for up to 10 rounds in a day. They give you a +30' movement to all types of movement. HOWEVER, this bonus is an enhancement bonus as well. Enhancement bonuses do not stack.
So, if you have a base speed of 30', have boots of striding and springing you more move at 40'. If you them activate the hate ability, you only go up to 60'.
Elvenkind wouldn't stack, so it would be useless here.
Hope they clears things up.

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Striding and springing give you: +10' movement (enhancement bonus), and a +5 competence bonus to acrobatics.
Boots of elvenkind give a +5 competence bonus to acrobatics.
I believe Boots of Striding and Springing give a +5 competence bonus to jump checks only, not acrobatics as a whole. Boots of Elvenkind give a +5 competence bonus to acrobatics (including jump checks) as you stated. Per the core book and PRD:
"Boots of Striding and Springing: These boots increase the wearer's base land speed by 10 feet. In addition to this striding ability (considered an enhancement bonus), these boots allow the wearer to make great leaps. She can jump with a +5 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks."
"Boots of Elvenkind: These soft boots enable the wearer to move nimbly about in virtually any surroundings, granting a +5 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks."

Brogue The Rogue |

It's also important to note that some slower races may not even be able to benefit from the full +30 bonus from Haste. Dwarves with a base speed of 20 that are wearing Boots of Striding and Springing to move normally at 30' per round only get hasted up to 40' per round. Sadness.
To ignore your questions and go to the root of your uncertainties, Achilles, the rule is that most like bonuses do not stack. If you have two enhancement bonuses to the same thing, they will always overlap rather than stack. Same armor bonuses, profane bonuses, sacred bonuses, deflection bonuses, et cetera. The only ones that do stack are, I thiiink, dodge and circumstance, unless explicitly stated (in either direction).
So two enhancement bonuses to your speed won't stack. Two armor bonuses to AC from two chain shirts don't stack (or from a chain shirt and a breastplate). Bless and Good Hope overlap rather than stacking. A morale bonus to attack stacks with a competence bonus to attack. Et cetera.

Tels |

Don't forget Haste gives you a racial bonus to acrobatic checks when making a jump.
All of the hasted creature's modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed using that form of movement. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for increased speed. Multiple haste effects don't stack. Haste dispels and counters slow.
Faster Base Movement: Creatures with a base land speed above 30 feet receive a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed above 30 feet. Creatures with a base land speed below 30 feet receive a –4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed below 30 feet. No jump can allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the round.
If your base speed is 30 ft, Haste will provide you a +12 racial bonus to make jumps.

Gauss |

Haste does not increase your base land speed thus you do not benefit from a racial bonus on acrobatics checks. Base land speed is the speed unmodified by haste or any other enhancement bonus to speed. - Gauss
Edit: P.S. There ARE movement increases that specifically increase base speed. Examples are: Fleet (a feat), Travel Domain, and Sorcerer Elemental fire bloodline power.

Tels |

Haste does not increase your base land speed thus you do not benefit from a racial bonus on acrobatics checks. Base land speed is the speed unmodified by haste or any other enhancement bonus to speed. - Gauss
Edit: P.S. There ARE movement increases that specifically increase base speed. Examples are: Fleet (a feat), Travel Domain, and Sorcerer Elemental fire bloodline power.
That is true, however Haste specifically calls out that it does modify your jumping distance, however spells like Longstrider, do not make that reference.

Gauss |

Agreed, I was referring to the statement that you do not gain the +4 racial bonus on acrobatics checks for higher land speed since it is not 'base land speed'. To be honest, they need to clean up the jumping rules a bit regarding enhancement bonuses. Just an errata on jumping would cover this (rather than errata'ing every speed increase throughout the game). - Gauss

Grizzly the Archer |

Doesn't boys of striding and springing say they increase base land speed directly. Also, base land speed doesn't say it ignores enhancement bonuses, only things that increase total speed, not the same as base speed.
From pfsrd:
Base land speed is your unencumbered speed. Base land speed is calculated by applying all modifiers to your character’s speed with the exception of armor or encumbrance adjustments or any effect that modifies your “normal speed”.
Your speed after calculating your normal speed and applying all other adjustments that affect your normal speed is your full speed. In most circumstances, your full speed is the same as your normal speed. Some effects modify normal speed however do not specifically add to its total, such as the haste spell. This newly modified speed is your full speed.
Your normal speed is your total encumbered speed (if any encumbrance applies). Normal speed is calculated by applying any armor or encumbrance reduction as indicated on Table: Armor and Encumbrance for Other Base Speeds, to your base speed.
Based off this wording, boys of striding and springing WOULD provide a +4 racial mod to jump, but haste would not, since it doesn't specifically say base land speed.

Gauss |

I agree Grizzly. In this particular case the boots qualify as both a base speed increase and an enhancement bonus. I did not realize there was an enhancement bonus that also modified the base speed. Frankly, I think any speed increase should qualify also but that isnt what is written. Again, they need to cover this. - Gauss

Lune |
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Grizzly the Archer: LOL!! Normally I am inwardly annoyed by spelling errors especially when the same error is repeated in the same post. However, with your posts it is different. I am entertained as your spelling errors always end up hillarious!
boys of striding and springing

Grizzly the Archer |

Grizzly the Archer: LOL!! Normally I am inwardly annoyed by spelling errors especially when the same error is repeated in the same post. However, with your posts it is different. I am entertained as your spelling errors always end up hillarious!
Grizzly the Archer wrote:boys of striding and springing
Wow, I know some words get messed up, but not like that. Reason is, most of the time I'm writing this from my phone. It has a tendency to autocorrect, even when I don't want it too. I'll be sure to read over my posts again before I post.