Making Undead (look alive / preserving corpses)


Hello i'm looking for a little advice on making the most out of my undead abilities. My character is a Juju Oracle who's just hit 16th level and recently acquired 6 maralith Corpses (16hd). Now I have create undead and the Spirit Vessels revelation and want to create them as variant Juju Zombies. Probably Bloody and Brain eating (From Beastiary 1 and Classic Horrors Revisited respectively).

Now as when animating the undead and applying a variant template to a zombie you consider it's HD double for the purposes of creating them so for a Juju, Variant Bloody & Brain eating zombie its considered to have x3 HD (48) and when controlling them they count as normal HD (For control undead spell and command undead feat).

Now i can only control one of these at a time with those abilities and i want to preserve its appearence and not have it rot/stink and have to preserve the other 5 bodies sitting back in the group's demiplane.

Any ideas for this/ spells/ items that could help me achieve this end besides illusion?

What does the newly created lich do for keeping up appearances around town? I know there is things that help you do this but I'm blanking on what.

Liberty's Edge

Gentle Repose

Looking for a permanate solution, is there a magic item that duplicates its effects or perhaps a feat?

Also when you create a creature as a zombie lord/juju zombie do you get to select its bonus feats/rebuild it from the ground up?

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