SlimGauge |

The test says Lawful Neutral Human Wizard (6th Level).
I think I've got a lot of levels in Expert.
Somehow I don't think my certification as an Oracle DBA translates into levels in Oracle, but if it did, I'd have the Clouded Vision curse (my poor eyesight kept me out of the military, although I've done a LOT of work for them as a civilian). If I got to take tools and goodies with me, perhaps I could be an Arcane Gun ? (modern optics make up for a LOT).

Poldaran |

Starting tomorrow night, I'm actually going to be playing a character from Earth(he's not me exactly, but similar enough) now on Golarion in a RotRL campaign. I wrote the backstory(all 29 pages of it) to cure boredom at work and suggested him as a character for the campaign jokingly. Was shocked when the GM agreed.
This is what I ended up with on the test.
Neutral Good Human Wizard (4th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 11
Constitution- 11
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 12
Charisma- 15
LN Human wizard for the character. Oddly, those are relatively close to the stats he ended up with(no more than a couple points away). Int was a bit higher, Cha was only 14, dex is lower, wisdom was lower.
Plan on having him use wands and construct armor to emulate Iron Man at high levels. Oddly, I'm pretty sure that's why the GM agreed to let me play him.

Harrison |

For me, it would all depend on what Half-Orcs officially look like in Golarion. Half-Orcs are easily one of my favorite (if not my actual favorite) race in Pathfinder, but I tend to romanticize what they look like; I don't make my characters super pretty like elves, but that square-jawed, rugged handsome, very masculine appearance, kinda like the orcs of The Elder Scrolls (specifically Skyrim). If I could end up looking like that, I'd be golden. If I'd have to look like I dumped every possible point out of CHA, my next pick would probably be Catfolk.
As for what kind of class... well, hopefully not an Oracle. As fun as having divine magic would be, I'd rather not be cursed the rest of my life, and I have no idea what deity I'd devote myself to, so Cleric is off the table as well...

Harrison |

Okay, so I took that test people were linking, and the answer actually really surprised me.
I came out as a Lawful Neutral Human Fighter/Wizard (2nd/1st Level).
The alignment bit really surprised me, because I normally play Neutral Good characters, but according to the test, Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral were dead even, with Neutral Good only trailing by a single point.
Human was my highest-scoring race (14 points) with Half-Elf as my second highest (12). Half-Orcs, for as much as I like them, had only six points, same as Dwarves (whom I'm not a fan of).
What class I got just made me laugh, as Fighter and Wizard, my two highest classes, had a paltry score of 4, with Cleric at a 2 and Sorcerer at 0. Everything else was in the negatives, and the lowest score I got was a -25 in Barbarian. Damn...

Byrdology |

I notice a lot of us nerds are wizards.
I noticed that there are alot of military dnders. When I was deployed I had 15 infantry dudes huddled around a piece of plywood on improvised saw bucks in a 2-man tent for 3+ hours a session. We had to rotate rooms because the stink was too overwhelming after 2-3 sessions in one room.

Rathilal |

Ok, I'd say that in a fantasy setting I'd pretty much be Human, as I don't fit into any other race really. As for stats, I'm kind of strong for my size but I can be clumsy and slow at times. I'm kind of blessed with good endurance and tolerance of conditions in general. I'm quite smart and strong-headed, though I lose my temper occasionally which often results in a violent reaction. As for Charisma, I'm not very sociable:
14 Str
12 Dex
16 Con
15 Int (Racial +2) = 17
13 Wis
8 Cha
25 point buy
Lawful Neutral Alignment, with particular attention to staying supportive of allies and loved ones, and abiding all laws in any land I go into. I still try to be Good (who wouldn't?) but I occasionally have lapses of judgement and cowardice that allow evil to occur.
As for Class, I'd put myself as a Magus mainly. I enjoy sports and physical activity but I'm also certainly a bookworm of sorts which would easily place me in that area. I'm the kind of person to enjoy using a weapon with a good reach and an unusual attack pattern, so maybe a light flail. I'd probably use Evocation and Conjuration the most, with a bit of illusion on the side for Shenanigans.
I won't really go any further than that, since everything else is pretty much optimising your own character concept, which isn't fun in my opinion.

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Hmm, I'd make a great wizard, due to good INT/memory and loving books and learning. But I love to play clerics and in a weird new world it would be good to have a church at your back. Problem with going cleric is that I'm not really keen on the selection of deities in Golarion. My personality fits Iomedae, Sarenrae, or Pharasma depending on my mood and with the latter two I could do the Merciful Healer archetype. For race, it would be either aasimar or elf.

Shalafi2412 |

Starting tomorrow night, I'm actually going to be playing a character from Earth(he's not me exactly, but similar enough) now on Golarion in a RotRL campaign. I wrote the backstory(all 29 pages of it) to cure boredom at work and suggested him as a character for the campaign jokingly. Was shocked when the GM agreed.
This is what I ended up with on the test.
Quote:Neutral Good Human Wizard (4th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 11
Constitution- 11
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 12
Charisma- 15LN Human wizard for the character. Oddly, those are relatively close to the stats he ended up with(no more than a couple points away). Int was a bit higher, Cha was only 14, dex is lower, wisdom was lower.
Plan on having him use wands and construct armor to emulate Iron Man at high levels. Oddly, I'm pretty sure that's why the GM agreed to let me play him.
I'd like to read the backstory.

Poldaran |

Poldaran wrote:I'd like to read the backstory.
Spoiler:Starting tomorrow night, I'm actually going to be playing a character from Earth(he's not me exactly, but similar enough) now on Golarion in a RotRL campaign. I wrote the backstory(all 29 pages of it) to cure boredom at work and suggested him as a character for the campaign jokingly. Was shocked when the GM agreed.This is what I ended up with on the test.
Quote:Neutral Good Human Wizard (4th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 11
Constitution- 11
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 12
Charisma- 15LN Human wizard for the character. Oddly, those are relatively close to the stats he ended up with(no more than a couple points away). Int was a bit higher, Cha was only 14, dex is lower, wisdom was lower.
Plan on having him use wands and construct armor to emulate Iron Man at high levels. Oddly, I'm pretty sure that's why the GM agreed to let me play him.
Here's a link to where I posted it on another forum I frequent. I warn you that it's not really anything special and a few things have changed for the character himself. As an example of one of the changes, I changed his arcane bond item to a ring because I want him to have both hands free to cast and hold a rod. Gonna play the loss of the old one as a noodle incident that he'll reference once in a while.
She was supposed to come back as a warped and tragic villain, but with the effort they put in, I had her come back as an ally, though still twisted by her experiences traveling back from far across the galaxy on a shantak(there are also time travel and planar travel shenanigans that occur, but aren't framed in the story). In order to put some perspective on those experiences, I decided to frame the story as coming from the perspective of a character that initially wasn't ever intended to be played. As I wrote her part, I decided that I'd like to add more to his story and it grew from there.

Lord Mhoram |

Just thinking about myself I would end up being a Mystic Theurage.
I am devoted to my faith;I teach at my church, and help with service projects. I like helping people that way.
I also love figure out things - loved science and english in school, and love tinkering with RPG rules to get everything to fit the way I want, by merging systems or house rules or such. I love spending time reading and finding out things.
So Cleric and Wizard. Obviously Mystic Theurge (or pure cleric of a Magic Deity that fit in studying arcane spellbooks) fits for me.
According to the test (and the alignement is right on)
Lawful Good Human Cleric (7th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 13
Dexterity- 14
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 17
Wisdom- 18
Charisma- 14

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The test says I am a wizard (NG, elf, 5th level) which is pretty reasonable. You could say that pursuing a graduate degree in mathematics is pretty much the modern day equivalent of wizardry. I feel like I have enough physical stats, particularly constitution, that I might end up as a magus or an eldritch knight.
The "hey, wouldn't it be interesting?" answer would be paladin. I would MUCH rather serve the church as an armored knight instead of overseeing coffee hour, or arguing about the church budget. I might be disappointed to find that lawful good paladins have almost as many committees as Presbyterians . . .

Scythia |

I'd be a Chaotic Good Paladin. "There's no such thing" you say. Someone has to be the first of anything. I would pray to Cayden and vow that if he invests me with power in the manner that lawful gods would their chosen warriors, he would have no greater vessel of his will, nor more willing agent of his faith. I think he'd appreciate the guts it would take to make such claims. He might also enjoy the idea of taking the challenge of empowering the first Chaotic Paladin. I am fascinated by melee combat, and particularly fond of blades and swords, but I also have a strong desire to be able to heal, help, and save people. Thing is, I love freedom and change much more than rules or order. Fight evil, protect the weak, make the world a better place, just in whichever way works best. That's what I'd like to be, truly the best I could be. Probably human, with the enthusiasm and spark of ambition that comes of a shorter life.
Ask me on my darker days, when the lantern of hope seems more wan and distant, and I'd be a heartless Undead Witch. The power to cure or curse, deciding who to punish (most), and who to aid (few). Bitter, jaded, and cynical as only one who has endless time to see the worst of people can be. I don't want to be her, but I could be.

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According to the test I'd be:
Lawful Good Human Wizard (4th Level)
Strength- 12
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 14
Intelligence- 18
Wisdom- 14
Charisma- 14
These are some nice stats for a Wizard, but even if I like them and I like Wizards a lot, I'd preffer to be either a Magus or a Witch. With those stats it'd be nice to be a Sage Wildblooded Sorcerer and walk the way of the transmuter, turning everything I find into Earth's goods and stuff.

Bruunwald |

I'm pretty smart. But probably more wise than smart. People gravitate toward me. I like to make things, take things apart and put them back together together, and my first career was as a musician. I'm a good shot. Pretty good with a sword, but better with a bow or gun. Not super strong, but quick enough, I suppose.
I think I'm a bard/gunslinger. NG. Human or half-elf. With a katana, for fun.
I've taken many of those online tests over the years. I was always a ranger/paladin or thereabouts, human, half-elf or halfling. Typically LG or NG.

Ciaran Barnes |

I decided to post again, since I actually read the first post more closely, although my first post is reflective of the following.
Despite being, in real life, a musician and and electrician, and despite that I never play them, I feel the most affinity for the ranger. That my very first D&D character was a ranger is actually a bit revealing to me now that I think about it.

widuj |
Maybe Magus, it is one of my favorite concepts, a magic-wielding swordsman.
Str-14, Dex-12, Con-16, Int-16, Wis-17, Cha-11 (stats form the test^^)
7th level human Magus with Arcane Strike, Craft Wonderous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Maybe the first Magus dabbling with Summoning and Spell Development, i really love magic and its possibilities.

Kahn Zordlon |

Lawful Neutral Human Monk (5th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 13
Dexterity- 14
Constitution- 15
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 13
Charisma- 10
It makes sense to take the test for me, I would have liked to be a wizard, but monk makes more sense. I would probably have the vow of poverty. I see the practical uses of money, but not much else. I've got the whole neutrality thing down. I'm politically active, but only to keep things balanced (forget sin taxes, morality laws, and the like). Libertarian party. I'm loyal to my small number of friends. Is there a chastity vow? I'd probably have that too. I'm not religeous, though I see the value of eastern practice. Who would have thought a monk leading with intelligence? [Insert academic achievements here]. I've had fun with this test, and am thinking of building my next character based on it.

Raelynn |

Here I was expecting a crappy wizard given my real life skills..High school injury cost me a service academy appointment. Then was an EMT (and instructor certed) for a while, hazmat operations certed, certed with local SWAT and bomb squad before I moved to the west coast. Almost finished my BSRN before I dropped out of medicine all together for personal reasons. Now I do unix network administration and some other virtual environment management. But it's mostly because I find it easy and lets me spend my free time romping around the hills on a bike or having fun with my friends.
Not sure if I totally agree with the stats. (I used to be a decent marksman before I moved out of the sticks.. and I aggressively lane share on a motorcycle on california freeway traffic on a regular basis.)
Test says..
Chaotic Good Human Sorcerer (4th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 10
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 17
Wisdom- 15
Charisma- 16
Oh great.. I'm a Sorcerer that would have made a better wizard. You know what? That's cool. I like playing Sorcerers a lot and I'd totally be okay doing the whole dragonic bloodline thing. (Even if Sage would be a better fit..)

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I'd probably end up being a Bard/Oracle. I'm not a religious person but I believe in a higher power (works well for Oracle), I love to sing and feel like music has powers that most of us are unaware of, and while I don't currently have any martial ability, I'm sure I could learn. Hmm, in fact, maybe a level or two of Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) would make sense for me too, since I'm a decent shot.
The only issue is I can't figure out which Oracle curse would make sense for me. Definitely not Lame. I guess maybe Tongues?

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Neutral Good Human Cleric (5th Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 14
Dexterity- 13
Constitution- 16
Intelligence- 13
Wisdom- 16
Charisma- 13
Though on a side note the ratings for Law and Nuetral, and also LG and NG are identical, with 3 Chaos for each. I was also almost a Gnome??? As for Class, I got a -19 for Paladin and a -17 for Monk, despite nearly being Lawful Good and so heavily Cleric. Odd :)

JonGarrett |

Well, I'm half blind, can barely move and I'm told quite the Charismatic one...and I'm actually religious! So I'm going to have to go;
Jon Garrett - Dual Cursed (Lame, Clouded Vision) Oracle of Life.
Strength - 14
Dexterity - 10
Constitution - 14
Intelligence - 12
Wisdom - 10
Charisma - 20
Probably take the Channel, Enhanced Cures, Energy Body and Safe Curing Revelations...assuming that we can't get third party feats in Golarion and I can't get the Strange Revelations feat.

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Neutral Good Human Ranger 5th Level according to the test. Which fits my views fairly well, especially since I spend 6 days a week running around the wilderness, mapping out routes.
Would definitely go with the animal companion route, so I could bring my faithful AmStaf Terrier with me!

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Well since I have poor eyesight and have worked in the Nursing field for over 30 years. first as a Medic in the Military then as an EMT and now a Tech, I would go for oracle of Life with clouded vision.
But I would really like to be a Red Dragon so I could eat those who annoy me.
You can do both! Red dragon oracle anyone?
Though with the fear aura alone is think fewer people would annoy you.

Degoon Squad |

Degoon Squad wrote:Well since I have poor eyesight and have worked in the Nursing field for over 30 years. first as a Medic in the Military then as an EMT and now a Tech, I would go for oracle of Life with clouded vision.
But I would really like to be a Red Dragon so I could eat those who annoy me.You can do both! Red dragon oracle anyone?
Though with the fear aura alone is think fewer people would annoy you.
sounds good.
Might add I dont know what class my wife would be but her Race would be Traditional Drow. She petite(About half my size) intelligent,attractive, more cultured then me , Has aged very well over the last twenty years but likes to torture and boss me around :=)
KingmanHighborn |

Alright if I got dropped in Golarion and could choose what to be:
LN Catfolk Sanctified Rogue 3/ Magus 4 (I'm a furry, I'm a cat, there is no other race I'd rather be. I'm also religious, and love books, and like being sneaking, and I'm decent with weapons.)
Str: 16
Dex: 16
Con: 10
Int: 17
Wis: 8
Cha: 12
(I'm smart, but boy do I stick my foot in my mouth...alot.)
Race Traits:
Cat's Luck
Curiosity (cause I am...hence the huge collection of books I have IRL)
Nimble Faller (natural klutz has just kinda made me immune to actually getting hurt when I fall.)
Reactionary (bullied IRL)
Caretaker (EMT training IRL)
BAB: +4
Fort: +5 Ref: +4 Will: +5
Class Abilities:
+2d6 Sneak Attack, trapfinding, evasion, trapsense
Rogue Talent: Weapon Training (Weapon Focus:warhammer)
Arcane Pool 5 points
Spell Combat
Spell Strike
Magus Arcana: Spell Shield
Spell Recall
Magical Aptitude
Toughness (Everyone I know says I'm tough...my track record with broken bones argues otherwise, but I guess I can take a beating)
Extra Arcana: Familiar
Boon Companion
+1 Demon Bane Warhammer
Armor Spikes
MW Hand Crossbow /w 30 bolts
+1 Spiked Mithral Breastplate
Magic Items:
Heavyload Belt
Boots of the Cat
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Cloak of Resistance +1
Burglar's Bracers (I hate locked doors...another reason I'd be a rogue)
Vicious Caltrops
Hollow Pommel (on warhammer)
W. Cord
50ft Spider Silk Rope
2lbs of Tobacco (mmmmmm...cigars...)
Ink & Inkpen
Royal Outfit
Adventurer's Sash
Signet Ring
Pocket Watch
Grappling Hook
Gold Holy Symbol of Cayden Cailean
Gear Maintence Kit
Fishing Kit
Healer's Kit
Masterwork Survival Kit
Masterwork Backpack
Spell Component Pouch
All 0 lvl spells
1st lvl spells: Burning Hands, Color Spray, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Vanish, Corrosive Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Grease
2nd lvl spells: Invisibilty, Fire Breath

Gobo Horde |

According to the test, I'm a 3rd level human ranger
Str 16
Dex 17
Con 15
Int 13
Wis 15
Char 13
Personally I would have swapped the wis and int, but other than that, sounds good!
Now to personalize it,
I would go straight to Horizon Walker, skipping the prerequisites and having the cold, forests, mountains and eventually astral terrains. I would have the protean eldritch heritage and a nice focus on teleporting and travel.
That would sum me up quite nicely.
Now, who would I want to be? Well, there are 2 extremes.
Goblin Firebomber. Goblin anything really. A devious little goblin with a pyromaniac streak a mile-and-a-half long. He sees fire as the greatest aspect of destruction and existence and is constantly setting things on fire, burning down anything in reach, immolating entire forests and his greatest goal is to become a true fire elemental. His main strategy is to cast elemental body on himself, set his hands on fire, surround himself with a fire aura, set off fiery explosions in himself and others, throw fire missiles and generally burn the place down.
The other extreme.
Half-giant titan mauler. Have a permanced (non-dispellable) enlarge person on himself, dual-wielding 2 huge bardiche. Be as big as possible. Wield the biggest weapons possible. Better yet, wield a gargantuan Sun Blade two-handed. He is strong. Just strong.

magnuskn |

Going by my personal attributes, most probably Wizard. Going by my own desires, Sorcerer or Bard. Maybe Inquisitor of Cayden Cailean or Saranrae. :) My personal favorite would be a Swashbuckler of my own homebrewn class design. ^^

Aunt Tony |

Elf Diviner, Dreamspeaker alt-trait, probably more than a splash of Cypher Mage and my neglected arcane schools would be Conjuration and Evocation. I'd have good ranks in UMD, Bluff, Fly, Knowledge (Arcana, Religion, Planes and Nature) and Profession: Artist.
Golarion won't know what hit it.
I'm willing to bet most inhabitants of Golarion wouldn't be too flabbergasted if a spellcaster beat them over the head with a Bag of Holding containing a lot of books about the esoteric, inner workings of the cosmos...

Threeshades |

Seeing how i love thinkig up fantastical creatures and I like having a companion that tags along with me, I'd probably be an Evolutionist Summoner who constantly makes changes to his Eidolon, sometimes completely reinventing it.
Also I' be a gnome. Because they mirror my personality best of all races.

Kjeldor |

I took the test listed earlier. I am not surprised at all. 4th level Lawful Good Human Sorcerer.
I gotta say if I could choose however....I would go Mystic Theurge with Cleric and Sorcerer or Paladin. If there were magic you can bet every dollar I would be worshipping a god. Magic aint Science. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't try my hand at Arcane arts either. I would say my Stats here are pretty spot on with everything. And the older i get the better my IWC get. pretty sweet....

Tacticslion |

My wife has oft compared me to a gnome and I've been very strongly accused of being both a Paladin and a Bard... so...
I've always wanted to be a "monk" and "ninja" but, for a whole slew of reasons, have never progressed past greenbelt-equivalent level in any martial arts I've ever taken (and my dexterity sucks).
If I could choose, knowing I'd go to Golarion, and my own personality and such, and presuming seventh level?
Half-Elf Sorcerer. The reason? Paragon Surge (which would be the only spell outside of prestidigitation, mending, endure elements, and mage armor I'd care about definitively knowing). Sure plenty of GMs would specifically rule to shut me down, but I'm going with what I'd want to be, which includes the ability to cast a spell in order to know any spell I can cast on my list or two spells of at least one level below my highest.
(Incidentally, I'd totally nab myself that Ring of Sustenance.)
If Paragon Surge worked on creatures other than half-elves, I'd rather instantly make the switch to aasimar for the extended life and minor help-me-survive elements.
The reason I'd care at all is because I know my own dexterity (it sucks) and my own constitution (it also sucks, though that's mostly a function of soda and current lifestyle). I'm not winning initiative, and I'm not outlasting the opposition in a fight.
Add that to ADD and dyslexia (in addition to having to learn the local language and such) and wizarding is probably right out.
My only real ability to survive would, then, be predicated on by ability to adapt to whatever is currently happening... which this allows me do to, presuming I survive one round of combat (which will most assuredly be spent "bravely running away" while I cast).
Also, this would eventually help sate my lust for power later on when I use infinite wish machine tricks that totally work because I'm being what I want to be, so take that haters! >:D
(Also, I'm presuming my wife would come through and finally be the cleric/bard that she longs to be. And prestidigitation is probably the second best child-rearing spell in existence after cure light wounds. Remove disease, remove poison, and purify food and drink might top it. Might.)
Being religious and loving good, I'd totally go for the celestial bloodline (even though that doesn't really quite turn out so well, usually, Biblically speaking, and despite the fact that sorcery is considered a "sin" in our world.)
Depending on the backwards-compatibility, eventually gain Epic Spell Casting and use chicanery (and a Thought Bottle) to gain 234 in all of my mental stats, 'cause, dudes, who wouldn't want that?
Use this new omega-sentience and persuasion to create a new nation within the River Kingdoms (perhaps co-opting my current character's kingdom) and expanding it across all of Avistan, then Garund and Tian-Xia in a new wave of Lawful Goodness enacted far more brilliantly than any plan I could currently come up with for the world to enjoy.
Oh yeah, at some point I'd likely use an Atonement to make sure I'm Lawful Good for really reals. Probably.