Bard Cantrips

Rules Questions

Hi, how many 0 level spells can a bard cast per day?


Welsh Knight

There is no limit to the number of cantrips that can be cast in a day. They vary from other spells of other levels in this way.

Thanks Mabven

My pleasure :)

To clarify a little, they are limited in the number of spells known, but once they know a 0 level spell, they can cast it an infinite number of times.

Further clarification needed, please.

Wizards (for example) know all the cantrips and can cast the ones they've prepared an unlimited number of times per day, but they still have to prepare a specific set of them each day. You don't get free run of ALL known cantrips, all the time.

Am I correct in assuming that bards DO get a free unlimited run of all the cantrips they know, with no slots or preparation at all?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Calybos, I believe that's correct. Bards can freely use all of the cantrips they know (the number of which is listed under their Spells Known).

Also, I did a double-take when I saw this thread title; I thought it said "Bad Catnip."

Shadow Lodge

Bard can have a maximum of 6 different cantrips that they will be able to cast at-will, so Will had better watch out.

Bards, (and also Sorcerers and Oracles and any other spontaneous caster) can cast any of their known 0th level spells, whenever they feel like it. This is a nice change from the old 3.5 version, but that is why there is no more "Cure minor wounds" spell, otherwise, the whole party could heal to full between each fight!

OK, thanks everyone.

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Well, a cantrip is typically a standard action. You get 1 standard action per 6 second round. There are 14,400 six second rounds in a day. So you can cast no more than 14,400 cantrips in a day.

14,400 cantrips per day? WOW!

Can that be enhanced by partaking of Alzrius' bat catnip first ?

duh......bat catnip was found in Batman's utility belt pouch while trying to spell bad catnip.........shoulda left the catnip to the cats

thanks for the good answers everyone

Kazaan wrote:
Well, a cantrip is typically a standard action. You get 1 standard action per 6 second round. There are 14,400 six second rounds in a day. So you can cast no more than 14,400 cantrips in a day.

I have done nothing but prestidigitize bread for three days!

Grand Lodge

Note that there are, if allowed, feats and favored class bonuses that can actually increase the number of cantrips known by a spontaneous caster.

I have a 4th level Human sorcerer with 8 cantrips known, and therefore castable at will. "Danger, danger!"

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