Recommend to me some good mid to high level 3rd party adventures

Product Discussion

As the title says I am looking for an adventure for characters 8th-16th level. I prefer adventures like Rise of the Runelords, to hex crawls and kingdom management. No mega-dungeons either want story and cool NPC's hopefully.

Scarab Sages

Have you considered Coliseum Morpheuon?

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Sinister Secrets of Silvermote features a great adversary in Temerlyth the Undying. I purchased this adventure and am just waiting for my groups' PCs to be high enough level to undertake it. It is very well crafted, and looks to be a lot of fun. It is sort of your traditional dungeon crawl, but also has a lot of other fun elements.

The frog god games adventure slumbering tsar Is a huge chain of 3 overall adventures that run from level 7 to level 20. It has been alot of fun to run so far. It has a heavy focus on exploration and discovery, but I definately wouldn't label it a dungeon crawl. And there is a lot of interesting storylines to explore with the history of the world and npcs that are involved.


Second on Coliseum Morpheuon and Slumbering Tsar.

Albion Armitage's Astounding Arsenal from 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming is for 8th to 10th level characters.

Well I will recommend Undying Legacy of the First Ones, when it comes out for Free RPG Day. You can't beat FREE for a price.

Have you checked out Breaking of Forstor Nagar?

It's for 8th level adventurers with information for juicing it up. It's also ready to go for Maptools.


Sovereign Court Contributor

Urban? Dungeon? Out and about? A mix?

There are also some higher level adventures (8+) in Streets of Zobeck and Tales of the Old Margreve, but the bulk of the material is for less than 8th level. Those are both from Open Design and available here.


Thanks for all the recomendations, I had forgotten I got Slumbering Tsar 1 awhile ago and never read all of it. Looking into it now seems darn good.

Shadow Lodge

mendedwall12 wrote:
Sinister Secrets of Silvermote features a great adversary in Temerlyth the Undying. I purchased this adventure and am just waiting for my groups' PCs to be high enough level to undertake it. It is very well crafted, and looks to be a lot of fun. It is sort of your traditional dungeon crawl, but also has a lot of other fun elements.

Thanks for the praise Sir, that is definitely a fun crawl.

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Second Sinister Secrets of Silvermote, Slumbering Tsar, Breaking of Forstor Nagar and of course the Coliseum Morpheuon.

I'd also add the stellar Citadel of Pain by Lou Agresta and Rone Barton.


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

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MendedWall12 wrote:
Sinister Secrets of Silvermote features a great adversary in Temerlyth the Undying. I purchased this adventure and am just waiting for my groups' PCs to be high enough level to undertake it. It is very well crafted, and looks to be a lot of fun. It is sort of your traditional dungeon crawl, but also has a lot of other fun elements.

Hi there. I'm the author and just wanted to offer my heartfelt thanks for the recommend. It does wonders for me to see folks enjoying Temerlyth and Silvermote! I've enjoyed the feedback so much that it's even persuaded me to run Silvermote at GenCon this year. :-)

The Tomb-World of Alak-Ammur. A Dungeon a Day adventure that is a pretty awesome read. I am planning to run it as soon as I can fit it into a campaign.

Thanks for the mentions of Coliseum Morpheon, though I should mention that Wicht is one of the authors; and Terrealon is the author of Breaking of Forstor Nagar. If you like coliseum you might check out its continuing series of npcs for low, mid and high levels: Faces of the Tarnished Souk.

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The Great City AP has some very good higher level urban adventures. Breaking of Forstor Nagar, Citadel of Pain and Coliseum are all outstanding as well.

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