Revelations [Jade Regent Plot Spoilers]

Jade Regent

* There be spoilers ahead if the titles wasn't enough of a clue*

Alright, my group is just now (after a long break) making their way through the events in Kalsgard and have just finished taking down Longthews. My question however is about what's just a head for them, Helgarval. So far I revealed nothing about the Five Storms that I absolutely didn't have to, all the party knows is that there are enemies of the Minkai Throne who are out to end the bloodline (pretty much what they could infer from Brinewall and the Visions of Jade). They don't know that this enemy is the Five Storms or any information about them. Hell, right now they're not even sure that Longthews or the Rimerunners are even connected to what happened at Brinewall (all be it tangently). I decided that I wanted to keep that secret for as long as possible (I've some people playing who've been gaming for years and could read the plot from a mile away, I want to try and keep them on their toes).

With all that said, Helgarval presents a bit of a problem for me. I know that once he starts talking they're going to ask him a lot of questions about who their enemy is, and I have no problem telling them, through Helgarval, that it is this shadowy entity is known as the Five Storms. With that said I really would like to play a bit of a shell game with them and not give out much more then that. They already figure that they'll have to fight whoever this Jade Regent is (out of character), but if I can pull a bit of a trick and distract them with the possibility of the Five Storms being something else, the might throw them for a loop. What I want to know is how everyone else is incorporating the back story into the campaign and how well that's going.

Mind, I am a first time DM and also haven't had the time to read through all of the AP as I've been busy with classes and I'm just taking it module by module until summer comes and I can read it all (though I am making strides at reading ahead). If this was covered in another thread I didn't see it and decided to make this one, if that's the case a link to that thread would be nice.

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There was a discussion, I think in one of the GM threads, about the wisdom of dumping Helgarval altogether. If your group is smart enough that they don't need to be led around by the nose, then the +2 Helmet of Exposition may not be needed at all, and can be replaced by another magic item or just a fancy hat.

The name "Five Storms" could be whispered by a dying enemy. I'm likely to drop it during a Harrow reading with Koya, myself. Suishen is another place to get it: the sword may have heard the name, but not any more than that.

And what could Five Storms refer to except Kityara and her blizzards? You might name your enemies: the frost giant is the "Herald of the Storms," the sylph is the "Storm Queen." The more you throw around the word "storm," the more red herrings you'll give them, and then when the name shows up after they defeat her, it will be a bigger surprise.

Doram ob'Han wrote:

The name "Five Storms" could be whispered by a dying enemy. I'm likely to drop it during a Harrow reading with Koya, myself. Suishen is another place to get it: the sword may have heard the name, but not any more than that.

I like these. I think I'll use them both. AND, since my group is still in Brinewall Castle Ameiko hasn't woken up yet - I can have her mumble something about the Five Storms as well. Maybe Rokuro too!


I'm planning on dropping Helgarval completely. I have a group of practiced gamers and they should be able to connect the dots without its help.

I'm also on the fence regarding using the term/phrase "five storms" since they don't seem to be detailed out in the final installment of the AP (am I the only one who see just one described in the final AP?).

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Tommy GM wrote:

I'm also on the fence regarding using the term/phrase "five storms" since they don't seem to be detailed out in the final installment of the AP (am I the only one who see just one described in the final AP?).

The Five Storms are all of the oni allied with the Jade Regent and Anamurumon. The Typhoon Guard is their public face, but every oni in the 6th adventure are in their ranks, as are almost all of the oni in Tide of Honor. Kikonu and Kimandatsu are their vanguard in Avistan (although Kikonu isn't the most reliable member), and the House of Withered Blossoms was once their prison (its remaining oni being outcast members). The trick is that the name "Five Storms" refers to the organization as a whole, not five specific wind yai.

Taking a quick peak at the Campaign Outline, it seems that the Five Storms were so named because they symbolize "the five elements sacred to oni — fire, water, air, earth, and void..."

...Though until I read that bit again, I thought the name reflected their ultimate goal of being the undoing/doom of the five royal families of Minkai that were granted the divine right of rule by the gods. I suppose either one could work. [Shrugs]

As always, just my humble 2 coppers.... (^-^)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

The Five Storms are all of the oni allied with the Jade Regent and Anamurumon. The Typhoon Guard is their public face, but every oni in the 6th adventure are in their ranks, as are almost all of the oni in Tide of Honor. Kikonu and Kimandatsu are their vanguard in Avistan (although Kikonu isn't the most reliable member), and the House of Withered Blossoms was once their prison (its remaining oni being outcast members). The trick is that the name "Five Storms" refers to the organization as a whole, not five specific wind yai.

Fair enough. I can live with that and appreciate you taking the time to clear it up for me. Still, I really hoped to have the pcs face five increasingly difficult unique ONI...

Anyways, back to Jiro's original topic. I'm also limiting what the pcs learn once they recover the seal in Brinewall to help keep the mystery deeper in Kalsgard and more challenging to solve. Not sure how this will work out, but should make for some good play.

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