Lightbulb |
Erikkerik wrote:I don't think there's anything stopping you from using a large shield and a light 2nd weapon. Btw. yes go for TWF if you want to use a shield, the ac alone is not worth it. Also pick this: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/fighter/archetypes/paizo---fig hter-archetypes/two-weapon-warrior archetypeYou mean I can use a heavy shield as my main weapon and a short sword in my other hand ?
Does that work by RAW ? That would solve most of my problems.
Yes of course. Its a weapon. You are using 2. One is heavier so its your 'main'.
Some people do stupid things like dual shield. Which I think is taking it too far... :)

Martiln |
fasthd97 wrote:Check out thunderstriker,rondelero duelist, and shielded fighter they all can be very effective shield basher.I am going to try out a thunderstriker with bastard sword as my next pc in a korvosa game.Yeah, shielded fighter is an interesting option.
Thunderstriker and rondolero duelist are a mystery to me. Could you perhaps explain their abilities ? I don't really understand their worth.
For Thunderstriker:
- Strapped shield allows me to have a buckler and use a 2H weapon without penalty to offense, right ? How is that helpful ? I don't get the shield bonus, so...
- As for his other abilities, what's the point ? It only puts the buckler on par with a regular shield. Is it so you can dual-wield a buckler and a Greatsword ? I'm really confused.For rondolero:
- Same thing, what's the point of using a buckler anyway ?
- You use falcata, it's not even a 2h weapon, why not use a light shield ?I don't understand a damn thing.
Rondolero lets you use the buckler to shield bash(normally you can't) as if it were a light shield, and if the opportunity arised that you need to 2hand the falcata to maximize your damage potential, you can do it since the buckler isn't being held onto with your other hand, it's strapped to your forearm. The buckler functioning as a light shield is icing on top of the cake for that class, since it allows you to use the TWF route with the buckler.

Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Buckler: You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so.
It says nothing about ACP, it's just a flat -1 penalty, the ACP you're thinking of is probably from the Weapon Finesse clause, also a Masterwork Buckler would eliminate the ACP just as well as mithral, but would be cheaper.36,000(+6 shield)+72,000(+6 weapon)=108,000, I'd personally make my Main hand weapon +6 before enchanting the shield as a +6 weapon just for the AC bonus, after all, a dead enemy deals no damage.
And Bashing finish is amazing if you have a 15-20 main hand weapon, since it's a free shield bash against that person everytime you crit, essentially tripling your damage potential for that attack(X2 from the crit+the extra hit from your shield bash)
I am truly getting old when I can't do basic math in my head. Duh.
Still, 108k is not 'hideously expensive.' For the shield, it's an expenditure on AC. Yes, you will indeed get your primary weapon to +6 way before the shield. If you do things properly you'll end up with a shield of bashing, +5 to AC, and Defender it up for cheap AC bonus for the first +3.
The difference in Bashing Finish vs Weapon Training is that weapon training applies to every single attack with both weapons, and bashing finish only applies if you crit, and you still have to hit with the bash...at the lower hit and damage chance.
If it was a feat, it'd be a no-brainer for a shield build. Is it? If it's Shield Archetype, it's not worth the loss of weapon training bonuses.
I'm reading too many people using bucklers with no penalty. Sigh. Good enough. The main point is that you can 2h your weapon with a -1 penalty to hit, instead of having to drop or draw a shield...you can just DO it. And the flexibility is one of the hallmarks of a good fighter.