Hungry Ghost Monk build Advice


I am looking to do a Hungry Ghost Monk for our pathfinder campain and I am looking for some advice with builds. We use a 4d6 drop the lowest system for our stats and I ended up with 16, 17, 13, 13, 9, 13. I was thinking of Dwarf or Human for the race, and would prefer to stay away from graple builds (not fond of the fact that you can only flurry in a grapple if you are the one being grapled and not the grapler).

This will be a LE character and will take some craft alchemy to do poisons with shurikin. Shurikin will most likely be a first attack as he charages in to weaken an opponent but not something he relies on all the time.

With that in mind I am looking for some build ideas if anyeone is willing to take the time and toss some at me.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Just to ask, what level will you be starting at, 1? If higher, I'd say mix Monk/Ninja up; Ninja gives you some decent stuff, particularly the Poison Use and Sneak Attack.

Personally, I like the flavor of dwarf monks (it just seems sorta cool), but Humans are far better given the extra skills and the extra feat really helps at early levels depending on the build.

Also, outside of using poisons and not wanting to Grapple, what role do you see yourself in? Hit & Run Striker? Battlefield controller? Melee support?

Black Powder Chocobo wrote:

Just to ask, what level will you be starting at, 1? If higher, I'd say mix Monk/Ninja up; Ninja gives you some decent stuff, particularly the Poison Use and Sneak Attack.

Personally, I like the flavor of dwarf monks (it just seems sorta cool), but Humans are far better given the extra skills and the extra feat really helps at early levels depending on the build.

Also, outside of using poisons and not wanting to Grapple, what role do you see yourself in? Hit & Run Striker? Battlefield controller? Melee support?

We will be starting at level 1 but I do like to plan things out in advance. More likely a melee support roll. I like being able to dish out a beating. I was not too worried about the poison use from ninja mainly because monk becomes immune to poison eventually. Also the ki pool from ninja is based off of Charisma which is realistically the only "dump" stat for a monk lol. That and I very rarely multi-class unless I am working towards a specific prestige class.

Reading the fluff of the Hungry Ghost got me interested in it and I like how their powers are referred to as almost vampiric in nature.

The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. If the ninja possesses levels in another class that grants points to a ki pool, ninja levels stack with the levels of that class to determine the total number of ki points in the combined pool, but only one ability score modifier is added to the total. The choice of which score to use is made when the second class ability is gained, and once made, the choice is set. The ninja can now use ki points from this pool to power the abilities of every class she possesses that grants a ki pool.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

To make the most of the Hungry Ghost Monk, you'll want weapons that'll crit a lot. On that note, I can't find a good weapon with a natural 18-20 crit range that are monk weapons, so you'll have to live with 19-20. Of which, there are two that you are proficient with AND can flurry with. These are the cestus and the temple sword.

The temple sword will give you the best damage, more so if you 2H power attack with it (yes, the new ruling with it sorta sucks, but whatcha gonna do). Using this will favor a high strength build. Cestus isn't bad as a backup poison delivery tool although the damage is lower.

Try these out:

Strength Temple Sword using Human Hungry Ghost Monk:

Str 16+2
Dex 13 (level 4 boost goes here)
Con 13
Int 13
Wis 17
Cha 9

Feats: Imp Unarmed Strike, Punishing Kick
1b: Combat Reflexes
1g: Vicious Stomp
1h: Dodge

This build takes advantage of Punishing Kick's ability to make a target prone; with Vicious Stomp, you immediately make an AoO against the now Prone Target. At level 6 when you can nab Improved Trip, you can then make 2 AoO against them (ie, you can trip or Punishing Kick to deal some impressive damage)! You'll want to nab Power Attack at level 3, then Imp Critical at level 10.

Note I went Human because of your stats. If one of the 14's was a 13, the Dwarf one would be workable (and sorta cool, but I'm favored towards dwarf monks). However, with your stats (and so many 13's), the human will be the best route.

Traits: Bullied (combat) is a fair choice for your AoO. Heirloom weapon isn't bad if you want to use a different weapon (I'd suggest Sansetsukon or Nine-section-whip if you go that route), and Wisdom in the Flesh is good if you want to use Wis to reinforce a Dex class skill.

Good luck with this!

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Bah, confused Greater Trip with Improved Trip; so still only single Attack of opportunity, but Imp Trip gives you two ways to get a prone Target for curb stomping and is a wholly viable build :P

Banecrow wrote:

We will be starting at level 1 but I do like to plan things out in advance. More likely a melee support roll. I like being able to dish out a beating. I was not too worried about the poison use from ninja mainly because monk becomes immune to poison eventually. Also the ki pool from ninja is based off of Charisma which is realistically the only "dump" stat for a monk lol. That and I very rarely multi-class unless I am working towards a specific prestige class.

Reading the fluff of the Hungry Ghost got me interested in it and I like how their powers are referred to as almost vampiric in nature.

Hungry ghost monks lose poison immunity (diamond body) in exchange for Life from a Stone at 11th level. You could get it back at lvl 12+ by trading for abundant step or something else as a qinggong monk though.

As an alternative to ninja levels, levels in vivisectionist alchemist could be fun too. You still get sneak attack, you can get the bleeding attack rogue talent, up to 75% fortification via the preserve organs discoveries, discoveries that boost poison effectiveness, fast poison application, easier poison crafting, extracts to buff or heal yourself, etc. This assumes you would be willing to spend feats on Extra Discovery multiple times.
Min max at 20th I would go with 6 levels vivi and the rest in HG monk.

Dip one level into Crusader Cleric, get Crusader Flurry, or whatever it's called, and you can flurry with a scimitar (and be LG to LE) or a katana (LG to LN). That one level dip will not only get you proficiency, but it'll get you weapon focus, as well. I just posted a Hungry Ghost Monk build a bit ago, went with Weapon Finesse, then Dervish Dance (so I can wield one scimitar, and get my dex bonus to attack and damage), maxed out Dex and Wis, for the most part. But if you're wanting sneak attack and poison, go with these guys advice ^, it's good stuff.

Also, I'd really advise keeping Abundant Step, then going with the Dimensional Agility feat trees. Works phenomenally with monks (can use Abundant Step quite a bit, especially if you pick up several vows, and maybe even have that headband, I think it is, that lessens all your Ki costs by 1, to a minimum of 1) with their high speed rating, lots of attacks, and all that.

Sorry, not a headband, but the Ring of Ki Mastery (that lessens Ki costs).

I've also always tried making a Svirfneblin (from the Advanced Race Guide) monk/ninja/whatever. Hungry Ghost Monks lose the SR, but these guys have it anyway. +2 DEX/WIS, all sorts of sweet little perks. The -2 STR wouldn't hurt if you do go all DEX monk and get Dervish Dance, or use an Agile weapon / Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists. The -4 CHA could hurt some abilities, but not your ki pool itself, since you can just choose to use your WIS for the Ki pool (because you're also a monk). Hm, dang. I just may go a rewrite up my own HG Monk build, make him a Svirfneblin. And will have to check into the vivisectionist alchemist, as well.

Mechanical Pear wrote:
Dip one level into Crusader Cleric, get Crusader Flurry

To add to this, Zura the demon lord of vampires and cannibals, is a natural fit for this concept. Her favored weapon is the rapier. If you want to carry this even further, Damphir as your player race.

But you couldn't be a Cleric of Zura, and be a Monk, as Zura is CE, and Monks have to be Lawful.

I forgot the neutral step :)

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