Feat for off-hand attack on charge

Homebrew and House Rules

Two-Weapon Charge (Combat)
Prereqisites: Dex 15, Two-Weapon Fighting
Whenever you charge, you may draw an additional weapon as part of the charge if your base attack bonus is at least +1. In addition, you may make a melee attack against a single target with both your main and off-hand weapons. Doing so incurs the normal penalties for two-weapon fighting.

I have someone playing a TWF ranger in an upcoming game, and I'm wondering if this feat is overpowering in some way. (He is new to the game, so he I don't expect him to break the game too much anyway)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Seems totally fine to me.

Very similar to a Two-Weapon Fighter's doublestrike ability:

Doublestrike (Ex): At 9th level, a two-weapon warrior may, as a standard action, make one attack with both his primary and secondary weapons. The penalties for attacking with two weapons apply normally.

If anything, I think your feat is a little underpowered/limited (but then again, I'm a bit of a powergamer).

If you converted doublestrike into a feat requiring two-weapon fighting as a prerequisite, and allowed it to be used on a charge (with the additional weapon drawn as icing on the cake), then I would think it is worth a feat. Otherwise, it's too costly.

I mean, as a player, you aren't going to get very many opportunities per session to charge. Maybe once or twice, and most often only at the start of combat.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Should clarify: the effect seems totally fine to me. I agree with Detect Magic that it's a bit underwhelming for a feat. Then again, I'm of the opinion that TWF as a standard action (1 hit with each weapon, as "Doublestrike") should be the standard game mechanic, and that the TWF feat should include iteratives (instead of being a feat tree). So maybe I'm too eager to give things to players!

Flak wrote:
Should clarify: the effect seems totally fine to me. I agree with Detect Magic that it's a bit underwhelming for a feat. Then again, I'm of the opinion that TWF as a standard action (1 hit with each weapon, as "Doublestrike") should be the standard game mechanic, and that the TWF feat should include iteratives (instead of being a feat tree). So maybe I'm too eager to give things to players!

I agree with this. I'm thinking of houseruling the TWF standard action bit, along with a few other things to make melee combat better.

For example, making Combat Expertise and all subsequent feats only require 10 INT.


I think it's fine as a feat.

Are you planning to let the ranger choose it as one of his combat style feats, or does he have to take it as a regular feat? Also, what happens if the player decides he doesn't really want it? Does he charge a lot?

Silent Saturn wrote:

I think it's fine as a feat.

Are you planning to let the ranger choose it as one of his combat style feats, or does he have to take it as a regular feat? Also, what happens if the player decides he doesn't really want it? Does he charge a lot?

Dunno if he charges a lot, we haven't played yet. Considering that he wants to play a skirmisher-type character, he'll probably like it.

Also, I suppose it could be a combat style feat, but considering that he's taking TWF at first level and Double Slice is a pretty good feat, I dunno if he'll even take it as a bonus feat.

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