A different magic shop question.


I am completely new to PF, I just discovered it a month ago. I haven't acquired any of the campaign setting materials, but I know lots of you can probably replicate the text from memory.

Is there a described "jumping off point" town that has a magic store in it? Presumably so. Presumably it also stats the proprietor and details his security measures. Does it give any parameters about what is in stock, inventory turnover rates, particularly more (or less) common items, etc?

W/O asking anyone to violate any IP restrictions, can anyone describe how that is detailed? I'm curious as to how the official designers have implemented the RAW.

One in a smallish town would be easier to get arms around, I suppose.

Thanks. Speaking in generalities is fine with me!

Whether or not there is a one-stop magic store is up to the GM.

The game is not so detailed as to list security measures and inventory turnover.
Bigger towns do have better things though, but the exact items available are controlled by the GM.

There are very few detailed descriptions of the kind you are looking for. My best suggestion would be to look through the adventure paths you have access too in hard copy from the stores around you. They tend to give a better description of the individual establishments and what they have for sale. Building security is largely a DM decision. A good quality lock or better, or alarm spells with a spell trigger, AoE of some immobilizing or paralyzing sort, usually works the best. Most magic shop owners are casters themselves so they cover the stores themselves for security as well.

Each city that is detailed in the gazetteers and other media also have a listing for available magic items and the max item cost/purchase value based on it's the size of the city for an average magic campaign. These are guide lines of course, but good places to start.

You can also go with fantastical means as well. Have the shop occupy a pocket dimension that only links to the shop door during hours of business or craft all of the display cases from tiny slices of a permanent wall of force.

Thanks legion. I know what *I* can do, I was curious to see what any designers HAD done, but your thoughts are certainly on point.

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