FiddlersGreen |

Chelish diva has this ability:
Scathing Tirade (Su):
A Chelish diva of 8th level or higher can use her performance to verbally lash out at another creature, causing it to become frightened. To be affected, the target enemy must be within 30 feet and be able to see and hear the diva’s performance. The effect persists for as long as the enemy is within 30 feet and the diva continues her performance, plus 1d4 rounds. Although the diva can only direct the effect at one creature at a time, its effects persist for as long as she continues the performance, even if directed at a different creature. For example, she could direct her tirade at an innkeeper, who becomes frightened, then focus her wrath on the captain of the guard, and the innkeeper remains frightened for 1d4 more rounds even though her attention is no longer directed at him.
This performance cannot cause a creature to become panicked, even if the target is already frightened from another effect. Scathing tirade is a mind-affecting fear effect, and it relies on audible and visual components.
This performance replaces dirge of doom.
Am I missing something or is this a frightened-with-no-save against any non-fear-immune opponent?
If so, should I ban this, or ar there enough limitations to prevent my BBEGs from becoming push-overs?

StreamOfTheSky |

Sounds strong... In most cases, since frightened = run away, it's only going to last 1d4 or 1d4+1 rounds on a victim, and it's only one one person at a time. So it's pretty limited. I feel like it would be more balanced if it had some provision that once you've affected a creature with it, you can't direct it to him again for 24 hours, but oh well.
It also doesn't say what action it is to redirect it to another creature. So since maintaining it is a free action, I assume doing that is also a free action.
D&D and PF especially really doesn't support the "single BBEG" concept very well, unless they have the typical video game style "Boss Immunities" (ie, can't do much else other than beat them to death). A LOT of classes have save-or-lose, or no-save-and-lose or super mondo heavy single target damage output. I'd suggest trying to move away from single BBEGs in favor of "BBEG teams."
And again, assuming redirecting is a free action, I would definitely do the 24 hour limitation on this.

Asterclement Swarthington |

No save isn't the end of the world, but it is odd that there isn't one. The first thing a frightened character does is run away, so that 30' effect breaker will come up real fast. I am surprised it doesn't have a once affected you can't be affected again for 24 hours clause, which is usually the juggle-breaker of choice in abilities like this.

FiddlersGreen |

The first thing a frightened character does is run away, so that 30' effect breaker will come up real fast.
"The effect persists for as long as the enemy is within 30 feet and the diva continues her performance, plus 1d4 rounds."
The placing of the comma indicates that even after leaving the 30ft aoe, the effect still lasts for 1d4 rounds after. Which actually also means that for each round of bardic music, you can get 1d4+1 rounds of a monster frightened, no save.

Mort the Cleverly Named |

Something in the class is misprinted. Prima Donna lists Scathing Tirade as one of the abilities that gets +2 to DC or Perform checks. Since it does not require a Perform check, one would then assume it was supposed to get a +2 to the DC (which does not exist). Alternatively, it may have required a Perform check once, as none of those other abilities require them making the Perform check part of Prima Donna pointless.
It probably should have a save. Frightened basically takes an enemy out of the fight for 1d4 rounds, and you can choose a new target every round. The 30' range might limit it, but I believe that is for selecting targets, not for the continuation of the effect.
Perhaps the author thought that the save would be assumed?