Master Arminas's Revised Warlock for the Pathfinder RPG (Finished)


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chaoseffect wrote:
I'm really impressed by your work here, MA. Hopefully I'll get to try it someday :D

Check out my hexblade conversion and let me know what you think.


Your Hexblade makes me think of the Death Knight from World of Warcraft; you beat things in the face, debuff, and have a full bab and potentially non-squishy familiar. When I first read through it, I was confused by the familiar buff (thinking how the hell could that ever be useful) until I realized it has your BAB and is based on your d10 for HP so it could come in handy after all.

I did have a question for Cursed Blade though; is it only the weapon damage that counts, or do things like precision damage (sneak attack) or spell damage cast through a weapon (like the Magus Spellstrike)? How about damage from things like the Shocking weapon property? As you said in the thread (didn't read much of it), Cursed Blade is more an NPC thing, but I'd definitely find a use for it against reoccurring "storyline" enemies or a group of clerics.

All around, I really like your Hexblade. If I ever do a gestalt (someday >_<), I'd probably put these two classes together and Dervish Dance the hell out of it with Hideous Blow ;p. Have you done any other conversions, because if so I'd love to check em out.

Click on my name in this post, and all of my class conversions are linked to my page here on Paizo. I am particularly fond of my tattooed monk (which will be updated soon).

And yes, any damage that results from the ATTACK with the weapon while Cursed Blade is in effect is . . . well, cursed. So Shocking applies, and sneak attack (if you have it), and a critical.


I was just looking through this again, and something I didn't notice before caught my eye;

Bewitching Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become confused for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is dazed for 1 round.

That didn't make a lot of sense to me: I'd call dazed (unable to act for a turn) a harsher condition than confused (which gives you a 1/4 chance of acting normally), but the enemies get dazed on a failed save. It's like you want the enemy to fail here, so you can just keep using it on them to stun lock them forever.

chaoseffect wrote:

I was just looking through this again, and something I didn't notice before caught my eye;

Bewitching Blast (Su): The target of the eldritch blast suffers normal damage and must make a Fortitude saving throw or become confused for 2 rounds. On a successful save, the target is dazed for 1 round.

That didn't make a lot of sense to me: I'd call dazed (unable to act for a turn) a harsher condition than confused (which gives you a 1/4 chance of acting normally), but the enemies get dazed on a failed save. It's like you want the enemy to fail here, so you can just keep using it on them to stun lock them forever.

True, you cannot act, but you also have no chance of attacking your own allies!


I was thinking of Bewitching Blasts utility in terms of facing one powerful enemy; if you're facing something that has a high enough Fort to pretty much auto make the save, then you probably just won the fight (might even be able to solo it). You keep hitting it, it stays dazed, and it eventually dies without ever having an action, with the only thing to stop it is you botching your roll.

Got to give that some thought, CE.


master arminas wrote:

This one has been a long time coming, my friends. It is the first class conversion that I began working on once I discovered Pathfinder, and it owes much to your suggestions, comments, and critiques. The original thread with all of the various design stages can be found here: warlock.


Wooaaaa its a lot of job here, amazing!!

its a good conversion, in my lazzy option for the warlock to pfrpg, i just took the abilities that we love from it (eldritch blast) and make all those options a discoveries for the magus class

I really like this conversion. What it loses in versatility in the original, I think it makes up for in overall ability. I'm going to have fun playing it.

I do have a question, though. At level 20, your warlock gains DR 10/cold iron and magic as part of Warlock Supreme. However, he had already gained DR 10/cold iron as of level 19. Wouldn't adding the second component to the DR make it more penetrable? Or are you saying you need a cold iron magic weapon to breach the DR?

Dunkel Heel wrote:

I really like this conversion. What it loses in versatility in the original, I think it makes up for in overall ability. I'm going to have fun playing it.

I do have a question, though. At level 20, your warlock gains DR 10/cold iron and magic as part of Warlock Supreme. However, he had already gained DR 10/cold iron as of level 19. Wouldn't adding the second component to the DR make it more penetrable? Or are you saying you need a cold iron magic weapon to breach the DR?

Exactly. At 20th level, it takes a cold iron AND magic weapon to bypass a Warlock Supreme's DR. Glad you liked it; let us know how it plays.


My character started at level 8. Using Hideous Blow, I have something like a +21 to hit with my keened curved elven blade and can do damage upwards of 160 when I hit a crit (15-20). This is countered by the fact that he's pretty squishy, as he's limited to light armor and no shields. The DR, ER, fast healing, and d8 HD help his survivability, though. I think it's a pretty well balanced class. Without a healer, I'd get clobbered if I stay on the front line for too long, so I have to shift back sometimes and allow the dedicated melee characters take some of the licks. The At-Will abilities are nice and add some interesting flavor and the limited spells add some of the utility that the Warlock is known for.

I definitely feel useful when I'm playing it. Thanks for all the work you put into the conversion.

Uh, hideous blow allows for a single attack. And at 8th level, with a elven curve blade, that attack would deal 1d10 (base) + 5d8 (eldritch blast, can only use ONE invocation at a time, remember) + magic + Str. Both the curve blade and eldritch blast have a x2 multiplier, that is a range of 12 (plus 2 x (Str + magic)) to 100 (plus 2 x (Str + magic)), with an average damage of 56 (plus 2 x (Str + magic)).

I don't see how you are doing 160 damage at that level. Unless you are thinking you can get two attacks per round (+6/+1 base, plus Str or Dex mod, plus Cha mod (for hideous blow) plus magic) and both hit and critical.


I have the 1d10 from the Curved Elven Blade. It's keened and has flaming burst. This makes it a +3 enchantment. 1d10 (sword)+5d8(hideous blow)+1d6 (flaming burst)+6(two hands)+3(enchantment) and an additional 1d10 on a crit from flaming burst. 10+40+6+9+10=75x2=150+2 from the Killer trait.

Dunkel Heel wrote:
I have the 1d10 from the Curved Elven Blade. It's keened and has flaming burst. This makes it a +3 enchantment. 1d10 (sword)+5d8(hideous blow)+1d6 (flaming burst)+6(two hands)+3(enchantment) and an additional 1d10 on a crit from flaming burst. 10+40+6+9+10=75x2=150+2 from the Killer trait.

Ah. Maximum damage critical. That is much more like it. I was getting worried, there, if you were talking AVERAGE damage!


Dotting for greatness

dot,plus requesting a google doc politely because i am lazy and this doesn't copy paste well.

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+5 Toaster wrote:
dot,plus requesting a google doc politely because i am lazy and this doesn't copy paste well.

Well, I hope this works. First time I have ever tried using google documents: MA's Pathfinder Warlock Document.

Corrects a few things in the test as well; let me know if that link doesn't work for some reason.


well done...12 pages?! holy crap you invested some work. i think my dmpc is going to be a warlock now. i've trying to decide on what to play, and this is too good too pass up.

+5 Toaster wrote:
well done...12 pages?! holy crap you invested some work. i think my dmpc is going to be a warlock now. i've trying to decide on what to play, and this is too good too pass up.

Glad that you liked it, +5.


I really like this conversion, but I agree with Dragonamedrake that I imagine the warlock having access to a familiar, though I don't think it should be mandatory that all warlocks have a familiar.

I liked the suggestion of making a minor invocation that provides a familiar, but I also agree with master arminas that it's best to keep the theme that all invocations are intended to improve the eldritch blast.

To that end, I present the following minor invocation:

Eldritch Bond (Su): The warlock gains a familiar, using his warlock level as his effective wizard level. This familiar follows the rules for familiars presented in the arcane bond wizard class feature. Additionally, when the familiar gains the ability deliver touch spells, the familiar can deliver the warlock's eldritch blast as if it were a touch spell. The warlock can apply one invocation to that eldritch blast.

Now we need to get a Hero Lab file for this. :P

reydragk wrote:

I really like this conversion, but I agree with Dragonamedrake that I imagine the warlock having access to a familiar, though I don't think it should be mandatory that all warlocks have a familiar.

I liked the suggestion of making a minor invocation that provides a familiar, but I also agree with master arminas that it's best to keep the theme that all invocations are intended to improve the eldritch blast.

To that end, I present the following minor invocation:

Eldritch Bond (Su): The warlock gains a familiar, using his warlock level as his effective wizard level. This familiar follows the rules for familiars presented in the arcane bond wizard class feature. Additionally, when the familiar gains the ability deliver touch spells, the familiar can deliver the warlock's eldritch blast as if it were a touch spell. The warlock can apply one invocation to that eldritch blast.

Somehow, I never replied to you, Reydragk. I like that invocation and will be adding to the class shortly . . . with one minor change (in bold).

Eldritch Bond (Su): The warlock gains a familiar, using his warlock level as his effective wizard level. This familiar follows the rules for familiars presented in the arcane bond wizard class feature. Additionally, when the familiar gains the ability deliver touch spells, the familiar can deliver the warlock's eldritch blast as if it were a touch spell. The familiar can apply one invocation that the warlock knows to the eldritch blast. If the familiar uses this ability to deliver eldritch blast, the warlock may NOT invoke eldritch blast (and any associated invocation) in the same round.

Keeps the Warlock honest, but it does still allow him to cast a spell and have his familiar deliver the EB in the same round.


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

You had a warmage conversion too, right?

Right here: Warmage.


I was curious as to the reason why Mirror Blast is a melee touch attack instead of ranged.

I love this conversion and plan on using it as the Pathfinder side of the equation when I expand the Magical Senshi PrC I made for The-Mage-King's Sentai class to include Warlocks and other notable non-core casters from 3.5.

That Warmage looks nice too, so that'll be probably get added into the mix later tonight. If you have any other conversions of the 3.5 non-core casters, I'd like to see them to add further compatibility. A lack of PF conversions is the reason why I'm missing some of the obscure 3.5 caster classes in my design as my group switched over to PF forever ago.

Z. H. Darkstar wrote:

I was curious as to the reason why Mirror Blast is a melee touch attack instead of ranged.

I love this conversion and plan on using it as the Pathfinder side of the equation when I expand the Magical Senshi PrC I made for The-Mage-King's Sentai class to include Warlocks and other notable non-core casters from 3.5.

That Warmage looks nice too, so that'll be probably get added into the mix later tonight. If you have any other conversions of the 3.5 non-core casters, I'd like to see them to add further compatibility. A lack of PF conversions is the reason why I'm missing some of the obscure 3.5 caster classes in my design as my group switched over to PF forever ago.

It should have been a ranged touch attack; it is fixed in my Google Documents copy posted above.

Glad that you enjoyed it, Darkstar. And the Warmage. As far as others . . . there is my Mind Mage (a telekinetic/telepathic/pyrokinetic conversion of a psion to use spell slots instead of power points) and (while not a casting class per se) my Tattoed Monk whose Tattos of Power are spell-like abilities. My Witchblade, a Pathfinder Hexblade. And my Shadowcaster, which still needs a bit of work, I'm afraid.

And then there is my Mystic Knight, an arcane version of the Soulknife for Pathfinder.



The doc has the blast as not subject to SR or the globe spells...was that intended? That's pretty umm...good for the Warlock...and bad for the baddies.

PS Love your work!

Eldritch Blast is quickly outpaced as far as damage capabilities go; I don't see it getting by SR and globes as being too much.

That aside...

No eldritch glaive?

I rocked with that in Age of Worms, with my Eldritch Disciple long long ago.

Veldan Rath wrote:

The doc has the blast as not subject to SR or the globe spells...was that intended? That's pretty umm...good for the Warlock...and bad for the baddies.

PS Love your work!

Yes, it was intended. See the link in the first post of this thread to the original discussion thread for why.

And thanks.

Veldan Rath wrote:

That aside...

No eldritch glaive?

I rocked with that in Age of Worms, with my Eldritch Disciple long long ago.

Nope. No eldritch glaive.


really like the conversion, since it has a spell list rather than Spell-like abilities for utility spells, it makes it much more compatible with Mythic Adventures for casting Mythic Spells and the Archmage Arcana abilities.

Will the Warlock magic items be added to the documents on google when updated with the Eldritch Bond? also you might add whether it qualifies a Warlock for getting the Improved Familiar Feat

also, for Eldritch Knowledge are the new spells gained in addition to the Spells Known (as the Bard's Spells Known table) ?

Shadow_Charlatan wrote:

really like the conversion, since it has a spell list rather than Spell-like abilities for utility spells, it makes it much more compatible with Mythic Adventures for casting Mythic Spells and the Archmage Arcana abilities.

Will the Warlock magic items be added to the documents on google when updated with the Eldritch Bond? also you might add whether it qualifies a Warlock for getting the Improved Familiar Feat

also, for Eldritch Knowledge are the new spells gained in addition to the Spells Known (as the Bard's Spells Known table) ?

The magic items are here converted for Pathfinder. But I will repeat them in this thread on the next post as well.

Yes, Eldritch Bond will qualify a Warlock for getting Improved Familiar.

Quite right. The spells gained through Eldritch Knowledge are additional bonus spells that are added to the spells known.


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Chasuble of Fell Power
Aura: moderate necromancy
CL: 10th
Slot: Chest
Price: 20,000 gp
Weight: 1 lb.
Description: This heavy vestment is similar to other types of chasuble worn by many clergy over their normal robes and raiment. Although the exact appearance varies, a typical chasuble of fell power is usually crafted from crimson or scarlet cloth, backed by a lining of black silk, and sewn with intricate arcane and eldritch symbols in either gold or silver thread. When this garment is worn by a Warlock, and the Warlock use his eldritch blast modified by an invocation that allows a saving throw, the wearer gains a bonus of +2 to the save DC (this bonus does not stack with that granted by the Ability Focus feat).
Construction Requirements: Craft Wondrous Items, eldritch blast
Cost: 10,000 gp

Warlock’s Scepter
Aura: moderate necromancy (+1, +2, and +3), strong necromancy (+4, +5, and +6*)
CL: 10th (+1, +2, and +3), 12th (+4), 15th (+5), 18th (+6*)
Slot: None (held)
Price: 5,000 gp (+1), 14,000 gp (+2), 29,000 gp (+3), 50,000 gp (+4), 77,000 gp (+5), 110,000 gp (+6*).
Weight: 3 lbs.
Description: This light mace is constructed from cold iron, with a handgrip of wrapped leather bindings and features an enhancement bonus of between +1 and +5. Many of these weapons have a sculpted head that resembles the skull of some creature. The warlock’s scepter grants its enhancement bonus not only on attack and damage rolls made with the weapon itself, but also on all attack and damage rolls made for spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and invocations that require a ranged touch attack. To gain this bonus the weapon must be firmly grasped in one hand. This is a continuous effect and requires no activation.
Furthermore, the warlock’s scepter allows a Warlock to expend one of his spell slots as a swift action in conjunction with his use of the eldritch blast class feature. By expending a 1st or 2nd level spell slot, a Warlock may add +1d6 damage to his eldritch blast. By expending a 3rd or 4th level spell slot, a Warlock may add +2d6 damage to his eldritch blast. By expending a 5th or 6th level spell slot, a Warlock may add +3d6 damage to his eldritch blast. The damage type is the same as that of the Warlock's eldritch blast, i.e., if the Warlock uses brimstone blast to cause fire damage when using this feature of the warlock's scepter, the bonus damage dice also inflict fire damage.
A warlock’s scepter may be upgraded to add additional weapon properties, but the cost to do so is calculated at 3,000 gp x (the total bonus of the enhancements and special weapon properties added together) squared, plus 2,000 gp (for the cold iron material). For example, a +2 frost warlock’s scepter will cost 29,000 gp (3,000 gp x 3 (effective total bonus) x 3 = 27,000 gp + 2,0000 gp = a total of 29,000 gp). A warlock's scepter may not exceed a total bonus (enhancement AND special weapon properties) of +6, compared to a conventional magic weapon which may attain a total bonus of +10.
Only light or one-handed bludgeoning weapons may be enchanted as a warlock's scepter.
Construction Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Items, eldritch blast, magic weapon, caster level must be three times that of the bonus granted (minimum 10th)
Cost: 2,500 gp (+1), 7,000 gp (+2), 14,500 gp (+3), 25,000 gp (+4), 38,500 gp (+5), 55,000 gp (+6*).

NOTE: *Total enhancement bonus cannot exceed +5; a +6 warlock's scepter must have one or more special weapon property or properties that equal or exceed a +1 bonus equivalent.

I have to say that I like this conversion. I've been playing NWN2 recently, and with the few Pathfinder games I've got my fingers in, searching for a conversion of one of my absolute favorite classes brought me to this page (actually the initial thread, but from there to here). And for the most part I like it a lot. There are a few things though.

I have to echo the earlier post about Constitution playing some role with the class features. There's just so many class features in this tied into them being resilient and filled with arcane energy--Damage Reduction, Fast Healing, Energy Resistance--that a good Fort save at the least fits. I'm not sure where Constitution would be applied to class features though. I'd imagine if it would apply anywhere, it would be towards the more physically-based features like the aforementioned three, but I can't think of what it would do.

And I have a question about some of the invocations you posted. One of the things I loved about the eldritch essence invocations was the differing effects it could have. You managed to capture some of them really well, like the bewitching and beshadowed blasts, but things life the boreal and inferno blasts are nothing like their hellrime and brimstone counterparts. A simple single die increase in damage and change in damage type (now subject to energy resistances and immunities (as well as weaknesses too, I guess))? It would seem better off having an 'elemental blast' that can be changed to different energy types than three or four that do the same thing with different energies. My question is, why did you drop the catching fire and dex penalty and what-not?

And the last bit is more of a gripe about the spells. Don't get me wrong, I love the spell list and all of them fit perfectly, and having a bard-level spell progression fits as an alternative. But one of the things I loved about the warlock was just how much flavor the invocations had. They weren't simply spells like what others could cast, they were unique. A greater invisibility spell that if dispelled made a shockwave? Awesome. The ability to turn into a swarm of bat-like shadows? Beautiful. Eating magic to heal yourself? Exquisite.

The spell list is awesome, as I said, but it feels a bit...scrubbed down. Clinically clean cookie-cutter spells. I wanted to see some unique warlock-specific spells. Each of the other new classes had something unique to them, spell-wise, and I wanted to see the same. So I kinda went and attempted to convert the invocations into their equivalents in Pathfinder spell terms. The problem is that I've spent far more time as a player than as a DM, so there's an almost-certain chance that they are unbalanced. Some of them were simple conversions, some were altered a bit, some were changed dramatically in an effort to keep them different than the core spells. I was wondering if you'd be willing to look at them, if not to place/replace them in your spell list, then at least to look at them as an archetype alternative.

Of course, then I ran into the problem of the spells (I still call them invocations; I'm having trouble letting the word go, and if an alchemist can call their spells recipes the I can call them invocations) not being compatible with their counterparts for the purposes of spell-trigger, spell-completion, magic item creation and counterspelling. My quick and dirty solution was to put a list at the end of each invocation saying that they are close enough magically that a spell can affect an invocation and vice versa. Not an elegant one but it works.

Not sure you are still subscribed to this thread or whatever, but I would appreciate your input. I got to this a bit late to the punch, and what you've got seems to have been playtested for a few years, so not sure how the changes would fit in.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm coming late to the party, but nice job.


Dr. Sarcasm,

I will get back to you . . . but probably not this weekend. Just saw DESOLATION OF SMAUG and am giddy as a school-girl. Plus, I am working this weekend. But I WILL get back to you.


I never played, nor even saw, the Warlock from 3.5 so I'm coming into this without any prior knowledge of that class. As far as I can tell, nothing really jumps out as 'OP' or anything, just that the Warlock will always have a fall-back method to deal damage.

The only other Warlock I've ever seen was one by Adamant Entertainment which I found to be a fun one to toy around with, though it's not particularly powerful. It does make a character with tons of flavorful options, though. See this post for my breakdown of some of the best/most fun abilities.

One thing I really liked about it, was the option for the Arcane Blast to become an Eruption, Flurry, and then Flurry Eruption. Any chance something like that could come about for your Warlock conversion? Maybe some way of splitting up the damage dice into weaker blasts?

For instance, splitting the blasts into 1 blast for every 2 damage dice, and each blast deals 2d8 points of damage? For example, when the Warlock has capped out at the 11d8 damage point, he can fire 5 blasts, each dealing 2d8 points of damage. While it may not do much damage per hit, one benefit is it increases the chance for criticals, it also allows the Warlock to cherry pick enemies without having to use a Bolt, Cone or Doom invocation.

Also, does the Eldritch Blast count as a ray? If so, someone could take Weapon Focus (ray), Improved Critical (ray), and apply weapon attack and damage bonuses, such as Inspire Courage, Heroism, Prayer etc. to the Eldritch Blasts. Additionally, if they count as weapons, one could even Vital Strike with the Eldritch Blast.

Just some thoughts I had about this class.

Tels wrote:

I never played, nor even saw, the Warlock from 3.5 so I'm coming into this without any prior knowledge of that class. As far as I can tell, nothing really jumps out as 'OP' or anything, just that the Warlock will always have a fall-back method to deal damage.

The only other Warlock I've ever seen was one by Adamant Entertainment which I found to be a fun one to toy around with, though it's not particularly powerful. It does make a character with tons of flavorful options, though. See this post for my breakdown of some of the best/most fun abilities.

One thing I really liked about it, was the option for the Arcane Blast to become an Eruption, Flurry, and then Flurry Eruption. Any chance something like that could come about for your Warlock conversion? Maybe some way of splitting up the damage dice into weaker blasts?

For instance, splitting the blasts into 1 blast for every 2 damage dice, and each blast deals 2d8 points of damage? For example, when the Warlock has capped out at the 11d8 damage point, he can fire 5 blasts, each dealing 2d8 points of damage. While it may not do much damage per hit, one benefit is it increases the chance for criticals, it also allows the Warlock to cherry pick enemies without having to use a Bolt, Cone or Doom invocation.

Also, does the Eldritch Blast count as a ray? If so, someone could take Weapon Focus (ray), Improved Critical (ray), and apply weapon attack and damage bonuses, such as Inspire Courage, Heroism, Prayer etc. to the Eldritch Blasts. Additionally, if they count as weapons, one could even Vital Strike with the Eldritch Blast.

Just some thoughts I had about this class.

Let's take the second one first, Tels. No. It does NOT count as a Ray for those feats and I have added a line to that regard in the Google document. However, you can select Weapon Focus (Eldritch Blast) and Improved Critical (Eldritch Blast). It just won't add to other (actual) rays.

Vital strike . . . that is a tough one. I mean, the feat normally sees little use, but if I said yes, it would be a MUST HAVE feat. So, unfortunately, I have to say no. At least for MY game. LOL

For the first . . . hmmmmm? How about this?

Flurry Blast (Su): The warlock may select up to three targets for his eldritch blast, so long as each target is within sixty feet of the warlock and no two targets are separated by more than fifteen feet from one another. Each target requires a different ranged touch attack and, if the attack is successful, suffers 3d8 damage (NOT the normal damage the warlock deals with his eldritch blast). If the warlock threatens (and then confirms) a critical hit, each target suffers 6d8 damage from the flurry blast. At 16th level, and again at 20th level, a warlock with this invocation can strike one additional eligible target (four at 16th level, and five at 20th level) with a 3d8 bolt from the flurry blast.

Does that work?


Sure, sounds good. Thanks for the clarification, I'm going to build a Warlock with your conversion and see if I can't squeeze him in as a reoccurring enemy/bastard for the party. One thing I can foresee, is he's going to make a great guerilla-style combatant.

Dr Sarcasm wrote:

I have to say that I like this conversion. I've been playing NWN2 recently, and with the few Pathfinder games I've got my fingers in, searching for a conversion of one of my absolute favorite classes brought me to this page (actually the initial thread, but from there to here). And for the most part I like it a lot. There are a few things though.

I have to echo the earlier post about Constitution playing some role with the class features. There's just so many class features in this tied into them being resilient and filled with arcane energy--Damage Reduction, Fast Healing, Energy Resistance--that a good Fort save at the least fits. I'm not sure where Constitution would be applied to class features though. I'd imagine if it would apply anywhere, it would be towards the more physically-based features like the aforementioned three, but I can't think of what it would do.

And I have a question about some of the invocations you posted. One of the things I loved about the eldritch essence invocations was the differing effects it could have. You managed to capture some of them really well, like the bewitching and beshadowed blasts, but things life the boreal and inferno blasts are nothing like their hellrime and brimstone counterparts. A simple single die increase in damage and change in damage type (now subject to energy resistances and immunities (as well as weaknesses too, I guess))? It would seem better off having an 'elemental blast' that can be changed to different energy types than three or four that do the same thing with different energies. My question is, why did you drop the catching fire and dex penalty and what-not?

And the last bit is more of a gripe about the spells. Don't get me wrong, I love the spell list and all of them fit perfectly, and having a bard-level spell progression fits as an alternative. But one of the things I loved about the warlock was just how much flavor the invocations had. They weren't simply spells like what others could cast, they were unique. A greater invisibility spell that if dispelled made a shockwave? Awesome. The ability to turn into a swarm of bat-like shadows? Beautiful. Eating magic to heal yourself? Exquisite.

The spell list is awesome, as I said, but it feels a bit...scrubbed down. Clinically clean cookie-cutter spells. I wanted to see some unique warlock-specific spells. Each of the other new classes had something unique to them, spell-wise, and I wanted to see the same. So I kinda went and attempted to convert the invocations into their equivalents in Pathfinder spell terms. The problem is that I've spent far more time as a player than as a DM, so there's an almost-certain chance that they are unbalanced. Some of them were simple conversions, some were altered a bit, some were changed dramatically in an effort to keep them different than the core spells. I was wondering if you'd be willing to look at them, if not to place/replace them in your spell list, then at least to look at them as an archetype alternative.

Of course, then I ran into the problem of the spells (I still call them invocations; I'm having trouble letting the word go, and if an alchemist can call their spells recipes the I can call them invocations) not being compatible with their counterparts for the purposes of spell-trigger, spell-completion, magic item creation and counterspelling. My quick and dirty solution was to put a list at the end of each invocation saying that they are close enough magically that a spell can affect an invocation and vice versa. Not an elegant one but it works.

Not sure you are still subscribed to this thread or whatever, but I would appreciate your input. I got to this a bit late to the punch, and what you've got seems to have been playtested for a few years, so not sure how the changes would fit in.

Okay, it seems like I have a little bit of time tonight, Dr. Sarcasm, so let's examine this a bit.

First of all, thanks. I'm glad that you liked this take on the Warlock for Pathfinder. That makes me feel good, so thanks again.

On to the questions and comments.

Constitution. I get what you are saying here, but implementing it is something very difficult. I really didn't want to base spells on Constitution (or any physical ability score) because that breaks with the PF paradigm. The three abilities you descrit (DR, Fast Healing, Energy Resistance) . . . how would you apply Con to them? Adding the modifier? That would quickly result in a very tough character; harder to take down than a barbarian, in fact! And as for a good Fort save . . . well, the original didn't have it. And I did want to stay (somewhat) true to the original.

Invocations. Once again, I get it. Yes, the old utility/defensive/combat invocations all had some ZING to them. But without rewriting the spells completely (and probably bumping up their level in the process), making that mesh with spells known and spell slots is QUITE difficult.

Perhaps you (and others) might post a few suggestions for those unique Warlock only spells and we'll thrash them out together. Adding a few isn't a problem . . . more than a few might be.

I changed boreal and inferno because . . . well, because frankly I had no idea what to add to maelstrom and vitriolic to give them each some ZING. Instead, the four 'energy' based blasts all do an extra die of damage . . . AND they let you take advantage of a critter's weaknesses IF you know the right invocation.

Anyway, that is my thoughts. So, if you want to post a few suggestions for Warlock spells, go right ahead. I'm still tweaking (just added some of Tels thoughts to my Google document, in fact!) and don't mind adding more . . . especially if they are add-on spells (or invocations) and not class features.


Alright, brainstorming time.

For the energy-based eldritch essences: The fire (brimstone) and cold (hellrime) both already have their effects. The vitrolic does as well, as not only does it bypass spell resistance (which is no longer needed), the conjured acid also lingers for a few rounds, much like the brimstone blast, but there's no full-round action to put yourself out.

For electricity, all I could really think of was numbing and muscle spasms of some sort, so it's either a disarm check (unlikely, as that may or may not be OP) or the same effect as hellrime, just altered for Strength damage instead of Dexterity, as a result of the numbed fingers and what have you.

Also, suppose you altered the sonic blast to do the same effect as a thundering weapon--Fort save on a critical hit or become permanently deafened. A beam of sonic energy dealing 6d8 at minimum points of damage feels like some sort of deafening effect should be placed on it. Perhaps a general temporary deafening for a round or two in addition to the crit effect?

And on the familiar-topic: I agree on having it would be a cool thing. But you've already got a pattern up with keeping the invocations as blast shapes and eldritch essences. Perhaps separating it into a full-blown archetype? Because isn't setting up alternate takes on the same class what archetypes are all about?

And I'll have to think about the Constitution thing. I thought I read somewhere on one of these threads that it already had a good Fort save that you took off. It's been awhile since I've played the warlock, so I didn't remember it only had a good Will save. If all else fails, I can do what I normally do if I can't fit features into a class progression: make feats.

And now onto the warlock invocations (spells):

    Some of the invocations from the three warlock books (Complete Arcane, Complete Mage, Dragon Magic) could almost be copy-pasted, as they just re-create spells from those books, and as non-OGL they won't be showing up in and Paizo work:
  • earthen grasp (CArc 104),
  • stony grasp (CArc 124),
  • wall of gloom (CArc 129),
  • caustic mire (CMage 98),
  • the slightly altered invocation of nightmare terrain (CMage 111, 124),
  • the altered invocation of endless slumber (CMage 103, 124), and
  • steal summoning (CMage 118) in particular fits.

  • Dark discorporation could be turned into a 10 minutes/level spell that allows you to discorporate and reform as a free action once per round, as the shapechange spell does.

  • Wall of perilous flame, having the half-untyped energy from the eldritch blast could replace the wall of fire in the warlock list--considering that the warlock gets it 2-3 levels after the sorcerers and wizards, the spell level slot it occupies on his list needn't be changed.

  • Much the same as above, chilling tentacles is received at a later class level than the black tentacles of the sorcerer spell list, so different spell level shouldn't be needed. And for both of them, they could count as their counterparts for the purposes as magic items and counterspelling.

  • Flee the scene is not all that different in what it accomplishes compared to mislead, albeit with a short-range teleport rather than invisibility, and a one-round major image rather than concentration plus three. So a second or third-level spell?

  • The enthralling voice from Dragon Magic could also fit, as well as the frightful presence.

  • The hellspawned grace from Complete Mage wouldn't fit the non-dark feel of the new warlock since it turns you into a hellcat, but the polymorphing self bit fits. Perhaps add the beast form line?

  • And a few spells could be added as the regular spells, since they pretty much show up as invocations in some of the other books: speak with animals--although the invocation also gives it wild empathy as well--break enchantment, water walk, pass without trace, and wall of force.

  • There's also something I felt fit the class, but was never an invocation: there's a spell called blacklight, that creates an area of darkness as the spell, but while inside it the caster can see just fine. It just fit in my opinion. Of course that's the old warlock, not the new.

Like I said, this is off-the-walls brainstorming. Let me know what you like.

Let's take these one at a time, shall we?

Energy-based blast invocations:

The energy-based eldritch blasts (five in all; boreal, inferno, maelstrom, thundering, and vitrolic; the first three being minor and the second two being major) all DO have some good things going for them.

Four of the five get a damage boost above and beyound what EB is normally capable of dealing (+1d8 for cold, fire, and electricity; +2d8 for acid). AND, they allow a Warlock to (potentially) tune their attacks to an opponents weaknesses.

Fighting a red dragon? Boreal blast it is! A white? Inferno for the win!

Thundering does not get a damage bonus because very, very, very few critters are resistant or immune to sonic damage.

Yes, I know that the original class had little extras for hellrime and brimstone; but really are they needed? These invocations just do damage; elemental damage. Having them do more would take away from (in my own humble opinion) from other invocations that don't add extra damage dice.


I agree that it seems odd. It sticks out like a sore thumb being the ONLY invocation that doesn't actually do anything with the eldritch blast . . . oh, wait a minute! From a certain point of view, it does. Remember, THIS familiar doesn't get Deliver Touch Spells like other arcane familiars. He instead gets Deliver Eldritch Blast! And the Warlock doesn't have to spend a standard action on it; the familiar activates it, thus letting the Warlock flee, or cast a spell, or do ANYTHING else except use an EB himself.

Invocations as Spells:

You are right; they could be. I wouldn't have a problem adding a few of them to the spell list as warlock-only arcane spells. So write them out, throw them out there; let's talk about whether or not they fit within Pathfinder. But some of the invocations that you list (dark discorporation, wall of perilous flame, chilling tentacles, etc.) either already have almost the same spell OR are too high level for my vision of the Warlock.

One thing I don't want to do is to expand the spell list to infinity and beyound (to quote a certain toy icon). Too much variety takes away (in my opinion, note) from the core of the class. But a few? We can do a few.

Just post them and we'll talk.


I somewhat disagree with the elemental damage type eldritch blasts. Apart from the cold and fire subtypes, very few critters I can think of have significant enough weaknesses to warrant changing my blast from one that bypasses resistances and damage reduction to one that is subject to them, with an extra damage die or two. Especially since that EB is no longer subject to spell resistance.

I can get that having the effects would detract from the other invocations and their status effects, but honestly...I've never used the others. The mindset I've always had with attacks, from Warlocks to Magic the Gathering to Pokemon has always been thus: BURN, BURN, BURN! Damage first and foremost. Status effects rarely catch my eye, so the likelyhood of me choosing one is slim.

But the beauty of non-Paizo-canon things like this is that it can be tailored to personal tastes, so I could try it out and see how it works for me.

I guess I can get that technically the familiar is an alternate way of firing off eldritch blasts. Kind of stretching it, but oh well. I just thought that having it as an archetype class feature would fit better than trying to fit it in with the invocations--especially since with an archetype you could take the 'devil on the shoulder' thing further than just tossing in the ability to gain a familiar.

Also I was wondering why a class ability to apply both a blast shape and eldritch essence to the same blast didn't show up at higher levels. It doesn't seem too out of sorts to shoot an inferno eldritch doom or a maelstrom eldritch bolt, especially as these are effectively already spells. Also why no add Charisma bonus to attack rolls on eldritch blasts? Seems like it would fit in somewhere since that is their main method of attack (granted touch ACs tend to be small barring rogues and such, but still).

I didn't mean to overwhelm the spell list or anything. Just brainstorming--throwing all the ideas I can against the wall and see what sticks. But I do get what you mean with too many. So I looked over the spell list you had posted to get an idea of what to look for in the spells, so I narrowed it down to fit a few criteria (mostly enchantment, illusion, and necromancy, with a little conjuration; no direct damage, mostly status or ability drain; no hard barriers, mostly fog-type spells). I guess I'll take it a few at a time.

The first one is ironically one of the spells I was the most reluctant to post, given the sort of 'cleaned up' non-evil warlock features that now are in it. This is a mostly direct translation (with a few flavor changes) of the hungry shadows invocation:

Hungry Shadows
School: Conjuration
Level: Warlock 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Duration: Concentration + 2 rounds
Saving Throw: none; Spell Resistance no
You create a miniscule breach into the Shadow Plane. The breach results in a small pool of shadowstuff that radiates in a 20-foot radius of the portal, darkening the area as a darkness spell. The breach also trails with it a swarm of Fine-sized creatures from the Plane, who fill the area of the spell. These nameless scavengers from the twisted forests of the Shadow Plane will attempt to eat any non-Shadow Planar denizen who cross their path. Through the casting of this spell however, the caster appears to be a denizen of the plane, and as such is immune to the attacks of the swarm, though not the darkness effect of the breach.
For the purposes of the spell, the swarm counts as a bat swarm (Bestiary 30), except the swarm is Fine-sized and fills the entire spell area. If the swarm receives enough damage to kill it, it ends the spell, dispelling the darkness.

So I tried to take away the 'bat-filled darkness' bit, and keeping with Paizo's habit of throwing pop culture in wherever it can, I modeled the swarm after the Vashta Narada from Doctor Who. The flavor text may be a bit much for a third-level spell--especially since a swarm of Vashta Narada this size would do a LOT more than 1d6 points of damage, but I couldn't figure out how to word that it was more curious nibbling that a coordinated attack.

And the other I was going to suggest for now is a bit more difficult to word out, since I have little to base it off of. I keep on thinking of how a very warlock-y thing is to be able to turn into animals for the purposes of sneaking off or infiltration or the like. The simplest solution would be to give them a Beast Shape spell progression (especially as the last spell is the highest spell level a warlock can cast), but that could be used as a combat spell which doesn't 100% mesh with what they have already. And since the reason I feel it should have it is more to be a utility sneaking spell than a full combat one, the best I could come up with is this:

Beast Shape 0 [name subject to change]
School: Transmutation [polymorph]
Level: Warlock 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of an animal. This creature can be of any size, but it must be an animal that a 1st-level wizard can select as a familiar. The caster does not gain any of the benefits that an animal selected as a familiar gains. You gain any of the features of the form you assume, but retain your hit points and mental ability scores (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma).

I'm not sure about this one--specifically the ability gains. I get that the regular polymorphs have a hindrance on what abilities you gain, but that seems more to me to be to stop you from casting a form of the dragon III and gaining free spells as a sorcerer. Here, you are taking the form of an at MOST CR 1/2 animal where you are--at minimum--a 4th-level character, a major step DOWN in strength. Plus it would help separate it from normal polymorph spells (apart from the name, which still needs work).

On the elementl damange EBs: At lower levels, that +1d8 makes a LOT of difference in taking down critters. At the expense of possibly hitting elemental resistances; acid and sonic aren't available until 10th level for just that reason.

Also I was wondering why a class ability to apply both a blast shape and eldritch essence to the same blast didn't show up at higher levels. It doesn't seem too out of sorts to shoot an inferno eldritch doom or a maelstrom eldritch bolt, especially as these are effectively already spells. Also why no add Charisma bonus to attack rolls on eldritch blasts? Seems like it would fit in somewhere since that is their main method of attack (granted touch ACs tend to be small barring rogues and such, but still).

Possibly because there is no longer a seperation between shapes and essences; they are ALL invocations. Allowing the combining of two would quickly get complicated . . . imagine if you will combining inferno and boreal blast. Would you stack +2d8? And have the normal EB damage be half-fire and half-cold?

It creates more problems than it solves; at least in my opinion. AND, it forces the Warlock to make tough choices. Does he use eldritch spear to hit a target 120 feet away, or exhausting blast to weaken a closer target for the rest of the party?

I didn't add Charisma on attack rolls because he doesn't need it. Hitting touch AC (especially with a medium BAB) is pretty easy as is.


Hungry Shadows

School: Conjuration
Level: Warlock 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Duration: Concentration + 2 rounds
Saving Throw: none; Spell Resistance no
You create a miniscule breach into the Shadow Plane. The breach results in a small pool of shadowstuff that radiates in a 20-foot radius of the portal, darkening the area as a darkness spell. The breach also trails with it a swarm of Fine-sized creatures from the Plane, who fill the area of the spell. These nameless scavengers from the twisted forests of the Shadow Plane will attempt to eat any non-Shadow Planar denizen who cross their path. Through the casting of this spell however, the caster appears to be a denizen of the plane, and as such is immune to the attacks of the swarm, though not the darkness effect of the breach.
For the purposes of the spell, the swarm counts as a bat swarm (Bestiary 30), except the swarm is Fine-sized and fills the entire spell area. If the swarm receives enough damage to kill it, it ends the spell, dispelling the darkness.

Love it! Nice adaptation as a unique Warlock spell; consider it added to the master document.

But . . . Beast Shape 0? That one I didn't care for. Most familiars are Tiny and normally Beast Shape doesn't allow for Tiny critters until FAR, FAR later than 7th level. I don't know, but for the moment I am sidelining that one.


So why can't the invocations be split up? It would be a simple matter to make three categories of blast shape, eldritch essence, and utility/universal (the familiar would occupy both utility and blast shape categories). Then say that an essence could be modified with only one blast shape and/or eldritch essence. The core warlock could do it, and I don't see any glaring drawbacks in doing so.

Fair enough on the Charisma modifier. Thought so, just wanted to check.

Great! Nice to see something accepted.

And on Critter Form (Beast Shape 0's number 2 working title, to separate it from the Beast Form line)--yes, most familiars are from size Diminutive to Small with most in Tiny, and yes you can't get to Tiny until level 7/8 if a wizard/sorcerer--or level 10 if it was in the warlock list at same level--BUT you have a very limited list of forms compared to the Beast Shape line.

With Beast Shape 2 you could turn into a Tiny cat with 1/4 CR and can have a claw attack that does 1d2-4 damage--OR you could turn into a CR 5 Megaraptor with a 2d6+6 damage talon attack. With Beast Shape 3 you could turn into a Bat with a 1d3-4 bite OR you could turn into a Stegosaurus with a 4d6+12 tail attack with trip OR you could turn into a Magical Beast.

But with Critter Form, all you can do is get smaller and weaker--but more able to hide and sneak. You are not and never will be a credible threat in this form, unlike the Beast Shape forms.

Now one more spell, again a direct translation like Hungry Shadows.

Nightmares Made Real
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Warlock 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: Five 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Spell Resistance: No

You cloak your surroundings with phantasmagoric figures, creating a horrific dreamscape. You make any terrain look, sound, and smell like something out of a nightmare. Writhing vegetation, disembodied limbs, animated corpses, and smoking pits cover every surface. Miasmic vapors fill the air, along with various foul stenches.
The nightmare terrain you create is mostly illusory, but the obstacles are partially real. Creatures within, entering, or viewing the area are entitled to Will saves to discern the illusion. Creatures that fail their saves become entangled. All creatures within the area at the start of your turn take 1d6 points of damage if they do not succeed on Will saves to disbelieve the effect. Regardless of the outcome of the save, creatures within 5 feet have concealment, while those 10 feet or farther away have total concealment.
Furthermore, as long as you are within the area of this spell, you can attempt Hide checks even while being observed. (Other creatures don't gain this benefit.)

The spell level was a bit iffy, since the base spell was listed as <Level: Assassin/bard/hexblade 3, sorcerer/wizard 4>, but the invocation (with the damage at start of your turn effect) was listed as a Greater Invocation, spell level 5. So I just assumed that the damage bumped it up a spell level, so the new levels would be <Assassin/Bard/Hexblade 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 5>, so Warlock Spell Level 4.

I'm also working on trying to come up with some magic items for the warlock, but that'll take a while. Also working on a Pact-based warlock archetype, specifically an 'Infernal Pact' Warlock. That'll probably be sooner, though I'll start it on a new thread to avoid derailing this one. Maybe try to make Pacts for warlocks be like a bloodline for sorcerers, with abilities differing on who your patron type is.

Sovereign Court

I have been following this for awhile but I think I missed something. Is there a list of the spells known by level and a spells per day chart?

Phalazar wrote:
I have been following this for awhile but I think I missed something. Is there a list of the spells known by level and a spells per day chart?

Spell Slots per Day: As Bard.

Spells Known: As Bard.

Spell List by Level: Reprinted below.


0-level Spells: Arcane Mark, Bleed, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance

1st-level Spells: Cause Fear, Charm Person, Chill Touch, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Hold Portal, Jump, Magic Aura, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Unseen Servant, Ventriloquism

2nd-level Spells: Arcane Lock, Bear’s Endurance, Blindness/Deafness, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Darkvision, Darkness, Fog Cloud, Invisibility, Scare, See Invisibility, Shatter, Spider Climb, Summon Swarm, Web

3rd-level Spells: Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Fly, Gaseous Form, Greater Magic Weapon, Hungry Shadows (*), Major Image, Nondetection, Phantom Steed, Sleet Storm, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Suggestion, Tongues, Vampiric Touch

4th-level Spells: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Dimension Door, Enervation, Fear, Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow Conjuration, Solid Fog

5th-level Spells: Baleful Polymorph, Blight, Cloudkill, Dominate Person, Dream, Feeblemind, Mind Fog, Mirage Arcana, Nightmare, Overland Flight, Passwall, Shadow Evocation, Teleport, Waves of Fatigue

6th-level Spells: Acid Fog, Circle of Death, Contingency, Eyebite, Flesh to Stone, Geas/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Suggestion, Mislead, Shadow Walk, True Seeing


Hungry Shadows
School: Conjuration
Level: Warlock 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Duration: Concentration + 2 rounds
Saving Throw: none; Spell Resistance: No

You create a miniscule breach into the Shadow Plane. The breach results in a small pool of shadowstuff that radiates in a 20-foot radius of the portal, darkening the area as a darkness spell. The breach also trails with it a swarm of Fine-sized creatures from the Plane, who fill the area of the spell. These nameless scavengers from the twisted forests of the Shadow Plane will attempt to eat any non-Shadow Planar denizen who cross their path. Through the casting of this spell however, the caster appears to be a denizen of the plane, and as such is immune to the attacks of the swarm, though not the darkness effect of the breach.

For the purposes of the spell, the swarm counts as a bat swarm (Bestiary 30), except the swarm is Fine-sized and fills the entire spell area. If the swarm receives enough damage to kill it, it ends the spell, dispelling the darkness.

Something occurred to me when I was re-working the class for myself: how do the eldritch aura and damage reduction interact? If you get hit with a dagger for 2 points of damage, but the damage reduction negates the damage, does the aura trigger? Or does it only trigger if the damage overpowers the DR? I'd think the former as it's more useful, but the wording as-is is a bit ambiguous.

Dr Sarcasm wrote:
Something occurred to me when I was re-working the class for myself: how do the eldritch aura and damage reduction interact? If you get hit with a dagger for 2 points of damage, but the damage reduction negates the damage, does the aura trigger? Or does it only trigger if the damage overpowers the DR? I'd think the former as it's more useful, but the wording as-is is a bit ambiguous.

Eldritch Aura has the following line:

Any melee attack that damages the warlock for at least 1 point of lethal damage causes a backlash in eldritch energy.

The key word (which I bolded) is "damages". If a Warlock's DR stops the damage, then the Warlock does not suffer damage and the aura doesn't activate. Note, it has to be lethal damage as well.


I am so late to this party...
Played a Warlock in a 3.5 game (Which sadly stopped at level 10 or 12. It was a long time ago and I forget...), but I had some interesting times with it. Yeah, this SERIOUSLY ups a Warlock's versatility and does quite a bit to keep them from being a one-trick pony, but it's still missing some of the more interesting things a Warlock could do, and could use some inspiration from the Eldritch Theurge and Eldritch Disciple, especially since it has casting similar to what a Bard can throw out.
My hands-on experience is limited, and I tend to lean more towards the OP side of things, so if any suggestions come off as OP or weak, feel free to ignore them. (I'm just throwing out ideas here.)

First off, the original Warlock could add a single Essence AND Shape invocation to a Blast, and the blast was treated as an SLA with a spell level of whichever effect had the highest. It was a good ability and enabled the user to mix & match shapes and essences to suit their current need.

Second, take a look at the Eldritch Theurge and Eldritch Disciple from Complete Mage. (This version of the Warlock is MUCH more like these two PrCs than the original class, so pull some of the more interesting abilities from there and allow them via Invocations, class features, or feats.) They both have a class feature that allow the warlock to add spells to a blast. This will make a lot of your current invocations redundant, but why not allow a status effect/crowd control spell to be combined with a blast? (Obviously, said spell is expended as normal, otherwise the uses per day skyrocket.) For example, combine Ray of Enfeeblement with an EB. Do damage and weaken, something most classes can't do until later levels when they get the spells for it. (Or add spells like Daze and such...) Plus, this allows effects to easily be applied to blasts, and even improved via Spell Focus and such.

For the blast itself, I'd leave it as a Ray for the purpose of Weapon Focus and Improved Crit. Especially since there's no Ray spells on the warlock's spell list. (And you might as well toss the people that get said feats a bone if they pick ray spells via Eldritch Knowledge. Improved Crit is far more dangerous, but it's still a 1:10 chance of threatening, besides confirming said crit.)

I'm going to echo some of the people that have already said this, and just combine the Cold, Fire, and Elec. invocations (And add Force. I really like Force because **** ghosts.) into an Elemental Blast or something and drop the bonus damage. Why? Because if you're changing a spell's typing from "Untyped/Arcane" to something else, you're OBVIOUSLY trying to exploit a vulnerability, and that's your bonus damage. (Or the player just really, really likes that element.)

As much as I hate myself for saying this, allowing EB to ignore SR and spells like Globe of Invulnerability makes it too powerful. This is better than an at-will Magic Missile, and it means that most things that halt mages in their tracks will be little more than a speed bump for a Warlock, and as much as I LOATHE SR, it made Vitrolic Blast that much sweeter when I got it. Speaking of that, I'd replace Vitrolic and Thundering Blast with this...

<b>Conjured Blast</b> (Essence, Major): The warlock conjures a mass of acid or sonic energy (Caster's choice.) and hurls it at the target, bypassing SR. If the caster also knows Elemental Blast, they can also choose to make their blast deal fire, electric, or cold damage and still bypass SR.
(I always hated that acid and ONLY acid was allowed to bypass SR. Sure, not a whole lot is immune to acid, but you can't take advantage of weaknesses, either.)

Hideous Blow: Ah, this poor invocation. Near useless in 3.5 thanks to provoking AoO and was completely overshadowed by Eldritch Glaive that, even I have to admit, was just plain OP. If it were me, Hideous Blow would take a Swift action to use (And thus not provoke AoOs.), and deal half the dice (Rounded down with a minimum of 1d8.) Eldritch Blast would normally hand out, and apply it to ALL attacks as a bonus that multiplies on a weapon crit. (So, if the caster's EB is normally 5d8, each attack gets a bonus of 2d8, and includes TWF.) And all this can still be obtained at level 1. (I figure this is more of a SHTF ability in case the Warlock has to get into melee for whatever reason. If players WANT it to become their main focus, no reason to try throwing roadblocks in their path.)
With Path of War (Tomb of Battle revised for Pathfinder.) coming out soon, this isn't the craziest amount of damage you can pile on physical attacks. (And even the damage from a Rogue's SA is dwarfed.) If the DM is allowing that, I'd also be tempted to make an improved hideous blow (As a Greater invocation.) that applies full EB damage to each attack on a successful hit. (Or just take out the damage limit in the first place.) Or, even keep it as it is (Single attack that does full EB damage.) and make a greater invocation that deals half the normal EB dice in damage per hit, every hit.
Also, "...If the attack <b>successful</b> hits the warlock deals..." Sorry, spelling/grammar errors bug me.

Dispel Magic: One of the things I really wanted to try in 3.5 was a dispelling Warlock that could "bounce" spells back at the enemy, and with Dispel Magic as an invocation that lets you attempt Dispel checks all day long (And even take 20 because, f$*~ it, I literally have all day.) Maybe put in a Greater Invocation that, as a swift action, lets you bouce a countered spell back at the caster? Being spell defense was one of those unique/interesting things Warlock could do.

Flurry Blast: I'd make it half the die (rounded down) that the EB can normally inflict. IE at 10th, it deals 3d8 per target (Crits resolve normally.), and 5d8 per target at 18th rather than the shape being only 3d8 and staying there.

Missing Minor Invocations: Where's the invocation that let you speak to animals? (Very neat for a fey-themed warlock.) What happened to the one that granted Darkvision and something else that I can't recall? There was also one that granted a bonus to a few of the Knowledge skills all at the same time that was pretty neat. (Okay, so this one is kinda moot in PF since skill feats are worth taking...) There were a lot of interesting low-level invocations that were very interesting and pretty much acted as class-specific feats.

Greater Invocations: Wasn't there a greater shape invocation that granted blasts a 20ft radius or something?

<b>Class Features</b>
Eldritch Knowledge: I'd maybe move this to start at 4th level, and progress every third level afterwards. (IE, this grants a 1st level spell of choice at level 4, a 2nd level spell of choice at level 7, 3rd at level 10, 13, 16, and a 6th level spell at level 19.) Level 9 is pretty late for an ability like this to take effect and start trying to play catch-up.
Okay, I lied. I'd rather have this ability throw open the floodgates and just grant a bonus spell known of choice as it is, and all new learned spells of that level are from any list after that. Example: after 4th level, the warlock can pick up any 1st-level bard, magus, sorcerer/wizard, or witch spell whenever they'd learn a spell normally. So by 11th level, they'd have 4 1st-level Warlock spells, and 3 1st-level spells from any of those lists. (It would add quite a bit more choice, and the Warlock still won't be the same as a full-blown caster. Plus, picking straight-up direct damage spells is kinda moot until higher levels anyway.)

Greater Invocations (The ones gained at level 18.) prolly should be Major Invocations, and Major Invocations (Gained at 10th.) Should be Greater Invocations. (Sounds like a typo or an honest mix up...)

Warlock Supreme: The only problem I have with this is changing the DR to Cold Iron/Silver to Cold Iron/Silver AND Magic is that, by this level, EVERYTHING has magic weapons, including things with natural weapons. Heck, they have this by level 10 or so. I'd change it so that the Warlock picks an alignment (Good, Evil, Chaos, Law.) and the DR includes that. (Again though, by that level, it's not that much of a hindernace. The Cold Iron/Silver is more of a hinderance.) Eh, maybe just increase it by 5 or something, I don't know...

<b>Warlock Feats</b>
No Extra Invocation or way to increase EB damage via feat? Eh...

<b>Warlock Equipment</b>
Check the Magic Item Compendium because I thought it dropped the prices on these, and I thought the Fell Chausible increased EB damage. (Lesser adding 1d, greater adding 2d...)
On the warlock scepter, does it HAVE to be Cold Iron? And can you add the Distance enchantment to increase the range of one's EB to 120ft instead of 60ft? (I don't know if PF has an item that doubles the range of spells/SLAs like there is in the Magic Item Compendium.

here's an idea, swap the spell list for spells pulled from the ranger/druid list for a nature/fey themed warlock, and from the cleric/paladin lists for a warlock that has bargained a higher/lower being for power. (Might also need to change some class skills around, too.)

Okay, I've spent enough hours on this. I hope I've helped, but more than likely I'm just making a mess of things.

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