List of creatures from the bestiaries not yet produced as Minis for Erik Mona


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** Means a close facsimile has already been produced but not the exact mini.
Bestiary 1:

Aboleth- While a large size one was produced many still wnat a proper huge size version
Astral Deva-**
Animated objects- Some objects have been made but more would always be handy, and they can also dual function as dungeon decor.
Ant, Giant
Archon, Lantern
Assassin Vine
Azata, Ghaele-**
Bat swarm
Beetle, fire-**
Black Pudding-**
Cat, Cheetah-**
Cat, Leopard-**
Cave fisher
Centipede swarm
Crab, Giant
Crab Swarm
Demon Nabasu-** (gargoyles can almost be replacements)
Derro- Has been made once before, but only once and never a pathfinder version
Dinosaur, Brachiosaurus
Dinosaur, Deinonychus
Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus
Dinosaur, Pteranodon
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus- It was made as a mini in "Giants of legend" however it was fiendish and I personally would like to see a natural version and I Bet James Jacobs would too :P
Dog riding-**
Dolphin, Orca
Dragon, Black- All sizes have been produced
Dragon, Blue- Medium is the only size not yet produced
Dragon, Green- Small and GARGANTUAN haven't been produced (seriously the gargantuan green dragon has been requested for years now)
Dragon, Red- Medium and gargantuan are the only sizes not produced
Dragon, White- Medium is the only size not produced
Dragon, Brass- small, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon, bronze- medium, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon, Copper- Gargantuan is the only size not produced
Dragon, Gold- small, gargantuan, and colossal are the only sizes not produced (And if you did produce a colossal or garagantuan gold I buy it in a heartbeat)
Dragon, Silver- small, medium, huge, and gargantuan have never been produced
Dragon Turtle
Eel, Electric
Eel, Giant Moray
Elemental, Air- small**, and huge** have never been produced
Elemental, Earth- small**, and huge** have never been produced
Elemental, Fire- small** has never been produced
Elemental, Water- small, and huge have never been produced
Elephant, Mastodon- ** (One with a frost giant rider was produced)
Familiars- All except the bat have never been produced
Frog, poison
Froghemoth- (often requested)
Genie, Janni
Genie, Shaitan
Golem, Wood
Gray ooze
Green Hag
**Skipped the templates**
Herd Animal, Aurochs
Herd Animal, Bison
Hyena, Dire
Invisible Stalker
Kraken- (Awesome idea for a mini though)
Leech, Giant
Leech Swarm
Linnorm, Crag
Linnorm, Ice
Linnorm, Tarn
Lizard, Giant Frilled
Mephit- Dust, Magma**, ooze, salt, steam, and water haven't been produced
Naga, Guardian-**
Nightmare, Cauchemar
Octopus, Giant
Phase spider-**
Purple Worm- (While one was produced as a miniature by DDM it was huge size and not the proper gargantuan size)
Rhinoceros- (One was produced with an orc rider but not solo)
Rhinoceros, Woolly
Roc- (one was produced by DDM but again it was huge size and not the proper gargantuan size)
Sea Hag
Sea Serpent
Shadow, Greater
Shark, Dire
Shocker Lizard
Skeletal Champion-**
Slug, Giant
Squid, Giant
Tarrasque- (OMG yes someday please!!!!)
Tengu- But DDM did produce Kenku minis that look nearly the same
Violet Fungus
Wasp swarm
Wolverine' Dire
Yellow Musk Creeper
Yeth Hound

Dark Archive

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Bestiary 2:

Aeon- None have been produced
Agathion, Avoral-**
Agathion, Draconal
Agathion, Leonal
Agathion, Silvanshee
Agathion, Vulpinal
Amoeba, Giant
Amoeba Swarm
Angel, Cassisian
Angel Monadic Deva-**
Angel, Movanic Deva-**
Animate Dream
Archon, Shield-**
Archon, Star
Attic Whisperer
Azata, Brijidine
Azata, Lyrakien
Badger- (But a celestial badger was produced)
Badger, Dire
Bat, Mobat-**
Bat, Skaveling
Bee, Giant-**
Bee, Giant queen
Beetle, Goliath Stag
Beetle, Slicer-**
Blink Dog
Carnivorous Blob
Centipede, Giant Whiptail
Centipede, Titan
Cockroach, Giant
Cockroach Swarm
Crawling Hand
Crawling Hand, Giant
Crypt Thing-**
Daemon, Astradaemon
Daemon, Cacodaemon
Daemon, Ceustodaemon
Daemon, Derghodaemon
Daemon, Hydrodaemon-**
Daemon, Leukodaemon
Daemon, Meladaemon
Daemon, Olethrodaemon
Daemon, Piscodaemon
Daemon, Purrodaemon
Daemon, Thanadaemon
Dark Slayer-**
Death Worm
Demon, Kalavakus
Demon, Omox
Demon, Shemhazian
Demon, Vrolikai
Devil, Accuser
Devil, Belier
Devil, Handmaiden
Devil, Immolation
Dinosaur, Allosaurus
Dinosaur, Compsagnathus
Dinosaur, Parasaurolophus
Dinosaur, Tylosaurus
Dragon, Primal- none have been made except a large magma dragon
Dragon Horse
Dragonfly, Giant
Drakes- None have been produced
Dust Digger
Elemental- None except large Ice
Faceless Stalker
Fly, Giant
Maggot, Giant
Frost Worm-**
Fungal Crawler
Gar, Giant
Giant, Marsh
Giant, Rune- (Hope this comes soon :P)
Giant, Taiga
Giant, Wood
Golem, Adamantine
Golem, Alchemical
Golem, Carrion-**
Golem, Clockwork-**
Golem, Glass-**
Golem, Mithral-**
Gremlins-None have been produced
Hangman Tree
Hellcat- (A D&D version was produced)
Herd Animal, Camel
Herd Animal, Ram
Hippopotamus, Behemoth
Hound of Tindalos
Inevitable, Arbiter
Inevitable, Lhaksharut
Inevitable, Zelekhut
Jellyfish, Giant
Jellyfish swarm
Leng Spider-**
Lurker in Light
Magma Ooze
Megafauna, Arsinoitherium
Megafauna, Gylptodon
Megafauna, Megaloceros
Megafauna, Megatherium
Mosquito, Giant
Mosquito Swarm
Mu Spore
Nightshade, Nightcrawler
Nightshade, Nightwave
Nightshade Nightwing
Primate, Babboon
Primate, Monkey Swarm
Protean- None have been produced
Qlippoth- None have been produced
Ravenar- (But a huge blue dragon dracolich was produced by DDM)
Ray, Manta
Ray, Stingray
Scorpion, Black
Serpentfolk-** (DDM produced a Yuan-Ti archer that looks very much like a serpentfolk)
Shining child
Slime Mold
Slithering Tracker
Snake, Emperor Cobra
Snake, Giant Anaconda
Solifugid, giant
Solifugid, Albino Cave
Soule Eater-**
Souldbound Doll
Spider, Giant Tarantula
Tenebrous Worm
Tick, Giant
Tick, Swarm
Titan, Elysian
Titan, Thanatotic
Toad, Giant
Toad, Glacier
Troll, Rock
Turtle, Snapping
Turtle, Giant Snapping
Vampiric Mist
Viper Vine
Water Orm
Whale, Great White
Worm That Walks
Zombie, Juju-**

Dark Archive

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Bestiary 3:
The only creatures in Bestiary 3 that have miniatures made of them are
Baregura- Barl gura from D&D
Brass Golem
Desert Giant
Giant Owl
Myceloid- Myconid in DDM
Shadow Mastiff
Snake Swarm

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Super ultra-helpful. Thanks, Jeremy!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

In the spirit of my original solicitation for the opinions of minis fiends, here's another question you could help me with. I know a lot of folks with huge collections of PPMs kind of frown when a set has player character/NPC miniatures, but the nature of the line (and the fact that we can't assume everyone already has giant collections) necessitates a certain amount (a relatively significant amount, in fact) of this type of miniature in our Pathfinder Battles sets.

I've already heard a lot of minis-fiends happy about stuff that can be used as townsfolk, so I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

"Make them cool," obviously. But is there more to it than that?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Erik Mona wrote:

I've already heard a lot of minis-fiends happy about stuff that can be used as townsfolk, so I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

"Make them cool," obviously. But is there more to it than that?

For minis intended to see use as PC's, it's less important to have a dynamic action pose, certainly. It's awkward when your PC is always leaping, lunging with an outstretched rapier, or crouched in a kung-fu squat, like my old Young Master mini.

There was a Star Wars mini that was perpetually leaping sideways, matrix-style, with twin pistols blazing. I couldn't imagine using a bunch of those without them looking really silly on the table. Try to keep poses like that to a minimum--while they seem like a good idea on the page ("more dynamic, yay!"), those poses actually make them less useful on the table.

It's nice to have minis that perfectly represent that one obscure monster (Only a Chuul looks like a Chuul), but with humanoid creatures, a little ambiguity is frequently a plus. The human rogue from the Heroes and Monsters set is a good example--while it's a perfectly good human rogue, it could also be used as a Dark Folk mini, or a variety of other stuff. Multitasking is good.

Try to keep the minis from overlapping their bases too badly, especially with medium minis. There's a really nicely sculpted DDM Bugbear dual-wielding a hammer and a morningstar, and his arms are so far outstretched, it's impossible to place a mini to his east or west. Don't do that. With larger minis, that's less important, because they frequently engage other minis at reach, and their arms are high enough to not interfere with minis on the ground (The Heroes and Monsters Frost Giant and Ettin are good examples).

For purposes of being able to use them in crowd scenes, or make them into non-antagonist NPCs, they can be dressed in almost anything, all you really need is someone who's not in the throes of battle lust, maybe someone without their weapon drawn. It's what makes that first human druid mini so useful.

Erik Mona wrote:

In the spirit of my original solicitation for the opinions of minis fiends, here's another question you could help me with. I know a lot of folks with huge collections of PPMs kind of frown when a set has player character/NPC miniatures, but the nature of the line (and the fact that we can't assume everyone already has giant collections) necessitates a certain amount (a relatively significant amount, in fact) of this type of miniature in our Pathfinder Battles sets.

I've already heard a lot of minis-fiends happy about stuff that can be used as townsfolk, so I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

"Make them cool," obviously. But is there more to it than that?

Theming them, the way the town watchman/captain were is good, IMO.

My main objection to NPC figures is when they're not rare - even uncommon is too frequent for my purposes. (though I concede I'm probably idiosyncratic, when it comes to minis).

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Make sure you use this list for THEM PAWNS as well!

Well done, Jeremy. Next time you get bored, how about a list of minis that were rare and now hard to get, but shouldn't have been. Things you need like RUST MONSTERS.

Dark Archive

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Well done, Jeremy. Next time you get bored, how about a list of minis that were rare and now hard to get, but shouldn't have been. Things you need like RUST MONSTERS.

I'll get on that as soon as I have a bit of time off.

I would love to see minitures representing spell effects. I loved the flaming sphere mini from D&D Minis. I'd love to see:

animate rope
aqueous orb
arcane eye
ball lightning
dancing lights
dancing lantern
interposing hand/forceful hand/grasping hand/clenched fist/crushing hand
flaming sphere
floating disk
mage's sword
pillar of life
rope trick
spectral hand
spiritual weapon
summon monsters (the rest of them)
twilight knife

I'm sure I missed some others as well.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

In the spirit of my original solicitation for the opinions of minis fiends, here's another question you could help me with. I know a lot of folks with huge collections of PPMs kind of frown when a set has player character/NPC miniatures, but the nature of the line (and the fact that we can't assume everyone already has giant collections) necessitates a certain amount (a relatively significant amount, in fact) of this type of miniature in our Pathfinder Battles sets.

I've already heard a lot of minis-fiends happy about stuff that can be used as townsfolk, so I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

"Make them cool," obviously. But is there more to it than that?

Spell Effects are a good suggestion

Grasping Tentacles etc
If you can do it in a creative way Traps would also be a wonderful idea.
These things just usually don't get produced but kind of need good representations. And if done well and in a good rarity you shouldn't get anyone upset.

Dark Archive

Now that I think of it

Make them rare and maybe one or 2 per set and I think you'd have some excited minis fiends.

Erik Mona wrote:

I know a lot of folks with huge collections of PPMs kind of frown when a set has player character/NPC miniatures, but the nature of the line (and the fact that we can't assume everyone already has giant collections) necessitates a certain amount (a relatively significant amount, in fact) of this type of miniature in our Pathfinder Battles sets.

I've already heard a lot of minis-fiends happy about stuff that can be used as townsfolk, so I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

More PCs/NPCs are great pieces to have, even for those of us with large DDM collections and who have raided other lines like Mage Knight. More variety for players to pick from is always a good thing.

The problem with PC figures is what is the pull rate for a case and what percentage of the set are PCs. These are both important factors in deciding how many cases to buy. If there are 2-3 of each PC mini in a case, like H&M, and most DMs prefer to keep only 1 or 2 copies of a PC mini, there is less incentive to buy a second case. If 9 of 40 minis in the set are PC minis, it's now a very easy decision to buy only one case. Convince me to buy two or three cases - make PC minis ultra-rares (one per case).

As for Humanoid minis I'd like to see...
Crossbowman - A useless PC weapon in 3.x but great for minions and guards. Only one we have is from DDM's second set.
Ruffian/Thug - For barfights, back alleys, and press gangs along the docks. Poorly dressed, poorly equipped.
Highwaymen - For the first Kingmaker module.
Sailors/Pirates - Badly needed in the set after RotR. You can't plan for bosses or even a lot of the monsters when an AP isn't written yet, but you can produce the obvious generic pieces.
Barbarians - A PC and generics. We have some, but nothing my players want to pick or I'm happy to put on the table.
Half-Orcs - Same as Barbarians.
Generic elves in respectable clothing
Scantily clad female with concealed dagger - assassin or disguised succubus
PC minis with Falchions - a favorite weapon of min/maxers
Minis to represent guards of an evil temple - preferably 2 minis similar to the great Watch minis from H&M
Female minis - I was happy to see a lot of females in H&M and look forward to getting more

Dark Archive

I will also revise my Bestiary 3 post and add a list of minis with close approximations already produced as well, as I got lazy near the end there.

Allip- Has been produced in Heroes & Monsters by the looks of things.
Animal Lord
Annis Hag
Ant Lion, Giant
Dragon, Faerie
Kami, Toshigami
Phantom Fungus
Sargassum Fiend
Spider, Ogre

Again sorry for the laziness.

Dark Archive

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Erik Mona wrote:

In the spirit of my original solicitation for the opinions of minis fiends, here's another question you could help me with. I know a lot of folks with huge collections of PPMs kind of frown when a set has player character/NPC miniatures, but the nature of the line (and the fact that we can't assume everyone already has giant collections) necessitates a certain amount (a relatively significant amount, in fact) of this type of miniature in our Pathfinder Battles sets.

I've already heard a lot of minis-fiends happy about stuff that can be used as townsfolk, so I'll definitely keep that in mind for the future. But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

"Make them cool," obviously. But is there more to it than that?

NPC minis I would likely enjoy the most would be

1. Bandits- something that looks like they've been living rough
2. Pirates- I think only one pirate was every made (War of the Dragon Queen I believe)
3. Army members- Different army members, like melee fighter, ranged support, polearm support, cavalry all with the same uniform or armor.

I think those kind of NPC minis were really under represented.
And I think I had a request for a list of miniatures that were under produced and therefore multiples became hard to attain.

1. Dragons- While yes I know many dragons were produced by DDM, they were always rare, and hard to attain, also they are all curently pretty expensive to get. Also DDM tended to remake the same types of dragons over and over and ignore the good dragons. And currently all of these dragons are expensive and hard to attain (I should know I own ever dragon miniature ever made by DDM) so more of these is always an asset.
2. Keep making orcs, goblins, kobolds, skeletons, zombies, hobgoblins etc. Common monsters that show up a lot in most adventures. New people need them and minis fiends need more multiples so they are always a good bet.
3. Animals- Animals were made sporadically throughout DDM but are fairly common in adventures and random encounter tables. While I understand it's hard to get excited about getting a grizzly bear or wolf or tiger or what have you in your fantasy game miniature set, they are incredibly useful for gaming use.
4. Aquatic creatures- Almost completely ignored by DDM except for the odd exception and was requested highly by gamers. Aquatic creatures would be new and exciting and I know I would jump to get them.
5. Gargantuan or Colossal sized creatures- I understand these creatures are hard to produce as minis, but I also know many minis fiends who want them really bad. My suggestion is to keep them as case encentives with a limited availability outside that. From what i understand one of the main downfalls of DDM Icons line was the over production of these minis, along with inflated shipping costs from China. They also couldn't produce them cheaply. So the solution as far as I can see is to keep them fairly limited with a medium price point that will give a little bit of profit. But I think you guys at Paizo and Wizkids no more than I would anyway, but I can tell you minis fiends love these, and knowing wizkids the complaint on the painting detail of the DDM Icons will not exist.
6. D&D common magical beasts- All except the owlbear were hard to attain, so and production of these would be handy to new and old collectors.

Right now I thats all I can think of. I hope the post was informative and helpful. If you have any other questions Erik or anyone else feel free to ask.

P. S. The other way to produce gargantuan and colossal minis and make them sell. Awesome detail and poses. If people see something awesome looking they will want it period. For example don`t just make a gargantuan sized Roc, make that Roc be clutching some unfortunate individual in it`s talons with a spear stuck in it`s breast off to the side, and blood on its beak. The turns an ordinary over sized bird in to and frightening nasty encounter. A purple worm becomes a lot more menacing when leering down at a terrified person on its base, almost ready to pounce. Maybe that unfortunate persons sword is still stuck in the purple worm with a bit worm blood trickling out.

Good points all, although, I guess I'm less excited about aquatic creatures right now. There's also the issue of ugly minis (I'm looking at you, owlbear.) Thanks for another good post, Jeremy. You're my official mini ambassador.

a wall of ice or fire spell effect in tranparent plastic

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Lots of good suggestions here. As the Skull & Shackles art rolls in here at the office, I am seeing a TON of pirates that would make killer preprinted plastic minis...

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

+1 to spell effects ... especially since I use living spells in my campaign :) And a couple of cool-looking magic portals would be keen, and very useful for things like gate, passwall, etc.

Also, how about terrain features? Wouldn't it be awesome to have a few minis representing things like boulders, shrubs, small or large pools of water, stone walls, etc?

I can see it being awesome having a dozen stone wall minis and creating a waist-high wall across the battlefield, or scattering a dozen trees around.

Also, how about a wagon mini? It gets old having miniatures for everything and then grabbing a block of wood and going "and here's the wagon. And this bear is the horse."

Heck, a large mini that's a pair of horses would be awesome.

Finally, don't fear creating multiple different minis for the same creature. It's so very nice to be able to have multiple creatures on the battlefield that have different minis, rather than having to try to keep track of which of the 8 creatures is which ("Wait, the wounded one's attacking Lazard? I thought that he was untouched and the wounded one was next to Knuckles ....")

So, reading through this thread I had an idea. I have no idea how good it is.


For instance, you can have a Paladin mini with a decal for different gods that can be put on the shield.

Or generic army minis with decals for different nations.

It can make someone want to get multiple of the same mini.

Also, from the perspective of Commoners, its ok to have some of them armed if they are not in combat poses.
For instance, Aldern would be just as good a noble mini if he had a rapier at his belt. He may then also serve as a PC a little better.

Halflings. More halflings, please.

Honestly Erik. You have NO idea how hard it is to find a good halfling minature.

Golden-Esque wrote:

Halflings. More halflings, please.

Honestly Erik. You have NO idea how hard it is to find a good halfling minature.

Or gnomes for that matter.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

More halflings and gnomes are a given.

Okay not sure how helpful this will be but here are the top gargantuan and colossal creatures requested for game use
1)Green Dragon (should have been produced back in the DDm days, but their negligence can be your reward)
2) Roc- Shows up in adventures fairly often and isn`t that high level of an encounter so it would get use again and again
3) Purple Worm- same as the roc really
4) Dragon Turle- Has shown up a couple times in pathfinder modules and AP and would also make an awesome mini
5) Red dragon- because one of the gargantuan size has never been made and would also make a cool mini

1) Tarrasque- I have heard this one requested time and time again across multiple messageboards. He`s just that damn iconic everyone would want one.
2) Kraken- Again classic monster that would see use

Other than those I don`t see other creatures of that size being that overly useful. If you produced only those 7 really big miniatures you`d almost be set.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:
More halflings and gnomes are a given.

Females please. There are a lot of male gnomes and halfling out there, not so many females - especially gnomes, given their unique colouration. In point of fact there just are not a lot of females of any species.

Im reapeating what other have said Im sure but here are my main suggestions.

- I know we all want miniatures to be little peices of art. But sometimes DDM tended to forget they are first and formost gameboard peices. Dont lose sight of that.

- Make minis that are needed for the game. DDM avoided making figures that they thought didnt look cool. Thats why they made like three bards out of the hundreds of models they made and why they avoided making mundane animals. Yet they made more variations of drow warriors than anyone could ever really need.

- Make a chart of every Gender/Race/Class combo in the PHB. Then put a check next to it every time DDM made one. For example Female/Half-Orc/Fighter will get a single check (Champion of Kord). Male/Gnome/Bard would get zero checks. Male/Dwarf/Fighter would get like 700 checks. I think this is a good system to see what kind of figures need making.

- Summon Monster!!! A badger, dolphin or monkey makes for a silly miniature in terms of "wow so cool!"...but they are necessary for the actual game.

- Base overhang. Try to avoid a mini looming over its base and making it hard for other minis to stand in ajacent squares. As an example I believe its the Huge Iron Dragon that has wings that cause this problem really badly. The first Vrock demon mini is really bad as well.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Erik Mona wrote:

But what sort of non-monster, non-furniture miniatures might meet the approval of folks who already have tons of miniatures?

"Make them cool," obviously. But is there more to it than that?

Wizards had made a simple farmer, holding a pig and tool. It was awesome to have a simple townsfolky person. Unfortunately there was just the one and he was common. I have like 6 of him.

I do want NPCs in various professions: a merchant (how times have you gone shopping and not had a mini for the shopkeeper?? not just a fancy noble/classic bard type mini); bar/tavern keep; a blacksmith (or other crafter type!); a server of some flavor. Possibly even a ferrier.

5-6 of these guys and you have an instant 'encounter' pack too! ;)

Scratch Dragon Turtle off the list as it is huge size (duh) and add Dire Crocodile.

The Minis Maniac wrote:

Okay not sure how helpful this will be but here are the top gargantuan and colossal creatures requested for game use

Other than those I don`t see other creatures of that size being that overly useful. If you produced only those 7 really big miniatures you`d almost be set.

My short list for Gargantuans would be:

•Crag linnorm (CR 14 dragon; easier to fling at parties than other linnorms)
•Purple worm (see MM's reasoning)
•Roc (as above, but could also double as thunderbird, phoenix)
•Tyrannosaurus (OM NOM NOM)
•Dire crocodile (CR 9 and gargantuan)
•One Gargantuan chromatic dragon...probably Green, given the lack of Wyrm+ mini produced in the 3.x WotC minis.

Jeremy Mcgillan said wrote:
Elemental, Fire- small** has never been produced

Actually, War of the Dragon Queen had a nice Small Fire Elemental, in clear plastic, no less.

Not that I would be averse to another... :-)

The Incomparably Shrewd and Clever

Hated the two DDM Xorns. Would like to see one like that in the Bestiary. Last time there was a good Xorn on the market, was...cripes, I dunno. There was a cool Ral Partha where it was coming up out of the ground, I think.



A few more...

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Ant, Giant

Coming later this year... (see

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus

Bloodspike Behemoth (Savage Encounters)

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

Twig Blights (WotDQ) can be fair proxies

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Wolverine' Dire

Fiendish Dire Wolverine (Angelfire)

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

Worg (Harbinger)

Snig, Worg Rider (War Drums)

Bestiary 2:

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

Badger- (But a celestial badger was produced)

Badger, Dire

Actually, it was a Celestial Dire Badger (Deathknell)... we're still waiting for a good normal badger :-(

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

Mongrelfolk (Aberrations) (Though I admit the mini does not capture the "hodgepodge" nature of mongrelfolk)

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

Bone Naga (Unhallowed) is a nice Large proxy

And many thanks for doing the heavy lifting on making these lists, Jeremy! Please take my corrections as contributions, not complaints!

The Incomparably Shrewd and Clever

Rabulias wrote:

A few more...

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Ant, Giant
Coming later this year... (see

I wouldn't even count that one, unless they plan on painting it.

Yes, they will be painted. That's just a look at the sculpt under development.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Whay about some Lovecraftian goodies - seemto find there way into a lot of adventures and there really isn'y any minis for them. Would be good to have:
Deep ones (or Skum) and possible variation on half breeds such as found in shadows over innsmouth
Dark Young (arkham horror has a good one though)
Gug, a really scary one based on the art in the bestiary 2(?)
Hound of Tindalos
Elder thing (again arkham horror has one but it's too colourful and not scary enough)
Flying polyp
Shantak (althou I thinks it's huge or larger sadly)

I'll support the Tyrannosaurs, but only if it is colored exactly like the one from James Jacob's profile picture on the sight. I'd love to have my T-Rex Mini run around, chasing low-level PCs while shouting "Fear the Creative Directior!" at the top of my lungs.

A lot of great suggestions here which I completely agree.

I am another who has a large collection of D&D PPM and would like to see more nobles, farmers, shop keepers or peasants in general. In our campaigns we do a lot of roleplaying so we do use the common folk, also. What would be really nice is to see a king miniature. In his regal, purple robe with gold trimmings and of course with a crown. A queen mini would be great, as well.

And count me in as another with spell effects minis, as well. We have a large complement of accessory minis (torches, bottles, ceramic pots, treasure chest, etc) that we use, and would definitely use the spell effects, as well.

Oh, and add me as one of those who would LOVE to see a Tarrasque 'mini'. Maybe get it as a premium when buying a case(although I can't see why anyone would want more than one). Maybe it would be best to sell it seperately. But I definitely would put out the big money to purchase one. I know it would be expensive, and I am ok with that.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Hobbun wrote:
Oh, and add me as one of those who would LOVE to see a Tarrasque 'mini'. Maybe get it as a premium when buying a case(although I can't see why anyone would want more than one).

Well there was that planet of Tarrasques in Spelljammer....

Really. I thought a Tarrasque was a unique creature.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Hobbun wrote:
Really. I thought a Tarrasque was a unique creature.

There are supposed to be, but of course some one had the idea to one up that. There was a planet that they all originated from.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Say what? Where is this?

Liberty's Edge

I really want some cool sahuagin minis!

But please, please, PLEASE ... NOT based on the lame artwork from the Bestiary. Make it (or, better yet, them) look really cool!

A four-armed version would be great too!

Dark Archive

I would love to see a
Black pudding, green slime and the like. I think the previous creations only had a orche jelly.
Also the Gargantuan Green Dragon would be awesome too. A few more silver dragon choices too.
Love the Kraken idea someone had as well as the decal to place over shields.
Hags previous versions had the Night hag and a random hag. I think different looking hags would be key expecially the Annis Hag.
Someone riding a Wyvern would be cool or a giant eagle, or flying mount thing.
Spell effects I think would be key too, walls of whatever, portals, tentacles very key. (couple double as a black pudding).

Familiars and animal companions, please.

Of the two, I think animal companions are more important. Minis are mostly for combat, and animal companions get into that lots more often than familiars.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Tarrasque, and indeed any and all of the greater spawn of rovagug, would be great incentive pieces. You really only need one, so fits the limited run for the incentives. And the rune giant shows the scale is possible.
Mind you I'd also like a emkrah...the OP's avatar

We need a TARRASQUE!!! All others are extra! Come on Paizo do what many, many players want and need!

Oh, by the way I love your line. Don't want you to get the wrong impression

I have to through out the desire for Linnorms....make them your "signature" and give us an incredible Crag Linnorm Gargantuan for the next set....

add the treant sapling, puffball, carniverous flower and crawling vine from the advanced races book

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