Acrobatics moving through Large or larger opponents

Rules Questions

I'm not quite sure on this one. If a PC wants to use Acrobatics to move through a creature's square, he must add 5 to the CMD. What about creatures that cover multiple squares? For example, an ogre in a 10' wide corridor, and the PC wants to tumble behind it. Does that require one Acrobatics check or two? Is the check just at +5, or would you add +2 for multiple threatened squares? (I know the text says multiple opponents, but it could be interpreted as multiple threatened squares as well).

The text says multiple opponents. If it means multiple threatened squares, it would have said so.

You have your answer right there.

Haha, the header made me think about somethin else ... but i think escape artist would fit that more then. :)

Grand Lodge

One check, no change to the DC (unless the opponent's space is so wide that the tumbler has to move over half his speed to get through it).

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