Something's Fishy...

Rules Questions

Assuming that monstrous races without racial HD are allowed as PCs for a moment, is there any downside to a merfolk synthesist summoner?

As near as I can tell, it'll get the land speed of the eidolon, so the main drawback to the merfolk is pretty much negated whenever the eidolon is in play.

If the eidolon is banished because of a spell blocking teleportation effects is in place then you can't even summon the eidolon. Using a spell from the polymorph school might also work if you don't want to use the summoner for some reason or lost access to it, but still want to get around normally. I think alter self is the lowest level spell that would work, but I don't know the duration on it.

Edit:fixed things I wrote.
Edit2:There is not much of a downside, but I am also guessing that is what you wanted to hear.

Grand Lodge

Buy a horse.

Its 1min/level. Nowhere near long enough. If you could get a dm to let you go merfolk synthesist I would highly recommend tracking down or making a wondrous item to tide you over when someone banishes your eidolon at higher levels.

@blackbloodtroll. A horse and duct tape.

As soon as you say "synthesist“, most people kinda say "meh".

There is no downside to synthesis anything. Most people I know have either been asked to retire it or voluntarily rerolled because it is just that stupidly powerful. Double the hit points, insane natural attacks, self healing and really good self buffs all combine into one player annihalating things while the others twiddle their thumbs.

Honest advice? Play something else. It might seem cool to be a demigod for a few levels, but it gets really dull fast when you can solo CR+2 encounters.

Grand Lodge

Seriously, buy a mount, ride side saddle. That's what our merfolk cleric did.

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Or you could take leadership and get 4 level one commoners to carry you around on a palanquin. *sigh* I'll never find a group who'll let me play that character...

Lurk3r wrote:
Or you could take leadership and get 4 level one commoners to carry you around on a palanquin. *sigh* I'll never find a group who'll let me play that character...

That build only works for fat troglodytes. Also, the carriers must be kobolds.

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