Can't Get To My Downloads

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"My Downloads" link takes me to the extra signin, but entering my password keeps reloading the signin page. Checked my password by signing out and signing in problem.

I'm having the same problem accessing my account to build a profile for an alt.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

As a potentially useful data point, I'm having no difficulties with the download page. Aside from having to be patient waiting for my subscription downloads. ;-)

Yeah I'm good now.

It comes and goes.

I have had the problem with Firefox and Chrome, but not yet with Explorer or Safari

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I rewrote something yesterday that shouldn't have broken anything and didn't during testing, but clearly broke some things for some people. I've rolled back the change until we figure out what the problem is, so things should be back to normal now.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I guess I spoke too soon. When I went to download the single file version of Jade Regent 6, at the second click after 10 seconds step, it kicked me back out to the main page as if the security had kicked in from leaving the page too long after loading without doing anything on it. Now I just get the same loop back to the password page when I try to log back in.

I'm using Windows Vista Ultimate and Firefox 9.0.1 on this machine.

Edit: Interestingly, Seamonkey 2.7.1 gave no issues at all downloading the remainder of my order.

Edit 2: Heh. Ninja'd by the Postmonster General. Thanks Gary. That explains why my troubles went away. :-)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

can't access the my downloads page on either firefox or explorer it just takes me to the home page

I can't access my downloads in Chrome or Safari, for about the past five minutes.

Website is barfing atm.

Silver Crusade

You could try going to each individual product page (they have a tab for downloading stuff), just search for the product on google and the Paizo webstore should be the first or second hit. Once there login through the download tab and it will most likely kick you to another page but if you immediately go back to the product page you can download stuff.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The website is still having major problems for me, too. Clicking on the links to go to the messageboards main page, or access my account, or my subscriptions, all just send me to the home page. This is happening in Explorer and Firefox both.

From here:

Lissa Guillet wrote:
Something got broken on the website and we're pretty sure what broke it but are at a loss how to fix it right now. Basically this happened after much of the staff left and is redirecting a bunch of links to the front page. It's likely related to a bad configuration but the person most likely to understand what just happened was sick today. And everyone else was gone for the day except for Chris and myself and I'm afraid this is beyond the powers of either of us to figure out without making things worse. Sorry about the issue. I don't expect that it will be a great big problem but we may have to rebuild some links and some things that link to or depend on those links. We'll see.

Office hours today is the earliest to hope for a fix.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Here is a workaround that worked for me for getting items from Your Downloads.

Go to the product page of the item you previously ordered.

In the middle of the screen is information about your purchase (like the date ordered) In there is a "Click here to see download you have for your product" Click on that. It will bring up the download link for that product. That link should work and download that product for you.

I tried it three times - twice for two items I ordered today and it worked both times. And once to see if I can access older stuff in My Downloads so I picked a product I ordered three years ago. That worked as well.

I can't open my downloads, my subscriptions or my account.

Same. Clicking on any of the links in the top nav (sans logout) takes me to main page.

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