A new job opening at Paizo!

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Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
That just happens to be what I'm going to be studying.

We've all strayed far from the point of this thread, but...

Let me save you some money:
Don't go to culinary school.

There ya, go.

I'm assuming you're young, so just find a local restaurant you love, and get a job there. If you don't meet the criteria to work the line, wash dishes. Maybe they need a prep. While you do that, watch the crew on the line. Help them out and offer to step in. Move up by being knowledgeable and good. Once you're on the line and working with that crew, keep to it or move on to another kitchen that inspires you, BOOM, you're in the food biz.

I worked my way up from the guy who washed the pans to the guy who wrote parts of the menu in about 2 years in a place in Austin that did $50k in sales a week, and ended up running that kitchen for about 7 years....without a single day in culinary school. And frankly, none of the cooks I hired from a culinary school background could cut it. All of them were weak and winy.

Adam Daigle wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
That just happens to be what I'm going to be studying.

We've all strayed far from the point of this thread, but...

** spoiler omitted **

My brother's going to have words with ya if you ever meet. ;)

Grand Lodge

Resume away! :)

Grand Lodge

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Liz Courts wrote:
Don't forget Spicy Talk! Or Kanishka!

Or Matador!

Grand Lodge

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Chris Self wrote:
Mike Brock just moved a considerable household across the country. I would advise asking him what he would do differently.

By considerable, he means a 3200 mile transport of the contents of a 3800 square foot house into a 990 square foot apartment and an additional storage unit. That's a long story to be shared over ale, beer, or other such liquids.

Software developer for character builder? Also if this is a popularity contest I vote Kirth. Also I love you Cosmo.

Adam Daigle wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
That just happens to be what I'm going to be studying.

We've all strayed far from the point of this thread, but...

** spoiler omitted **


Best. Advice. Ever.

Save yourself a lot of headache and follow his suggestion. Really. None of the best cooks in the kitchen I work at have ever stepped foot in a culinary school. Horrible waste of time and money. The worst cooks I've seen, besides the gentleman who couldn't go through a rush without diving outside to sample crack during his "smoke break" (try asking someone high on crack to plate something for you and see what you get. I dare you!), have been the students and grads. Anything you learn in school, chances are, you'll have to unlearn at a restaurant since they all have their own neurotic ways of doing things. Doesn't matter if you were taught the "right" way, it's probably not the "right" way to the person who is signing your paychecks.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
David Devier wrote:

One thing I have going for me is the fact that I'm single and can still move everything I own in an SUV with a small trailer. But I definitely think I could maybe manage the move in.. 2-3 months, if I economize. We shall see what the future holds. Someone get out the Harrow deck!

edited because I missed an I in there and it looked silly.

The good thing about a food background is that you can be dropped blindfolded pretty much anywhere in the world, and if you're good enough with basic cooking skills and pantomime, you can get a gig where you can make a living within a week. I say this as a guy who worked kitchens for a dozen years. Portable skills are good skills.
That just happens to be what I'm going to be studying.


ThatEvilGuy wrote:
Doesn't matter if you were taught the "right" way, it's probably not the "right" way to the person who is signing your paychecks.

A good quote that applies in almost any industry. Sorry to de-rail even further... I am a self-taught cook (via Food Network, magazines, books, boutique school classes, experimentation and hard work) and my "culinary schooled" fiance and I constantly fight in the kitchen. That is why we have a cardinal rule- only one of us is "chef" at a time; and what Chef says, goes.

Scarab Sages

I would actually consider Project Manager. I have 80% of the qualifications. I figure if I can manage high end, high demand middle schoolers for 15 years, I can handle a group of people who actually want to be in the room....

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Wow I wish you guys were in Canada, I'd apply in a heartbeat for the project manager job. Oh well, good luck finding someone!

A couple of questions, one general and one personal:

1. Have these positions been filled, or are one or both of them still open?

2. Have I been eliminated from the list (as I assume), or am I being considered? I'm currently operating on a "no news = bad news" standpoint; it would be helpful to know if that's not the case.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Kirth Gersen wrote:

A couple of questions, one general and one personal:

1. Have these positions been filled, or are one or both of them still open?

2. Have I been eliminated from the list (as I assume), or am I being considered? I'm currently operating on a "no news = bad news" standpoint; it would be helpful to know if that's not the case.

Both positions are still open. I don't know the status of Project Manager resumes, but I believe Gary has contacted all of the prospects for Software Developer.

Thanks, Vic!

Grand Lodge

Good to know, Vic. I tried applying to some of the other positions before, and understand that Paizo likes to take their time, to make sure that they find the right person for the job. So, I am being patient to hear back when all is said and done.

Mahalo nui loa!

Shadow Lodge

I do keep trying, but nothing I'm really qualified for has opened up again! Oh well. I'm patient :)

Grand Lodge

Hi! Can I ask what the status is on this position? :)

Scarab Sages

Damn! Still no Mechanical Engineer/Warmonger position!

Should Paizo ever need a good English-to-French translator for everything you guys put out, I have a friend who's quite good at it. She's a real pro (a real translator), contracting from her home. If you're interested, just give me a call.



Liberty's Edge

Part of me wants to apply for the software developer position... shame that I am primarily a systems and network admin. Ah well, maybe Paizo will need someone to run the corporate IT infrastructure some day.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Aeshuura wrote:
Hi! Can I ask what the status is on this position? :)

Which one?

Grand Lodge

Sorry, the Project Manager position. Thanks Vic!

Don't suppose you all need a dentist up in your parts of Washington? I'll be graduating from OHSU in two years and looking for a place to set up shack...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Aeshuura wrote:
Sorry, the Project Manager position. Thanks Vic!

I believe we've done some interviews, but we certainly haven't hired anyone yet.

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:
Is the "Resident Forum Troublemaker" post op...oh wait.

At my work we used to have a golden spoon that was hung on the door of the person who was stirring the most...um...stuff up.

Surprisingly I didn't "win" often.

Grand Lodge

Thanks Vic... I hope you guys find the right guy... a little sad that I haven't heard from you guys though... Oh well, I thought I actually had a shot at this one... ^_^ Maybe I am just further down the list. ;)

I really appreciate that you guys really try to make sure that you find the right person for the job, instead of rushing things just to fill a position.

Good luck!


Aeshuura wrote:
Hi! Can I ask what the status is on this position? :)

It's still open. We've got a few other fires burning, but we'll be turning our attention back to this shortly. Thanks for being so patient!

Grand Lodge

Awesome, thanks Wes! I understand that you guys are busy with PaizoCon and GenCon, so I will wait... it renews hope that I may still be in the running! :)

what about the intern position? I don't see it posted on the job opportunities section now.

Liz Courts wrote:
Jeff de luna wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Don't forget Spicy Talk! Or Kanishka!
Kanishka? A Buddhist Kushan ruler of Kashmir? Huh?

Locally, Kanishka is a very delightful place in which I overeat plates of naan, saag paneer, chicken tikka masala, goat curry, veggie pakora, and tandoori chicken. It's awesome if you dig Indian food.

Which I do.

The chances of me EVER being in Washington are painfully slim, but I have a neverending fascination with good indian food. How's the daal?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Twigs wrote:
The chances of me EVER being in Washington are painfully slim, but I have a neverending fascination with good indian food. How's the daal?

One thing you get pretty much anywhere in washington, is good asian food, wether that's indian, chinese, japanese, thai. The international and university districts, especially, are crazy with it. =)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Twigs wrote:
How's the daal?

They've got a few. They tend to be spicy and with surprisingly meaty flavors.

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Awesome. Good luck with the position.

I couldn't relocate - I just bought a new house.

Besides, being 'uber kewl' doesn't count as a qualification. {grin}

Scarab Sages

Wow, I'm surprised the Software Developer position is still open. Consider that applied for. :) In Redmond already and done lots of software work for Pathfinder in the past (Archives of Nethys, Magic Item Generator, etc.)

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Karui for softaware developer!

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

So, who got the Project Manager job?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey, I'm studying project management now...

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Charlie Bell wrote:
So, who got the Project Manager job?

the new project manager, silly!

Has there been any word on the copy-editing position that was mentioned upstream?

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

I honestly would move to Seattle for a warehouse or customer service job with you guys. I don't care that you are 15 hours away, it would be better and more awesome then my job now.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Some of the ducks we were trying to get into a row got all sideways, so the software developer position hasn't been filled yet. We're looking to restart the process with gusto shortly after PaizoCon, so if you sent a resume and didn't get a response please be patient.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You guys seem to have a persistent duck situation there. Let me recommend you my buddy Elmer, an expert on the matter...

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, it turns out, it's rabbit season.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Didn't they take the wrong turn at Albuquerque?

Grand Lodge

The software developer position is still open, but did the Project Manager position get filled? I hadn't heard anything...

EDIT: Nevermind, I see it! Congrats to whoever got the position... *sigh*

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Yesterday we put this note on the job opportunities page:

As of June 29, 2012, we have filled the posted Project Manager position. Thanks to everyone who applied. Please keep checking the Paizo.com Job Opportunities page for future job postings.

Grand Lodge

Thanks Gary... I was really hoping it was me! ;p

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