Module suggestion for short campaign


I'm planning on running a short "campaign" of maybe 6-10 sessions: longer than a single adventure, but shorter than an adventure path. Any suggestions of published modules that would be a good fit?

3.5 mod the Red Hand of Doom was fun although you would have to quicken it becasue it runs about 20+ sessions.... What target level are you looking for.

Mr. Greene wrote:
3.5 mod the Red Hand of Doom was fun although you would have to quicken it becasue it runs about 20+ sessions.... What target level are you looking for.

Low level, preferably level 1 or 2. A module based on Pathfinder rules would be preferable too. I wonder if the first chapter of a Paizo AP might be useable with some story modifications.

Crypt of the Everflame has a follow up module Mask of the Living God. Would take the players in theory from level 1 to about 5. And if those get finished too quickly you can (but dont have to) follow them up with City of Golden Death.

The benefit here is the modules are connected, so it makes for a descent campaign, but they are separate enough where you can stop after one or two without it being disappoint. So it should work pretty well with your 6-10 session aim.

The second module of "Rise of the Runelords" (The Skinsaw Murders) would serve as a decent 6-8 session mini-campaign. It's for character levels 4-6. It has strong horror elements.

You'd need to run an encounter or two at the beginning to introduce the main villain in a friendly light, and then change the end so that the BBEG *was* the mastermind (and not a servant of an even bigger BBEG).

Otherwise, it's completely self-contained.

[Edited to add hyperlink and fix two typos.]

I am running a group in Darkmoon Vale the Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King and Revenge of the Kobold King might be a nice string. You can put Carnival of Tears between Crown and Revenge I think and have a great cohesive group of adventures.

I second the calls for the Darkmoon Vale series or the Crypt of the Everflame/Mask of the Living God combo. Both are good sets of low-level adventures. Good luck!

Gnomezrule wrote:
I am running a group in Darkmoon Vale the Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King and Revenge of the Kobold King might be a nice string. You can put Carnival of Tears between Crown and Revenge I think and have a great cohesive group of adventures.

I am doing the exact same thing right now. d20pfsrd even has updated stats for all the major baddies. My players are really enjoying it and so am I.

You could try a few of the thematically connected Pathfinder Society scenarios: the advantage is that you know each of the adventures runs 4 hours or so, allowing you to precisely plan the number of sessions you need.

I would recommend the three First Steps adventures, which allows the PCs to pick a faction, then the four-part "Devil You Know" series. You could also run some of the pairings like "City of Strangers", "Before the Dawn", or the three-part "Shades of Ice".

The advantage for your players is that they can take their PCs when you're done and play them in other Pathfinder Society events.

Two possibilities. One, the AP module "Souls for Smugglers Shiv" is completely self contained; you can run it over 4 to 8 sessions, depending, and it will take the PCs from first to 3rd or 4th level. (It's also an absolutely terrific adventure; while Serpents Skull is not considered one of the great APs, SfSS is definitely one of the best single modules.)

Two, for a cool horror-themed campaign, start the PCs off with "Hangman's Noose", a great horror/mystery 1st level module. (It's 3.5 rather than PF, but that's not a big deal.) When they finish that, hit them with Skinsaw Murders. You may have to adlib an adventure or two in between to give them enough xp, or tone down the first part of Skinsaw, but I really think those would make a fine one-two punch.


Doug M.

psychicmachinery wrote:
Gnomezrule wrote:
I am running a group in Darkmoon Vale the Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King and Revenge of the Kobold King might be a nice string. You can put Carnival of Tears between Crown and Revenge I think and have a great cohesive group of adventures.
I am doing the exact same thing right now. d20pfsrd even has updated stats for all the major baddies. My players are really enjoying it and so am I.

That is cool I will have to look for the updated stats. Though I will need to up all the CRs I started things with this group with a simple stand alone adventure and I am weaving someother events in along side the published material so it is possible they will be a level or two higher.

Thanks everyone. Great ideas so far. Keep 'em coming if you have any other favourite modules.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

My group liked Horror at Dagger Rock. It's for 1-2 level characters, and it's America's favorite price. They still talk about one of the things found it that module, but I won't spoiler it here.

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