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So I think my group and I have been letting our hairy little friends get away with carrying far more than they really can without penalties.
Dwarves have the ability Slow and Steady.
"Slow and Steady: Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance."
Previously, we had interpreted this to mean that a Dwarf cannot be encumbered, but now I think that is wrong. All it says here is that their speed cant be lowered because of encumbrance or from wearing a heavy armor.
Furthermore, when looking at the 'Encumbrance Effects' chart on the PRD, 'Run' isnt listed under the 'Speed' heading, only the base 30ft movement and base 20ft movement are. To me, that appears to say that while wearing heavier armor and being encumbered wouldnt lower their speed from 20 to 15ft or 10ft, it WILL lower how far they can Run during a full-round action.
Here are the definitions for Run (x3 and x4) for reference:
"Run (×3): Moving three times speed is a running pace for a character in heavy armor (about 7 miles per hour for a human in full plate).
Run (×4): Moving four times speed is a running pace for a character in light, medium, or no armor ( about 12 miles per hour for an unencumbered human, or 9 miles per hour for a human in chainmail) See Table: Movement and Distance for details."
So based on the wording, I believe that:
A) A dwarf carrying more than their light load does take the check penalties for being encumbered, just like anyone else.
B) A dwarf who is suffering from those encumbrance penalties would only be able to Run at x3 speed.
What say you, fellow boardmembers?

Huppolitan |
"A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action)."
Does this mean that a dwarven character with Str 10 (max load 100 lbs)can move 20 ft/round up to 199 pounds, but at 200 lbs is reduced to 5 ft/round as a full-round action? In other words, is double max load a hard outside limit for "Slow and Steady" or can dwarves carry giant statues around and still move 20 ft/round?

Mauril |

"A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action)."
Does this mean that a dwarven character with Str 10 (max load 100 lbs)can move 20 ft/round up to 199 pounds, but at 200 lbs is reduced to 5 ft/round as a full-round action? In other words, is double max load a hard outside limit for "Slow and Steady" or can dwarves carry giant statues around and still move 20 ft/round?
He can move 20 in a move action carrying up to 100 pounds. He can move 5 feet as a full round action from 101 to 200 pounds. 201 pounds or above, he cannot lift or move.

Conundrum |

he takes the check penalties but only the worst from armor OR encumbrance apply and he can move at 20' maximum of x4 until he goes over his heavy load limit. This is the major attraction of the dwarf as race over something else. They are already slow but they cant be further slowed by plate mail, 150 lbs of gear etc. However, throw them in the ocean and the -7 check penalty to swim still gets them killed.
Why try to nerf an already nerfed race by misinterpreting one of their marquee trademark racial features, one which for me makes up for the lack of a strength bonus and is a valid reason to make a dwarf full bab vs making yet another human fighter or half orc barbarian.

Conundrum |

You take teh penalty too move for EITHER heavy encumerance or HEAVY armor not both. So in the case of a dwarf he can move 20' even when at MAX encumberance (So could a human). He could however only run 3x normal speed.
no that is modifying his speed due to armor or encumbrance and goes against raw. people please cut the bull sh--. Thank you, your friendly neighborhood dwarf fighter,ranger,barbarian,cleric,paladin,druid(in stone plate).

Conundrum |

Huppolitan wrote:He can move 20 in a move action carrying up to 100 pounds. He can move 5 feet as a full round action from 101 to 200 pounds. 201 pounds or above, he cannot lift or move."A character can lift as much as double his maximum load off the ground, but he or she can only stagger around with it. While overloaded in this way, the character loses any Dexterity bonus to AC and can move only 5 feet per round (as a full-round action)."
Does this mean that a dwarven character with Str 10 (max load 100 lbs)can move 20 ft/round up to 199 pounds, but at 200 lbs is reduced to 5 ft/round as a full-round action? In other words, is double max load a hard outside limit for "Slow and Steady" or can dwarves carry giant statues around and still move 20 ft/round?
yes this person has it correct.

Conundrum |

Ughbash wrote:You take teh penalty too move for EITHER heavy encumerance or HEAVY armor not both. So in the case of a dwarf he can move 20' even when at MAX encumberance (So could a human). He could however only run 3x normal speed.no that is modifying his speed due to armor or encumbrance and goes against raw. people please cut the bull sh--. Thank you, your friendly neighborhood dwarf fighter,ranger,barbarian,cleric,paladin,druid(in stone plate).
for clarification lets say the mentioned dwarf has a 14 strength, as long as he doesn't exceed heavy load he can run at 20x4 as normal while still taking the appropriate check penalties.

Markon |
So, not to resurrect this thread, but this question (about how running works at heavy encumbrance/in heavy armor) came up for a game I am starting, a few weeks ago, during character creation. I did a search, and this is the the only thread I found on the subject. My common sense and my reading of the RAW makes me think that running while heavily armored/heavily encumbered would, indeed, only get a X 3 modifier. I see this as not modifying the speed, but modifying the BONUS to their speed. I know this is a very minor difference, but... it makes more sense to me.
Am I missing an official clarification somewhere?

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Speed is never modified. That's the only called out in the ability, so other things can be modified in all the normal ways.
Running is about going multiple times your speed. That multiplier is not protected by Slow and Steady, so you're indeed limited to 3x your speed in heavy armor. But that speed isn't reduced, so that's something.

Markon |
I love how, in the two answers I got, I got two disagreeing interpretations. I know these forums hate it when people "insist" on official answers, but this obviously is not clear to people.
And to address what dragonhunterq asked, I would go with saying that a dwarf with boots of speed would still have a speed of 40 in heavy armor/at heavy encumbrance (20, doubled, for the haste effect from the boots). This seems clear to me, from the wording of the Slow and Steady ability. But he would still only run at X3.