First Level Human Paladin...

Rules Questions

Would get 2 feats correct?

1 for 1st level?
1 for Human?

Am I wrong about this? I saw something in the paladin/archer thread which showed the paladin having 3 feats at first level. Do theyhave a bonus feat I am missing?

You are right, one feat for first level, one for being human. If that paladin/archer thread is not just wrong, perhaps the character took a fighter level for first level.

The Paladin/Archer may have been using an archetype. Divine Hunter grants Precise Shot at 1st level (in exchange for heavy armour proficiency), which would be in addition to the normal 2 feats from being a 1st level human.

That may have been what you saw.

Ok thanks!

I was very confused. Just when I thought I had a grasp on the rules....

Scrogz wrote:

Ok thanks!

I was very confused. Just when I thought I had a grasp on the rules....

It also could have been a bonus feat... For example, the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide states that the players should ask the GM if they can take one of 3 feats as a bonus feat at level 1.

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