Books you would like to see rewritten by Paizo

Paizo General Discussion

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Frog God Games

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Advanced Bestiary and Book of Fiends from Green Ronin.

Cerealkiller wrote:

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

If the Wilderness Survival guide covers more than just forests.

Yes I agree a full complement of outdoor environments.

The Wilderness Survival Guide covered pretty much every type of terrain (to whit: Desert, Forest, Hills, Mountains, Plains, Seacoast, Swamp and Bodies of Water), climate etc. I'm looking at my old copy right now and getting nostalgic for AD&D... it covered (from the table of contents): terrain, climate, skills ("proficiencies" in those days), dressing for the weather, encumbrance and movement, food and water (including foraging / hunting), camping and campfires, medicine and first aid, natural hazards, combat rules for wilderness play, fatigue and exhaustion, mounts and beasts of burden, and magic in the wilderness. Not too shabby...

R_Chance wrote:
Cerealkiller wrote:

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

If the Wilderness Survival guide covers more than just forests.

Yes I agree a full complement of outdoor environments.

The Wilderness Survival Guide covered pretty much every type of terrain (to whit: Desert, Forest, Hills, Mountains, Plains, Seacoast, Swamp and Bodies of Water), climate etc. I'm looking at my old copy right now and getting nostalgic for AD&D... it covered (from the table of contents): terrain, climate, skills ("proficiencies" in those days), dressing for the weather, encumbrance and movement, food and water (including foraging / hunting), camping and campfires, medicine and first aid, natural hazards, combat rules for wilderness play, fatigue and exhaustion, mounts and beasts of burden, and magic in the wilderness. Not too shabby...

Its been a while scine I have looked at the book. I was thinking of picking an old copy and using it in my pathfinder campaign. Some books just can't beat the old ones.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Umbral Reaver wrote:

Books I'd like to see rewritten by Paizo:

Pathfinder Core Book
Advanced Player's Guide
Ultimate Magic
Ultimate Combat


As I read all the answers to this question, the more I am like this answer.

Chuck Wright wrote:
Advanced Bestiary and Book of Fiends from Green Ronin.

Yes please.

Shadow Lodge

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Advanced Bestiary by Green Ronin
Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition by Silverthorne Games
all the templates from the SRD

all combined into one giant Ultimate Templates book

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Lilith wrote:
Chuck Wright wrote:
Advanced Bestiary and Book of Fiends from Green Ronin.
Yes please.

We have our mole. *evil grin*

Frog God Games

There are a few here and there, but they need to be done en masse! *evil villain mua-ha-ing*

Scarab Sages

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
That's Scottish usage. most English speakers aren't Scottish. It isn't incorrect, but it does not prove that Warlock is the world for a male witch. It proves that it is A word for a male witch. In truth, male witches were called witches all the time. Warlock was used, but by no means universally. The phrase "Warlock is the name used for a Male Witch" is therefore incorrect and misleading. What would be correct is to say "Warlock is a name used for a Male Witch".

The 60s TV show Bewitched (Which is where most Americans, ages25+ first heard the word Warlock, most likely) used it for the male Witches.


Scarab Sages

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Oh, and Grimtooth's Traps, adapted for PF.


Shadow Lodge

Grimtooth's Traps books were system-neutral. You probably mean The Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps. But really, there's not much updating to be done with that book, other than substituting the word "Perception" for "Listen" and "Spot". Then again, that's kinda true for a lot of the things that have been requested here...I guess some people just feel like unless it's got a purple pi golem on it, it's unusable.

The Exchange

Well, since the Pathfinder APs don't cover the whole level range, my wish would be:

Shackled City
Age of Worms
Savage Tide

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
WormysQueue wrote:

Well, since the Pathfinder APs don't cover the whole level range, my wish would be:

Shackled City
Age of Worms
Savage Tide

Wizards of the Coast Legal Department's phone number is ...

Shadow Lodge

Age of Worms would be amazing.

Shackled City I'd get.

It would be awesome to even do some sort of reprint or bunching together of both of these into a consolidated source, too, (Well, SHackled City is sort of).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Uriel393 wrote:

Oh, and Grimtooth's Traps, adapted for PF.


Oh heck yes

Azure_Zero wrote:
Uriel393 wrote:

Oh, and Grimtooth's Traps, adapted for PF.


Oh heck yes

Favorite this and the other ones if you want it.

Book of Nine Swords, as long as we're throwing stuff out there that's not going to happen.

Oh,....and if you don't want Bo9S, I'll roll a wil save now not to care.

10d1000 ⇒ (40, 650, 824, 694, 353, 138, 605, 561, 840, 286) = 4991

huzzah! I saved!!!

Shadow Lodge

Uriel393 wrote:
Oh, and Grimtooth's Traps, adapted for PF.

If they decided to do that, for some reason, I would want it to be a full-blown Grimtooth's Traps: Complete, not just what would essentially amount to a reprint of The Worst of Grimtooth's Traps. So I'm talking about everything from the entire series:

Grimtooth's Traps
Grimtooth's Traps Too
Grimtooth's Traps Fore
Grimtooth's Traps Ate
Grimtooth's Traps Lite
Grimtooth's Traps Bazaar
Grimtooth's Dungeon of Doom

Kthulhu wrote:
Uriel393 wrote:
Oh, and Grimtooth's Traps, adapted for PF.

If they decided to do that, for some reason, I would want it to be a full-blown Grimtooth's Traps: Complete, not just what would essentially amount to a reprint of The Worst of Grimtooth's Traps. So I'm talking about everything from the entire series:

Grimtooth's Traps
Grimtooth's Traps Too
Grimtooth's Traps Fore
Grimtooth's Traps Ate
Grimtooth's Traps Lite
Grimtooth's Traps Bazaar
Grimtooth's Dungeon of Doom

Oh please, oh please, oh please, make these into pathfinder traps (with level-scalability like the originals)

Frog God Games

The traps are pretty bare-minimum and setting-generic in the original books.

(I look at that list and feel for the layout designer's wrist tendons.)

I want to see an Atlas of Golarion made like they did with Kingdoms of Kalamar by KenzerCo, but with the hex grid layout for those of us who are running games with a party of intrepid kingdom builders. That would be incredibly awesome when you come down to it. Kingdom Stats for places like Brevoy, Numeria, and such so that we can use the kingdom build rules to launch campaigns against some of these countries without having to make up the grid layout

Shadow Lodge

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Chuck Wright wrote:
The traps are pretty bare-minimum and setting-generic in the original books.

One thing I like about the series is that while the game mechanics are bare-minimum (non-existent, really); the descriptions of the traps themselves and their workings are fairly extensive, far more so than the majority of similar trap collection products.

Chuck Wright wrote:
(I look at that list and feel for the layout designer's wrist tendons.)

Does that mean that you don't want me to suggest to Bill that Frog God contact Flying Buffalo about publishing a Grimtooth's Traps: Complete for both S&W and PFRPG?

*evil grin*

Magic items compendium

Epic level rules

The Exchange

Gorbacz wrote:
Wizards of the Coast Legal Department's phone number is ...

Well, since I'm the N in GNS I don't have to care too much for the simulationist or legalistic aspects of my wishes. ;)

Honestly, another vote for Tome of Magic. Binders were awesome and actually really well balanced as is, but I'd like to see the Shadowcasters and Truenamers fixed up nicely.

Dark Archive

I'm supriced no one said book of vile darkness, bood of exalted deeds...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
ulgulanoth wrote:
I'm supriced no one said book of vile darkness, bood of exalted deeds...

That's good, since both were awful. Well, BoVD was just meh, BoED was laughably silly.

ulgulanoth wrote:
I'm supriced no one said book of vile darkness, bood of exalted deeds...

It was on page 2

Azure_Zero wrote:

I would like to see a few old sets rewritten;

Races of .....
Complete ..... (Except the psionics)
The Environment set (frost burn, sandstorm, storm wrack etc)
Specific Monster type (Dracomicon, Libris Mortis, Lords of Madness etc)
Book of .. (Exalted Deeds and Vile Darkness)

solo books I'd like rewritten;
Deities & Demigods (Insight into their dogma and how they organise their faithful)
Book of Challenges
Stronghold builders Guide
Arms and Equipment
and maybe a compendium every few years (because new content is always added)

I'd like....

A rewrite of the Core, with a fixed monk.
Unearthed arcana
Ebberon(mainly the Artificer)
Epic level book (one that is better balanced and makes logical sense)

Don't really care for the complete series, if they redid them, a truly serious overhaul is need in my opinion, I'm not a big fan of prestige classes as most were uninspiring and poorly written to fill the marketing needs of the time. PF has shown that you don't need a 1001 prestige classes to have a fun unique class as archetype work nicely.

The environment book while interesting tend to be hit and miss, a single wilderness survival book covering both the mundane and fantastic would be interesting.

Advanced Bestiary and Book of Fiends.

M.A.R. Barker just passed away Friday. I wish they could do a PF version of The Empire of the Petal Throne RPG / setting...

Damn, it's such a shame. Elders of the RPGs are slowly passing away.

I never had chance to play Petal Throne and I doubt I could find enough players for such a game - one of many interesting settings that I can't think of people to play with.

I'd also really like to d20 modern and its stuff brought up to paizo standards. I'd buy it up in a heartbeat.

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Tome Of Battle: Book of Nine Swords, I want ma crusada! Honestly for the most part Paizo has made my dreams come true with what they've re-done so far, before UM I was dying for a Divine Caster book but UM was encompassing enough for me...except I'm still crying over losing Augment Healing feat and to a lesser extend the nullification of divine metamagic feats due to the incredible usefulness if positive energy burst, which is a far trade off :)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't want to see a single 3.5 book rewritten by Paizo other than what they've effectively done. Especially since a bunch of them were a criminal waste of trees.

If I wanted to regurgitate 3.5 to Paizo, I'd buy more 3.5 books.

I want NEW content, not rethreads.

Shadow Lodge

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While that's partially true, I hold that 3.5 did some stuff far beyond anything Paizo has done either. Heroes of Horror and Heroes of Battle are hands down greater than Pathfinder in my opinion, as is Unearthed Arcana.

To each his own, I think paizo is hands down better than d&d, which is why I don't wantba rewrite of much beside a new take on d20modern and its supplements.

Shadow Lodge

Just out of curiosity, why do you think PathFinder is better than 3E?

Books you would like to see rewritten by Paizo

Moby Dick.



Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Beckett wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why do you think PathFinder is better than 3E?

Mainly because Paizo's staff is taking the game in areas the old guys of TSR/WOTC never would have thought of. Pathfinder is something fresh and new, not just a rehash of 3.X. The supplements that are put out are concise and while smaller have a much less filler to substance ratio.

TheWhiteknife wrote:
If this is just a thought exercise wish list, I would love to see a complete pathfinder-ised Greyhawk campaign setting. Also, Pathfinder: Modern

I was thinking the same thing as I was reading this thread. Then I got to wondering where my World of Greyhawk is, and now I'm sad that it probably got thrown away by my mother many years ago*.

I'd like to see the Giants dungeons G1-G3 redone for Pathfinder, either by bringing them into Golarion or as part of a wider Greyhawk setting.

*I have no idea where all my AD&D stuff is, so I'm guessing that means it all got thrown out :(

Starfinder Superscriber
Beckett wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why do you think PathFinder is better than 3E?

For me it's exactly because of things like this thread, or the Ask James Jacob thread. They have people who listen and respond. They took a game system I sank thousands of dollars into and kept it alive and are giving me more things on which to spend money. And they write a good rule set.

That being said, I'd still love to see their take on the shadowcaster.

Liberty's Edge

Catcher in the Rye
Ethan Frome
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Tropic of Cancer
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Guinness Book of World Record

Liberty's Edge

Shadowborn wrote:
Books you would like to see rewritten by Paizo

Moby Dick.



Look, bub, this is a family friendly site. Keep your kink to yourself.

And, man, thanks for beating me by seven hours, serves me right for just jumping to the end of the thread... *shakes fist*

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houstonderek wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Books you would like to see rewritten by Paizo

Moby Dick.



Look, bub, this is a family friendly site. Keep your kink to yourself.

** spoiler omitted **

Queequeg. Go on, say it slow.

Typical, isn't it? You find a thread too late, and all the good jokes are taken.

The Exchange

Book of Exalted Deeds, Full Stop.

Shadow Lodge

Beckett wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why do you think PathFinder is better than 3E?
LazarX wrote:
Mainly because Paizo's staff is taking the game in areas the old guys of TSR/WOTC never would have thought of. Pathfinder is something fresh and new, not just a rehash of 3.X. The supplements that are put out are concise and while smaller have a much less filler to substance ratio.

Actually, the majority of PathFinder is a rehash of older stuff, sometimes with a minor twist. What new ways ways aare you talking about? It seems that Wizards went a lot more ways than Paizo is, but I may not be getting what you mean.

DJEternalDarkness wrote:
For me it's exactly because of things like this thread, or the Ask James Jacob thread. They have people who listen and respond.

As did Wizards?

Sovereign Court

There is nothing more fearsome than the overly-dramatic truth.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

None. I'd rather they write their own stuff.

I would like to see a few old sets rewritten;
Races of .....
Complete ..... (Except the psionics)
The Environment set (frost burn, sandstorm, storm wrack etc)
Specific Monster type (Dracomicon, Libris Mortis, Lords of Madness etc)
Book of .. (Exalted Deeds and Vile Darkness)

solo books I'd like rewritten;
Deities & Demigods (Insight into their dogma and how they organise their faithful)
Book of Challenges
Stronghold builders Guide
Arms and Equipment
and maybe a compendium every few years (because new content is always added)

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