Are any new 12th-Lvl Retirement Scenarios coming?

Pathfinder Society

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Scarab Sages

Okay, I'm pushing a second character REALLY close to 12th level, and I'd hate to leave one behind in the dust for an extended time waiting for a new set 12th-level retirement scenarios to be released.

Can you tell us if ANYTHING is on the horizons regarding the release of new 12th-level retirement modules being released in the future?


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Tarrintino wrote:
Can you tell us if ANYTHING is on the horizons regarding the release of new 12th-level retirement modules being released in the future?

Not anytime soon.

Though they have not gone out and said it directly I would not be surprised if nothing came out next season either.

Scarab Sages

Dragnmoon wrote:
Tarrintino wrote:
Can you tell us if ANYTHING is on the horizons regarding the release of new 12th-level retirement modules being released in the future?

Not anytime soon.

Though they have not gone out and said it directly I would not be surprised if nothing came out next season either.

That would really suck, frankly. I know they want to support newer players to play new characters by releasing mods aimed for lower tiers (Levels 1-7), but their core following is continually leveling up. I'd hate that they would ignore those that have put in the long hours to get their characters up just to have to shelve them as soon as they get to 12th because they already have finished the retirement mods w/ a different character.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Tarrintino wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Tarrintino wrote:
Can you tell us if ANYTHING is on the horizons regarding the release of new 12th-level retirement modules being released in the future?

Not anytime soon.

Though they have not gone out and said it directly I would not be surprised if nothing came out next season either.

That would really suck, frankly. I know they want to support newer players to play new characters by releasing mods aimed for lower tiers (Levels 1-7), but their core following is continually leveling up. I'd hate that they would ignore those that have put in the long hours to get their characters up just to have to shelve them as soon as they get to 12th because they already have finished the retirement mods w/ a different character.

Well, you CAN retire a second character with the Eyes of the Ten retirement arc, by GMing it for other people who need it....

My highest level PC is getting close to that point, now.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Tarrintino wrote:
That would really suck, frankly. I know they want to support newer players to play new characters by releasing mods aimed for lower tiers (Levels 1-7), but their core following is continually leveling up. I'd hate that they would ignore those that have put in the long hours to get their characters up just to have to shelve them as soon as they get to 12th because they already have finished the retirement mods w/ a different character.

Recent Post by Mark

Mark Moreland wrote:
Despite the ability to get numerous characters to 12th level, reporting data shows that an incredibly low percentage of people (even those who have enough reported sessions to have several 12th-level PCs) haven't played the 4 scenarios we've already released for 12th level. There are better uses of our limited resources than a second 12th-level arc when few have played the one that's already out. We're constantly monitoring reporting data, however, and will gladly put more 12th-level + content on the schedule when the time is right.

Scarab Sages

I will honestly and frankly say that I am one who hasn't played the arc, though I have a character that is one the verge, an ready to retire. I have even considered taking the slow-track XP, just so that I don't have to retire him. I know that once I get up there, there won't be any going back, and I will a lost never get to play him again.

Which is why I think that there's a low percentage of people playing the retirement arc. We know that we'll not get to play our favorite PC anymore, an we're trying to make it last. I don't want to say, "I used to play this oil character a couple if years ago ...". Ip want to think of him as still being able to be played if there's a good table for it, and I want to "burn" one of my few chances of playing him.

If I knew that there would be, say, two or three adventures a year in which he could play, I would happily continue to advance him. But, even with the new level cap raised, it's meaningless if there's still an effective cap because there's nothing in which to play the higher level characters.

And then, there's the question of what to do with a second character. While I do re-read books, and re-watch movies, I don't really think that it's fair to give us the expectation that we'll have to play the same adventures over and over once we get to about 11th and 12th level.

Just my personal opinion as to why I won't let my favorite character retire, just yet.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

W. Kristoph Nolen wrote:

I will honestly and frankly say that I am one who hasn't played the arc, though I have a character that is one the verge, an ready to retire. I have even considered taking the slow-track XP, just so that I don't have to retire him. I know that once I get up there, there won't be any going back, and I will a lost never get to play him again.

Which is why I think that there's a low percentage of people playing the retirement arc. We know that we'll not get to play our favorite PC anymore, an we're trying to make it last. I don't want to say, "I used to play this oil character a couple if years ago ...". Ip want to think of him as still being able to be played if there's a good table for it, and I want to "burn" one of my few chances of playing him.

If I knew that there would be, say, two or three adventures a year in which he could play, I would happily continue to advance him. But, even with the new level cap raised, it's meaningless if there's still an effective cap because there's nothing in which to play the higher level characters.

And then, there's the question of what to do with a second character. While I do re-read books, and re-watch movies, I don't really think that it's fair to give us the expectation that we'll have to play the same adventures over and over once we get to about 11th and 12th level.

Just my personal opinion as to why I won't let my favorite character retire, just yet.

This isn't true anymore. With the release of the new Guide to PFSOP v4.1 you will note that you can now gain experience with the Eyes of Ten, and play your post level 12 “retired” character in any Pathfinder modules that have been sanctioned for play. As a matter of fact, this is the ONLY way to play any module for PFS credit that is set for levels 13+, is to play with your “retired” character.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Andrew Christian wrote:
W. Kristoph Nolen wrote:

I will honestly and frankly say that I am one who hasn't played the arc, though I have a character that is one the verge, an ready to retire. I have even considered taking the slow-track XP, just so that I don't have to retire him. I know that once I get up there, there won't be any going back, and I will a lost never get to play him again.

Which is why I think that there's a low percentage of people playing the retirement arc. We know that we'll not get to play our favorite PC anymore, an we're trying to make it last. I don't want to say, "I used to play this oil character a couple if years ago ...". Ip want to think of him as still being able to be played if there's a good table for it, and I want to "burn" one of my few chances of playing him.

If I knew that there would be, say, two or three adventures a year in which he could play, I would happily continue to advance him. But, even with the new level cap raised, it's meaningless if there's still an effective cap because there's nothing in which to play the higher level characters.

And then, there's the question of what to do with a second character. While I do re-read books, and re-watch movies, I don't really think that it's fair to give us the expectation that we'll have to play the same adventures over and over once we get to about 11th and 12th level.

Just my personal opinion as to why I won't let my favorite character retire, just yet.

This isn't true anymore. With the release of the new Guide to PFSOP v4.1 you will note that you can now gain experience with the Eyes of Ten, and play your post level 12 “retired” character in any Pathfinder modules that have been sanctioned for play. As a matter of fact, this is the ONLY way to play any module for PFS credit that is set for levels 13+, is to play with your “retired” character.

It's also not true because if the character is eligible to play in scenarios that arent the retirement arc, then he's not eligible to play in the retirement arc.

Your high level character could either play in a 7-11 scenario, which a level 12 cant play in, or he could play in a level 12 (retirement arc) scenario, which a level 7-11 cant play in.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

IIRC Mike Brock talked about on the boards of using the higher level Pathfinder modules as a way of actually advancing your PFS PC after playing the Eyes of the Ten series. ie so there's a new 16th level module play that hit 17th and play the Witch module. (I forget the title) I dont know if this has been formalized.


Shadow Lodge 4/5

Our Paizonian overlords have announced in other posts that the play numbers of the current level 12 retirement arc are not yet high enough to justify the creation of another retirement arc.

They realize that there is a need for a second retirement arc offering. They do not believe that devoting resources to this task now. When the play numbers increase for the currently available retirement arc then they will consider adding the second retirement arc.

If you want the second retirement arc to be available earlier then the suggestion is to ensure that all the people that can are playing the first arc. Run tables. Arrange tables. Coordinate events. Things like this will bring the release of another retirement arc closer.

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tarrintino wrote:

That would really suck, frankly. I know they want to support newer players to play new characters by releasing mods aimed for lower tiers (Levels 1-7), but their core following is continually leveling up. I'd hate that they would ignore those that have put in the long hours to get their characters up just to have to shelve them as soon as they get to 12th because they already have finished the retirement mods w/ a different character.

You ask for a second retirement arc, but when I look at your sessions, I don't see any reported sessions of Eyes of Ten, either GMed or played. It is hard for us to justify looking at doing a second Tier 12 retirement arc when people either aren't playing them or are not reporting the sessions when they are played.

The Exchange 1/5

I'll second the request for a second retirement arc. Figure if it takes 33 games to get to 12, and you do any GMing at all, you have a couple scenarios played/credited twice to different PCs. Still, you're putting out 20+ games every year, and are gearing up for season 4. A second 12th level arc ought to be in the mix in season 4...PLEASE :)
I've got 1 retired character, and another 2/3 of the way there.

Michael, you say that there are not that may reported games of Eyes of the Ten. I know that not all scenarios get reported for one reason or another. How many PDFs of these scenarios have been sold? I figure 5x that many people have retired a PC.


Chernobyl wrote:

Michael, you say that there are not that may reported games of Eyes of the Ten. I know that not all scenarios get reported for one reason or another. How many PDFs of these scenarios have been sold? I figure 5x that many people have retired a PC.

Unfortunately I don't think they can use the sales data that way. How many people automatically buy each scenario .. how many buy it to GM and not play (rare but could happen). There are a ton of different situations that could be played with on this one.. The bottom line is that sessions need to be reported. Without the reporting (which is the official way to track play) we aren't going to get more lvl 12 arcs.


Michael Brock wrote:
It is hard for us to justify looking at doing a second Tier 12 retirement arc when people either aren't playing them or are not reporting the sessions when they are played.


If this is still true after all this time...

Perhaps PFS would be better served by dropping the retirement level to 10th. That way, the campaign would not have to bear the burden of producing 7-11 modules (as 5-9s would become the "high tier" scenarios), and could instead focus on providing more 1-5s for more new players.

Perhaps 12th is just too high for what PFS is setting out to do.



Mattastrophic wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
It is hard for us to justify looking at doing a second Tier 12 retirement arc when people either aren't playing them or are not reporting the sessions when they are played.


If this is still true after all this time...

Perhaps PFS would be better served by dropping the retirement level to 10th. That way, the campaign would not have to bear the burden of producing 7-11 modules (as 5-9s would become the "high tier" scenarios), and could instead focus on providing more 1-5s for more new players.

Perhaps 12th is just too high for what PFS is setting out to do.


And then people would be asking about lvl 10 retirement arcs.. and the circle would continue. We all just have to practice something that, as gamers, we're obviously very bad at.. patience. When the numbers are there we'll get additional retirement arcs. Until then our options are to complain or encourage people in our area to report and get those retirement arc games reported.. get out 1-12 sessions reported so that paizo has the data they need to funnel resources into additional lvl 12 retirement arcs.

Is it the instant solution and answer we want.. no.. but we've been told what they need to do as we've asked.. time better spent working towards those goals than arguing on the boards about it, no?

The Exchange 1/5

Mattastrophic wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
It is hard for us to justify looking at doing a second Tier 12 retirement arc when people either aren't playing them or are not reporting the sessions when they are played.


If this is still true after all this time...

Perhaps PFS would be better served by dropping the retirement level to 10th. That way, the campaign would not have to bear the burden of producing 7-11 modules (as 5-9s would become the "high tier" scenarios), and could instead focus on providing more 1-5s for more new players.

Perhaps 12th is just too high for what PFS is setting out to do.


No No No No....12th isn't high enough. for goodness sake don't lower it. its bad enough that the PCs rocket through level progression as it is (3/level may work for lower level games but you should change the requirements to 4 or 5 per level for higher games) Lowering the retirement to 10th would be a disservice - most characters don't hit their stride until 8th or so. I'm having a tough time keeping people from defecting to savage worlds as it is. Keeping PFS interesting with a 10th level retirement would be very tough.

Scarab Sages

I think that the point may have been missed that my character hasn't played the retirement arc or gone up that high, because I don't want to retire him. I could theoretically get him to about 15th level with sanctioned mods after the 12th level arc, but, I don't want to play it because it will be a one-time thing, and I want to have him around other players for as long as I can. ... I want him to be my character at Cons especially, not just at home games for sanctioned mods.

I'm happy with retirement where it is ... I don't mind being patient in getting there. I'm thrilled the 12th level cap was lifted.

The Exchange 1/5

Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:
Mattastrophic wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
It is hard for us to justify looking at doing a second Tier 12 retirement arc when people either aren't playing them or are not reporting the sessions when they are played.


If this is still true after all this time...

Perhaps PFS would be better served by dropping the retirement level to 10th. That way, the campaign would not have to bear the burden of producing 7-11 modules (as 5-9s would become the "high tier" scenarios), and could instead focus on providing more 1-5s for more new players.

Perhaps 12th is just too high for what PFS is setting out to do.


And then people would be asking about lvl 10 retirement arcs.. and the circle would continue. We all just have to practice something that, as gamers, we're obviously very bad at.. patience. When the numbers are there we'll get additional retirement arcs. Until then our options are to complain or encourage people in our area to report and get those retirement arc games reported.. get out 1-12 sessions reported so that paizo has the data they need to funnel resources into additional lvl 12 retirement arcs.

Is it the instant solution and answer we want.. no.. but we've been told what they need to do as we've asked.. time better spent working towards those goals than arguing on the boards about it, no?

they're looking at the wrong data if you ask me. instead of looking at how many people have reported the first retirement arc, then need to look at how many people have reported 7-11 games. those are the last steps towards 12th. of course there's overlap (5-9) but figure that 10 and 11 are all 7-11, and split 7,8,9 with the 5-9. That's about 10 7-11 mods. the first level 12 society mod came out in season 1 after about 10 7-11 mods had been released. to date there are 26 legal 7-11 mods announced or available, not counting the 1-11 specials, or the 10th level sanctioned mod, curse of the riven sky (which is 3XP). That's half again as many needed to get a second character to 12th level. To not have a second 12th level retirement arc in the plan for season 4 (50-60 mods after the first retirement arc) seems VERY shortsighted, and frankly, disheartening. It seems you don't want to reward players for BUYING and playing all the previous mods.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Let's just talk about a hypothetical real quick. Let's say that less than 5% of the registered playerbase has played in any of the Eyes of Ten, four scenario arc. Why would we invest time in the writing, production, cost, development, and layout of what equates to five scenarios if no one is going to play them? That's almost 3 full months of Pathfinder Society scenarios that less than 5% of the playerbase will utilize. Wouldn't all of you be better served if we focused on providing five scenarios the playerbase will actually use, including all those 10-11 people you are referring to, instead of half that number?

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Michael Brock wrote:
Wouldn't all of you be better served if we focused on providing five scenarios the playerbase will actually use, including all those 10-11 people you are referring to?


Even if you doubled it to 10%, we would be better served by having more focus on scenarios that more people are playing. Until you start seeing large reporting numbers for this, you're doing the right thing.

Having said that, when you start seeing a lot of reporting numbers for this, please keep the idea of another arc in mind. Moreover, please write one that is a bit more capable of standing the test of time. Awesome as Eyes of the Ten is, I think a lot of people are going to be completely unaware of all the back story that is there, due to coming into PFS during Season One or Two. It is obvious that people are taking their time to get to this level, and then are taking more time to find a group of people to play with. Going through a story that is (potentially) two years or more out of date lessens the fun.

[Edit] So that you're aware that critical mass may be beginning to hit with this: We have one group in Denver going through, right now. They will finish on the 15th. A second group will start in March, and I predict a third group will be close behind them. I would not be surprised to see four to five separate groups in Denver get through Eyes of the Ten by the end of the year. That will be 20% of our registered players (based on the registrations on our Yahoo group). Be prepared to start seeing this all around the country.

2/5 *

Michael Brock wrote:
Wouldn't all of you be better served if we focused on providing five scenarios the playerbase will actually use, including all those 10-11 people you are referring to, instead of half that number?

The answer is obviously yes, but it wouldn't be a bad idea for planning a new one in a year or two. I think you'll see a large (20%+) of the player base reach the first retirement arc by then.

Also please consider that many people play PFS casually at Cons, with no intent of ever getting to level 12. Just because the casual masses never get there, doesn't mean your core GMs and players never want to see another retirement arc, even if they represent a mere 20% of your player base. Something to think about.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Jason S wrote:

Also please consider that many people play PFS casually at Cons, with no intent of ever getting to level 12. Just because the casual masses never get there, doesn't mean your core GMs and players never want to see another retirement arc, even if they represent a mere 20% of your player base. Something to think about.

This is very true, and said better than I did. A very large number of your registered players very likely stopped playing soon after registering. To illustrate this point: my store's DCI database (my local player database for Magic: the Gathering tournament players) now numbers 1500 players. I regularly see, at most, 50 people in my store. That's a respectable number, but I'd be truly frightened if all 1500 of my registered players suddenly decided to play Magic in my store tomorrow night for FNM.

20% should be your target. When you are getting close to hitting it, you really should have another arc ready to go.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Drogon wrote:

I'd be truly frightened if all 1500 of my registered players suddenly decided to play Magic in my store tomorrow night for FNM.

No you wouldn't ;-) You would line them up and rejoice in the back.

Sovereign Court 5/5 Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Michael Brock wrote:
Drogon wrote:

I'd be truly frightened if all 1500 of my registered players suddenly decided to play Magic in my store tomorrow night for FNM.

No you wouldn't ;-) You would line them up and rejoice in the back.

Heh. I don't have *quite* that much purchasing power. Someday...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Drogon wrote:

I'd be truly frightened if all 1500 of my registered players suddenly decided to play Magic in my store tomorrow night for FNM.

Everyone wants their own Sorin!

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drogon wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
Drogon wrote:

I'd be truly frightened if all 1500 of my registered players suddenly decided to play Magic in my store tomorrow night for FNM.

No you wouldn't ;-) You would line them up and rejoice in the back.
Heh. I don't have *quite* that much purchasing power. Someday...

You could sell some serious coffee though, especially with them lined up in the cold.

Scarab Sages

I guess that's the point I was trying to get at ... I recognize that the retirement arc is likely not going to change all that soon, and seeing my Living Monolith hit 15th is my ultimate goal, so ... I am going to take my time for the next year or so and pick the tables I play him at carefully, so that I get the most out of the one-time experience.

... And then, watch out for the RP, because I will have achieved in-game immortality! Standing in the Osirion sands as a 12' tall living statue defining the ancient dead from those pesky bands of adventurers!!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Chernobyl wrote:
No No No No....12th isn't high enough. for goodness sake don't lower it. its bad enough that the PCs rocket through level progression as it is (3/level may work for lower level games but you should change the requirements to 4 or 5 per level for higher games) Lowering the retirement to 10th would be a disservice - most characters don't hit their stride until 8th or so. I'm having a tough time keeping people from defecting to savage worlds as it is. Keeping PFS interesting with a 10th level retirement would be very tough.

A couple of points for you:

1) If you think 3 XP per level for certain levels is too fast, switch to slow progression for those levels, where it is effectively 6 XP per level.

2) It is now possible to take a PFS-legal character to 15th level, with 17th or 18th in the near future, using sanctioned modules after playing Eyes of the Ten.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

3 people marked this as a favorite.
W. Kristoph Nolen wrote:
I think that the point may have been missed that my character hasn't played the retirement arc or gone up that high, because I don't want to retire him.

Not to single you out, but since you raised this point, I wanted to mention that I personally can't understand the decision not to play a character for fear of not being able to play him as a result.

By not playing a character past the middle of 11th level, you're effectively retiring that character with sessions left on the table, when you could get a good 5 sessions worth out of him before "retirement" (which isn't really even a thing anymore). The Eyes of the Ten arc was specifically designed to be epic and feel like the culmination of a character's adventuring career, which, if you ask me, is the way to go out on top rather than just ceasing to be played.

It's like getting a fast sports car that you really like driving and then never driving it because you know that it will just put miles on the odometer and bring about its eventual breakdown and death.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Folks, it's a process. No one is saying you won't see more options for retirement or higher-level play in the future. Just not right now. The rules were just modified to allow progression beyond level 12. I doubt that many, if anyone, has had the time to take advantage of them yet. If you are level 11 right now, you have time to run Eyes of Ten, Academy of Secrets, and Tomb of the Iron Medusa over the next few months. Based on their size, I would expect it'll take that long to get through them using a "normal" schedule. By the time you are done, The Moonscar will be released and you will be able to "legitimately" play it followed by The Witchwar Legacy. If you intermix a few games with lower-tier characters, the schedule should easily cover you through GenCon, or beyond. A lot can happen in 6+ months. Perhaps by then, the number of reported characters will have reached the point where another retirement arc will be warranted.

But I ask you this. If all of this progresses as expected (hoped), won't the same players be here in a year complaining that there is nothing for their 2nd favorite character to do after retirement? They've already played the mods and there is no replay. It is a viscous circle.

No matter at what level retirement is set or how many scenario/mod's are produced, there will be some players who's options are limited. The more you play, the more likely you will run out of games to play.

btw, I like Mattastrophic's idea for the level cap, but I think it's too late to adjust to that.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I could swear that I've heard of 13th level scenarios coming out soon or imminnently out.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

LazarX wrote:
I could swear that I've heard of 13th level scenarios coming out soon or imminnently out.

Even Venture-Officers are not privy to all of Mike/Mark's plans for the community, but I am unaware of any plan to have scenarios beyond 12th level. In fact, the current message is that it's not happening. However, as Erik would say, "never say never." So, even if it's unlikely to ever happen, if a need would arise, I am sure Paizo would pursue it.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Chernobyl wrote:
(3/level may work for lower level games but you should change the requirements to 4 or 5 per level for higher games)

Just use slow progression and progress at 6 scenarios per level.


Bob Jonquet wrote:
btw, I like Mattastrophic's idea for the level cap, but I think it's too late to adjust to that.

It's easy to "virtually" reduce the level cap. All Paizo has to do is stop producing Tier 7-11 modules and replace them with modules that everyone can play. Replacing 7-11s with 1-5s would solve the problem of 7-11s selling less than 1-5s, and would increase opportunities for the entirety of the player base to play.

That's what the campaign wants, right?


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Just because there are more opportunities to play low-level characters does not mean it will automatically increase play. I have heard a number of players say they are tired of creating more and more low levels to play and have stopped. They would rather skip a game unless they can play higher level.

Personally, I stopped playing levels 1-2. I use my GM credit to start at level three. IMO, the best levels are 3-9. I would support more 3-7 vs. 1-5, but not at the risk of 5-9 or 7-11.

Scarab Sages

Mark Moreland wrote:
W. Kristoph Nolen wrote:
I think that the point may have been missed that my character hasn't played the retirement arc or gone up that high, because I don't want to retire him.
Not to single you out, but since you raised this point, I wanted to mention that I personally can't understand the decision not to play a character for fear of not being able to play him as a result.

Mark, I would actually like to thank you for taking the time to single me out. It's nice to know that you are on the boards as much as you are.

Your comparison to a sports car is an apt one. What I should've said is that I didn't (note the past tense) want to retire him when there was a hard cap at twelfth level. Now that I can play to fifteenth level (and beyond since Retirement isn't really a thing), I will be more than happy to play him until he's a tenth level Living Monolith (until really high level mods come out). And as far as taking a year to do so, that means that I would be playing an average of once or twice a month for the next year with that PC,since he's scarcely made tenth level now (5 FTR/5 Living Monolith). A prospect that I would be more than happy to accomplish, and a gaming schedule that would please me more than enough.

There's plenty left for me to do, an still plenty of "vroom!" left under the hood of that sports car.

Scarab Sages

Michael Brock wrote:
Tarrintino wrote:

That would really suck, frankly. I know they want to support newer players to play new characters by releasing mods aimed for lower tiers (Levels 1-7), but their core following is continually leveling up. I'd hate that they would ignore those that have put in the long hours to get their characters up just to have to shelve them as soon as they get to 12th because they already have finished the retirement mods w/ a different character.

You ask for a second retirement arc, but when I look at your sessions, I don't see any reported sessions of Eyes of Ten, either GMed or played. It is hard for us to justify looking at doing a second Tier 12 retirement arc when people either aren't playing them or are not reporting the sessions when they are played.

The problem is I have two high-level characters, and have one that's almost ready to start "Eyes of the Ten". However, once I play it with the one I played it with, I'll have to basically put the other one on "standby" until more retirement mods are released.

However, since our private e-mails regarding it, it's not as bad as I'll play "The Ruby Phoenix Tournament" with one of the characters at 12th level later this month (and thus try to get around the retirement arc that way for him), letting my other high-level character play "Eyes of the Ten".

I still believe that we need to have another retirement arc released at some point in the near future. If PFS continued with the 4-part format they did with "Eyes of the Ten", and released two parts each season, that sounds like it would be a pretty good setup.

I will say, however, that I don't have the "bird's eye view" of the worldwide campaign you have, Mike. Its possible that this is a low priority in regards to other issues that you might be tackling. Just thought I'd post a concern and see where the discussion went from there.


Sovereign Court 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I agree with Michael. Focus on getting more of the playerbase to those higher levels and then make a series of mods that will appeal to them.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Drogon wrote:

20% should be your target. When you are getting close to hitting it, you really should have another arc ready to go.

Please know I am not one of the 'you need to release another retirement arc soon, plox' people, as I understand your reasons for not doing so, and I think they are very good reasons.

I do have a question/ suggestion regarding it though. While I do not know what method Paizo uses to figure out what percentage of their players have played it (though Id be interested to find out, being my question), if you arent eliminating any/all of the registered players who havent had a session reported to their number within the last calendar year, then I think you should before you figure up the percentage of the player base that has or has not played something (being my suggestion).

I dunno how large of a percentage of people have quit playing or didnt continue playing after their first couple sessions, but I would imagine its a decent number of people who shouldnt be counted, if it can be avoided, along with the rest of the player base.

The Exchange 1/5

saying you can play sanctioned mods with your higher level (post retirement)character isn;t the same as having a retirement arc. Sanctioned mods are not in the general storyline of society play, they are very un related to the living campaign.
And I agree with the casual player example. How many of the registered player base have played 10 games or less?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Each month, I get new statistics for the last 1, 3, 6 and when applicable since the season started. I have a pretty good idea of how many current players we have and what they are playing.

Scarab Sages

I do have to say that I ha told buddies of mine that I was hoping the level cap would be raised, an I havnt played in about year because of it, I am certainly going to continue playing now.

Mike ... Do you think that I could ask an approximate number of how many players we do have? I do not want this question to lead to begging numbers and percentages about your sales or gamer populations or anything else, because i thinkthat would be poor form. I just want to be able to tell new gamers that I might recruit how big of a campaign this really is.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
Just because there are more opportunities to play low-level characters does not mean it will automatically increase play. I have heard a number of players say they are tired of creating more and more low levels to play and have stopped. They would rather skip a game unless they can play higher level.

And then there's crazies like me who have just started on his 7th or 8th character, without having a single character eligible for a Tier 7-11. I do apologize for being a small part of the reason you guys can't have nice things.

Although I do also blame the slow XP track (which I have yet to use) as well for the reasons behind Eyes of the Ten having been played so little.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

W. Kristoph Nolen wrote:
Mike ... Do you think that I could ask an approximate number of how many players we do have? I do not want this question to lead to begging numbers and percentages about your sales or gamer populations or anything else, because i thinkthat would be poor form. I just want to be able to tell new gamers that I might recruit how big of a campaign this really is.

We don't release sales and marketing data such as this. Just know that the campaign is growing at an exponential rate and we have thousands of players, GMs, and organizers.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

Josh Spies wrote:


Although I do also blame the slow XP track (which I have yet to use) as well for the reasons behind Eyes of the Ten having been played so little.

Thanks for being part of the problem, not part of the solution! LOL! ;)

You aren't alone though; the more GMing you do, the more likely it is that you will have multiple characters. I hope you are least able to play them once a level since applying GM credit can fast track a character out of lower tier play fast... unless the GM credit character is the one you use for Slow Progression.


Michael Brock wrote:
It is hard for us to justify looking at doing a second Tier 12 retirement arc when people either aren't playing them or are not reporting the sessions when they are played.

I've done my part! Over seven weeknight sessions, our group finally completed the Eyes of the Ten retirement arc. I just finished reporting all four sessions just now.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

WelbyBumpus wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:
It is hard for us to justify looking at doing a second Tier 12 retirement arc when people either aren't playing them or are not reporting the sessions when they are played.
I've done my part! Over seven weeknight sessions, our group finally completed the Eyes of the Ten retirement arc. I just finished reporting all four sessions just now.

This puts us one small step closer to having more retirement arc choices.

Who else is doing their part?

[Edited to fix typo]

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Mike Brock/Mark M. - I guess I misunderstood, I thought there was talk about allowing PFS characters to "progress" beyond 12th level to play in the higher level Pathfinder modules eventually up to 17th for The Witchwar Legacy

Something "like":
Academy of Secrets 13th
Tomb of the Iron Medusa 14th
The Moonscar 16th?

I wasn't talking about new 12th or 13th level scenarios.


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy


Grand Lodge 4/5

Qstor wrote:

Mike Brock/Mark M. - I guess I misunderstood, I thought there was talk about allowing PFS characters to "progress" beyond 12th level to play in the higher level Pathfinder modules eventually up to 17th for The Witchwar Legacy

Something "like":
Academy of Secrets 13th
Tomb of the Iron Medusa 14th
The Moonscar 16th?

I wasn't talking about new 12th or 13th level scenarios.


Chapter 6 of the Organized Play Guide outlines this very thing.

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