The "one combat pet" rule and the multiclassed Synthesist

Pathfinder Society


Hi all!

In PFSOP you are only allowed one combat pet. Is the Synthesist Eidolon (suit) considered such a pet? Or could a Synthesist for example multiclass with Druid and still have an Animal Companion (used in combat), while wearing his Eidolon (suit)? :)

I know the rule is made to speed things up, so that there are not too much stuff going on at once. According to that logic, it should probably be allowed - but I don't know if it IS allowed.

What say you all? :)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

As the player would still only be putting two miniatures down on the battle map, I'd allow it at my table.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 Venture-Captain, Alabama—Birmingham

Paz wrote:
As the player would still only be putting two miniatures down on the battle map, I'd allow it at my table.

I agree. The Synthesist eidolon is just a horribly complicated suit of armor.


Hmm... I wanted to take a closer look at the rules as written for Animal companions in PFSOP - but right now I can't seem to find it? Is it not part of the PFSOP Guide? Is it in a faq or something here at the Forums? Does anyone have a link or reference?

Lantern Lodge 4/5

FAQ - How many animals can I have at any given time?


Thank you Stephen! :)

This part of the FAQ: "In general, a mount, a familiar or mundane pet, and your class-granted animal(s) are acceptable, but more than that can be disruptive." I think opens up for the allowance of a multiclassed Synthesist having an Animal companion. But it's still not perfectly clear.

I guess I would like more people to chime in with their opinions and/or Mike or Mark to do it :) ...but I'll take what I can get and I'm guessing the two gentlemen in question are rather busy at the moment :)

Does anyone have a reason why NOT to allow a multiclassed Synthesist having both his Eidolon and an Animal Companion?


The strictes interpretation of the rules could mean I a get rid of your damned Mickey Mouse eidolon! HOW IS THAT FOR A REASON?


...only if I multiclass further ;) So noooo no no Diego!

What I'm thinking of, is making a new character for when you finaly succeed in killing off Mickey. So that I can have another stupid Synthesist! Hehe :) ...nah, just thinking of character concepts and this question popped into my head.


You know?... the new module rules mean I get to kill you DEAD. Mwaaa-ha-ha-haaaaa!

Maybe you missed the sentence before the one you quoted:

"A summoner's eidolon is considered an animal companion for the purposes of counting combat and noncombat animals."

So until Mike or Mark specifically add an exception to the FAQ for the Synthesist, you cannot legally have both an eidolon and an animal companion active at the same time.

4/5 ****

Synthesists do not get the "Ediolon" class feature that gives them a combat companion, they instead get "Fused Eidolon" a class feature that gives them awesome powers and some restrictions.

As far as I can tell nothing is stopping them from also having a combat pet.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Considering 'Fused Eidolon' still has 'Eidolon' in the name, Id think it would still count for purposes of the FAQ ruling.

I'm not completely sold on either side of this issue yet, but if it was me, I wouldnt try it. While you might find some people who would side with you, Derwalt, you very well might find GMs who disagree with you, which would only hamper you.

Like Enevhar said, unless Mike or Mark specifically add a section to the FAQ for this, I would stay away from it, just to be on the safe side.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

godsDMit wrote:

Considering 'Fused Eidolon' still has 'Eidolon' in the name, Id think it would still count for purposes of the FAQ ruling.

I'm not completely sold on either side of this issue yet, but if it was me, I wouldnt try it. While you might find some people who would side with you, Derwalt, you very well might find GMs who disagree with you, which would only hamper you.

Like Enevhar said, unless Mike or Mark specifically add a section to the FAQ for this, I would stay away from it, just to be on the safe side.

1) The reason for the limited combat animals is to limit playtime. the fused eidolon doesn't add to the player's time per turn, so it should probably not count against teh combat animal limitation.

2) At this pioint, gotta agree, ETV is going to be the expectation (Expect Table Varitaion).

3) To be honest, casters of Monster Summoning spells can cause even worse congestion during game time, but this can be mitigated, at least in part, by proper preparation on the part of the player.

Overall, although I don't think it is much, if any, more broken than a Synthesist on his own, it is "still unclear, try again later" as my Magic 8 Ball would have said.

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