Gravity Warrior - Sakuri Variant

Homebrew and House Rules

Hello, originally I posted a variant of the Gravity Warrior x9ss presented in his own thread quite some time ago. I was hoping to use it as a starting point for figuring out how classes are balanced and get my hands dirty making homebrew material for Pathfinder.

Unfortunately, no comments were made by either the OP or the other posters regarding this class; so I'm making my own thread in hopes I can get some feedback on the mechanical balance of this class (so that I can fix the flaws for use in my own game and have a better understanding of the class system).


The 'balance' concept here is that with the higher hit die and mostly pre-selected feats the Gravity Warrior gives up a lot of offensive utility of the typical Fighter (from which it was based) in exchange for its defensive and manipulative abilities. Certain things I'm not entirely happy with. I know that Anti-Gravity Aura probably needs more utility and Black-Hole Core isn't perfect. But I think this should work for a basic layout to see what need tuned up, what needs toned down, ect.

Gravity Warrior

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d12

BAB: Full

Good Saves: Fortitude

Class Skills: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str)

Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Gravity Warrior is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).

Abilities by Level:
1st: Bonus Feat, Gravity/Anti Aura 1
2nd: Bonus Feat
3rd: Repulsion/Attraction Focus 1
4th: Gravity Cancellation 1, Gravity Toned Body 1
5th: Gravity/Anti Aura 2
6th: Repulsion/Attraction Focus 2
7th: Black-Hole Core, Self, Gravity Toned Body 2
8th: Gravity Cancellation 2
9th: Repulsion/Attraction Focus 3
10th: Gravity/Anti Aura 3, Gravity Toned Body 3
11th: Bonus Feat
12th: Gravity Cancellation 3, Repulsion/Attraction Focus 4
13th: Gravity Toned Body 4
14th: Black-Hole Effect, Other
15th: Gravity/Anti Aura +, Repulsion/Attraction Focus 5
16th: Gravity Toned Body 5
17th: Bonus Feat
18th: Repulsion/Attraction Focus 6
19th: Gravity Toned Body 6
20th: Gravity/Anti Aura 5

Bonus Feats: At 1st level the Gravity Warrior gains Toughness as a Bonus Feat. At 2nd level they gain Great Fortitude as a Bonus Feat. At 11th level they gain Bolstered Resilience (Ultimate Combat- p.90) as a Bonus Feat. And at level 17 they gain any Bonus Feat they meet the prerequisites for. Additionally, when choosing a Feat as normal; Gravity Warriors count as 'Fighter' for meeting feat prerequisites.

Gravity and Anti Gravity Aura (Su): Starting at 1st level the Gravity Warrior gains the ability to project an aura which manipulates the forces of gravity around them. Activating an aura is a Swift Action; only one aura may be active at any given time. Aura are centered on the Gravity Warrior and extend outwards in a 10 ft. radius.

Gravity Aura: When the Gravity Aura is active anyone within the radius takes a -5 penalty to all Strength and Dexterity based skills. All movement speeds within the radius are reduced by 10ft. (to a minimum of 10ft.) and all item weights are increased by 50% (this may cause individuals within the aura to incur penalties for carrying more than their load limitations). The Gravity Warrior is immune from the effects of this aura.

Anti-Gravity Aura: When the Anti-Gravity Aura is active anyone within the radius gains a +5 bonus to all Strength and Dexterity based skills. All movement speeds within the radius are increased by 5ft. and all item weights are decreased by 25%. The Gravity Warrior is not immune from the effects of this aura.

At 5th level the radius for the auras extends to 15ft. and the following changes are made to the individual auras.

Gravity Aura: The penalty for Strength and Dexterity skills is increased to -10. Movement speed through the aura is now reduced by 15ft. (to a minimum of 10ft.) and item weights are increased by 75%. Additionally anyone who has their speed reduced to 10ft. within the Gravity Aura must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 GW Level + Charisma Modifier). If they fail the save they immediately fall Prone. Individuals cannot be effected by a this penalty more than once in an encounter, even if the Gravity Aura is canceled then restored across multiple turns.

Anti-Gravity Aura: The bonuses to Strength and Dexterity skills is increased by +10. All movement speeds within the radius are increased by 10ft. and all item weights are decreased by 50%.

At 10th level the radius for the auras extends to 20ft. and the following changes are made to the individual auras.

Gravity Aura: Movement speed through the aura is now reduced by 20ft. (to a minimum of 10ft.) and the item weights are increased by 100%. Additionally anyone, including the Gravity Warrior, within this aura gains a bonus equal to half the Gravity Warrior's level to their CMD.

Anti-Gravity: All movement speeds within the radius are increased by 15ft. and all item weights are decreased by 75%. Additionally all CMDs within the aura are reduced by an amount equal to half the Gravity Warrior's level.

At 15th level the radius for the auras extends to 25ft. and the following changes are made to the individual auras.

Gravity Aura: Movement speed through the aura is now reduced by 25ft. (to a minimum of 10ft.) and the item weights are increased by 125%. Additionally any non-magical ranged attacks targeting anything within the Gravity aura incur a -10 attack penalty.

Anti-Gravity Aura: All movement speeds within the radius are increased by 20ft. and all item weights are decreased by 100%. Additionally anyone making any non-magical ranged attack within this aura has their maximum range increased by 50ft.

At 20th level the radius for the auras extends to 30ft and the following changes are made to the individual auras.

Gravity Aura: Movement speed through the aura is now reduced by 30ft. (to a minimum of 10ft.) and the item weights are increased by 150%. The penalty for non-magical ranged attacks is increased to -15.

Anti-Gravity Aura: All movement speeds within the radius are increased by 25ft. and all item weights are decreased by 125%. The bonus to non-magical ranged attack radius are increased to 75ft.

Repulsion/Attraction Focus (Su): At their 3rd level the Gravity Warrior can focus their powers of gravity manipulation upon a single target as a full round action. By doing so they can force their target to either be thrust upwards into the sky or be pulled back down to the waiting earth. The Gravity Warrior may target any enemy with 10ft./Gravity Warrior level. The selected target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 GW level + Cha modifier). If the save is failed the target is flung either 20ft. straight up or down. (This ability cannot force a target through solid matter. If a foe capable of climbing a ceiling is thrust upwards or a foe already on the ground thrust downwards it incurs the penalty for being within a Gravity Aura for one full round.)

If a creature cannot fly it incurs falling damage upon returning after an upwards thrust. If a flying creature or target in the middle of climbing is targeting with a downward thrust; it incurs falling damage if it strikes solid ground within the distance traveled or cannot regain control of its decent after the distance has been covered.

As the Gravity Warrior grows in power the total distance he can fling a foe in either direction increases; 30ft. at 6th level, 40ft. at 9th level, 50ft. at 12th level, 60ft. at 15th level, and 70ft. at 18th level.

Gravity Cancellation (Su): Starting at 4th level the Gravity Warrior gains the ability to influence gravity's hold on his own body with the utmost precision; eventually breaking free of it's bonds entirely. He gains the Slow Fall ability, taking all falling damage as though the total distance were 30ft. shorter than it actually is. At 8th level the Gravity Warrior gains the ability to use Levitate on himself as a (Sp) effect at will. Finally at 12th level the Gravity Warrior gains flight at his total base speed as an at will ability.

Gravity Toned Body (Ex): The rigors of training under heavy gravity conditions allow the Gravity Warrior to build up a resistance to damage rivaling that of the finest armors. At 4th level the Gravity Warrior may add his Charisma modifier to his AC as a natural armor bonus and all Armor Check Penalties are reduced by 1. Additionally he gains DR 1/- .

At 7th the ACP reduction and the DR are increased to 2. At 10th this becomes 3. At 13th this becomes 4. At 16th this becomes 5. At 19th this becomes 6.

Black-Hole Core (Su): At 7th level the Gravity Warrior can increase the draw of his own personal gravity such a rate that things are drawn in irresistibly towards him; the Gravity Warrior may do this selectively, drawing in neither allies or his environment if he so chooses. As a swift action the Gravity Warrior may trigger this effect. All enemies within 50ft. + 10ft./GW level make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 GW level + Cha modifier). Upon failing the save for the next 5 rounds their movements must all be made along the quickest path towards the Gravity Warrior. Once they are within appropriate radius of the Gravity/Anti Aura (even if neither aura is active at the moment) they may then move as normal within that radius; but cannot move outside of that radius until the 5 rounds have passed.

At 14th level the Gravity Warrior can center this effect on any target within line of sight, still using the Gravity/Anti Aura's radius for determining normal movement range.

Bumping out of oblivion for feedback.

Bumping out of oblivion for feedback. (Apologies if duplicated; this forum's format is making it impossible to tell if this went through.)

*sigh* Not even a single bit of structure feedback? I'm starting to miss the 3.5 days where people would scream at you for doing something wrong because at least you learned what 'not' to do. XP

I worry about the GW's interaction in a party setting. If working with others, the auras are tough to use effectively because gravity affects allies and antigravity affects enemies. Could be an interesting balancing act, but your party might start to resent your manipulation.

On the other hand, that splash effect seems to be essential to keeping the strong effects under control. A lone GW can crank up the gravity and go to town.

It also seems a little like they may be getting too much all at once at 4th level. It's probably fine though, since gravity cancellation doesn't become very strong until 8th.

Otherwise, it looks good. The bonus feats seem flavourful and appropriate, and I love repulsion/attraction. That mechanic alone would make this class so much fun to play. Fling! Wheee!

Sorry about the lack of responses. I've been having some trouble with that too.

I love the idea!!!
I would have posted earler if i saw it.
I once made a dragon for a short story that had a suit of mithreal scale mail that let him control his own gravity -5 to +5 or 0 (+1was normal)
And yes he trained in high grav.

That said, i think its too powerful too early.
Repulsion/Attraction for example. Basicly its a telekinetic effect, Which a wizard dosent get till 9th level.
HD should be 10 or 8 instead of 12.
And dont like the mechanic of black hole core, i like the idea but not how you work it.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll see what I can do about modifying it. ^_^

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