List of items that should come with a warning label. "Do Not Submit For Superstar"

RPG Superstar™ 2012 General Discussion

I submitted a "hairball" and another contestant submitted a sponge. After seeing the judges reactions to just the basis of the item I have learned that there are just some things, no matter what kind of cool you think you're adding to them, that will not be considered Superstar. In other words you can polish a turd all you want in the end its still a turd. So I thought this might be a fun and educational way to learn me and others that there are some things that Superstar just won't accept.

I shall start the list with two I know won't fly.
And two I think won't be accepted.

Please add any that you think would not make the Superstar cut.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Flumph (anyone else remember this marshmallow sugar rush?)
Portable Camp Fire
Self Erecting Tents
Space Hoppers
Many Pocket Purses (just trust me, ok?)
Brutal Nappy of the Witch Queens Daughter

I have a feeling that portable camp fire was done long ago so and that is the reason why it won't be accepted as superstar.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 aka Cydeth

That would be the Campfire Bead from the APG.

Anthony Adam wrote:

Flumph (anyone else remember this marshmallow sugar rush?)

Portable Camp Fire
Self Erecting Tents
Space Hoppers
Many Pocket Purses (just trust me, ok?)
Brutal Nappy of the Witch Queens Daughter

Nice list.

Hmmm, Many Pocket Purse, you'd think that would be ok ...unless...unless its being used as a "man bag"!

And please tell me there are stats on the Brutal Nappy.

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