Superstar 2013 - Practice #1 - Closing 20th February

RPG Superstar™ 2012 General Discussion

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Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

I think we can get rid of 'complex' then - maybe use 'elaborate' or something in it's place.

Thanks for the kind words, all. This has been a pretty rough week. Feedback for Ronars--as always, please take what's useful and skip what isn't.

Alchemical Palm:
I feel like this item really plays it safe with the mechanical effects. I think it needs something surprising or innovative to make it rock like a superstar. The core idea seems sound, though--just I'm sure there are other, more interesting things that could be done with the "make poison act sort of like a range:touch spell" concept.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

The alchemical palm sort of does what my atomizer does, on a limited scale, namely allow the user to use a potion as a touch attack, so I am partial to it.

That being said, I think the flask of five fifths from last year was all the potion-fiddling the judges were interested in. There were several potion items his year, and none were well liked. Of course, they all had other flaws, too.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Nazard, actually the alchemical palm is roughly based on your atomizer, but attempting to take the judges feedback into account - and also reduce the scope a little to keep it under 5000gp. It's first pass stuff, and I do agree - by itself it's not really superstar.

But, that's part of what these practice threads are for - learning where our flaws are. In my case, that means my ideas themselves need work, even if their presentation is pretty good.

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Ronar's, all that worries me on the alchemical palm is that it feels a lot like a spell in a can. That is on a quick read (I'm having a lot of trouble getting pages to load today).

Greek / Norse themes? That sounds perfect for the eyepatch I'm working on, except the slot isn't there, and I haven't been able to find anything that makes it more than a SIAC. Still, I think I've got an item or two that can possibly fit the new theme. And hopefully something else will come to mind anyway; almost all of my D&D thought recently has been how to make my magus a better character.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

@SIAC - Yeah, that happens sometimes. I come up with a cool idea, only to then promptly find a spell in one of the newer books that does almost the same thing. ;)

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

I mostly noticed it because the spell in question was in the construction requirements. Of course that's because you found it as the obvious construction requirement.

So the answer is to do something special with the palm. You already made the duration essentially infinite and dropped the risk of self-poisoning (though that's mostly because you put it as potion/elixir instead of poison). And it seems you doubled it up to let you store two different (or similar) potions; one per hand. But can we do something more?

(Side note: I'm not sure I like charging both as one standard action.)

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Fair point, but ultimately the item has a more critical flaw than being a little two SIAC - it's not exciting enough. And it would take more than one or two breaks from the spell to become really superstar.

Also, I don't have a lot of time for now until I'm caught up on everything, so I'm going to let this one die and work a little harder on next month's submission. ;)

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

After 4 weeks or so of the Greek Norse themes, as the Pirates of the Inner Sea is being released, I thought session following this months challenge we could ply the Golarion Maine for nautical naughtiness and fun, so bear that in mind as an upcoming challenge for practice in a few weeks time.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor

Maine? But I don't think incest is acceptable in a Paizo magic item.

(Sorry, that's an ObNew Hampshire-ite joke aimed at our eastern cousins.)

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Well, eyepatches fit Odin and also piracy... though this one probably fits an Odin theme better (made progress, but it still needs one more bit for flavor, I think).

Three exceedingly rough ideas so far; two Greek and one Norse. I'm sure I'll get some more. No clue what the Norse one does, but I like the name. Both the Greek ones have extremely incomplete ideas, but definitely enough to work with.

Going to try taking this one in a totally different direction. Curious to see whether it works.

Obviously this item flirts with rod territory, but my thinking is that the effects are different enough from any metamagic feat that I'll get away with it.

Cowl of the Obscured Messenger
Aura faint illusion and transmutation; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Shadows cling to this hood like mist to warm water, coalescing around the wearer's head when the garment is donned to form a blanket of darkness about half an inch thick. Not even darkvision can penetrate this layer of shadow; however, the wearer's eyes shine as two smoldering pinpoints of light under the cowl, permitting him to see normally.

The cowl's wearer may employ message at will.

Twice per day, by lifting back the cowl while casting a spell (which must be of the third level or lower and target a single creature), the wearer may breathe a cloud of darkness and shadows and imbue it with the spell effects. The cloud is targeted as a single-target version of message. It moves toward its target at 30' per round, obstructed only obstacles that would block message. When the cloud reaches the target, the spell takes effect, modified by the darkness descriptor. A spell modified in this manner may not also be modified by metamagic rods.

Requirements Create Wondrous Item, Umbral Spell, blacklight, message; Cost 2,500 gp

RonarsCorruption wrote:

Fair point, but ultimately the item has a more critical flaw than being a little two SIAC - it's not exciting enough. And it would take more than one or two breaks from the spell to become really superstar.

Also, I don't have a lot of time for now until I'm caught up on everything, so I'm going to let this one die and work a little harder on next month's submission. ;)

May I then? Not sure whether this is an improvement or not, but I'm really fond of the idea.

Geek Oil
Aura weak necromancy; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 100 gp; Weight .2 lbs.
This gummy oil has the tincture of milk. When mixed into a material poisonous to humanoids, it fizzes and bubbles for three rounds before settling into a new compound that is safe to ingest. A creature consuming the compound gains the effects of poison, with the saves, onset, frequency, effect, and cure all the same as the poison used to create the compound.

A single batch of geek oil can transform up to 200 gp worth of poison.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, poison; Cost 50 gp

Also, here's a slightly more readable version of the cowl presented above.

Cowl of the Obscured Messenger
Aura faint illusion and transmutation; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Shadows cling to this hood like mist to warm water, coalescing around the wearer's head when the garment is donned to form a blanket of darkness about half an inch thick. Not even darkvision can penetrate this layer of shadow; however, the wearer's eyes shine as two smoldering pinpoints of light under the cowl, permitting him to see normally.

The cowl's wearer may employ message at will.

Once per day, the wearer of the cowl many modify a spell of the third level or lower that targets a single creature. To do so, he must lift back the cowl while casting the spell and whisper out, breathing a cloud of darkness and shadows imbued with the spell effects. The cloud is targeted as message and moves forward 30' per round, obstructed only obstacles that would block message. When the cloud reaches the target, the spell takes effect, gaining the darkness descriptor. A spell modified in this manner may not also be modified by a metamagic rod.

Requirements Create Wondrous Item, Umbral Spell, blacklight, message; Cost 2,500 gp

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 9

Of course, anyone who thinks they can turn the alchemical palm superstar is welcome to have at 'er.

@Geek oil - the term geek has a lot of implications now that it didn't have back when it was created. Trying to use such a term to refer to those older things thus becomes very problematic. Also, you say "a material poisonous to humanoids" - which is a very weird phrasing. Just say "a poison". And then, you limit the same poison by GP value...

I know, I know, prices are listed in the core book, but that doesn't make it a good measure of a poison's power. What about a poison an alchemist has fiddled with? Or has been combined with a second dose of the same poison? Or, what if a PC got it on a great sale? "But.. I bought this wyvern poison for 200gp". You need a better metric to restrict it.

@cowl - well, I don't like that the normally innocuous message spell becomes the carrier for any single-target spell, from cure light to disintigrate. Sure, the cloud has to catch the target first, but it effectively negates cover from most spells, allowing you to fire dangerous spells around corners - or even straight through some walls. Without better restrictions this is way too dangerous.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Limiting the poison to 200 gp with the oil isn't that problematic, or at least, it's not that unique. All sorts of spells say they require a certain gp value of an expensive component, and there's a great OotS cartoon about somebody looking for a specific value of a component, buying it in a store on sale, and having to go back to buy more because they didn't spend enough. You would estimate the increased value of the alchemist-fiddled poison and if it's now "worth" more than 200 gp, it's too strong for the oil to work on.

That being said, I'm not sure I like the idea of taking a 100 gp magic item, a 200 gp poison, and combining them together to get a 1,400 gp potion of poison (750 gp for a druid), albeit one with much less potent save DCs.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid

I've got a magic item design question and maybe this is the place to ask.

If I want my magic item to have a particular alignment aura, do I need to have a spell with that particular descriptor in the creation requirements?

Would it make a difference if it is themed to belong to a specific religion whose deity is of that alignment and Commune is part of the requirements implying a link to that deity. Commune has no alignment descriptor but it does require holy or unholy water as a material component.

I just don't want to submit an item for next year's contest and have the judges say "how come it detects as evil when there is no evil spell in its creation? -Reject!"

Opinions? Rules reference? Thanks.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would say you can have [Evil] in your Aura without having an "evil spell".

An example in the core wondrous items would be Darkskull - which requires an evil creator.

Also looking at the two items Phylactery of Positive/Negative Channeling, they have the same construction but the negative one is designated [Evil] with no specific evil in the construction.

I would take the stance that if the effects or creation can be deemed negative, evil, raising undead, etc, evil is probably a good include on the aura, and is most likely on necromancy spells.

The other indicator, is if the effect would be if the effect is similar to the effects / benefits gained by a cleric who chooses to control undead rather than heal better for example.

I don't think you would get dinged for evil auras without using evil spells, if it fit's well with the theme of the item and its effects, it's a sensible choice.

BUT that being said, evil wondrous items is skirting with cursed items to a degree, so be very careful you dont cross that line.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid

Anthony Adam wrote:

I would say you can have [Evil] in your Aura without having an "evil spell".

I don't think you would get dinged for evil auras without using evil spells, if it fit's well with the theme of the item and its effects, it's a sensible choice.

BUT that being said, evil wondrous items is skirting with cursed items to a degree, so be very careful you dont cross that line.

Thanks Anthony. That was my thinking too. Though Darkskull does have Unhollow in the in the requirements which is evil. And the Phylacteries of Channeling are better examples, but they imply that there is positive or negative energy channeling by a tenth level cleric required. This could be a neutral cleric creating a "good" or "evil" item and they don't even have to channel the correct type of energy to create one. That's weird. If I were a judge I might reject the Phylacteries on that grounds alone. It should have been "creator must be a 10th-level cleric who channels positive (or negative respectively) energy."

And my item is not at all a cursed item. My evil example was just an example. My actual item is open ended and keyed to whatever deity it was specifically created for. That is one of the reasons I don't want to have to find an aligned spell for its requirements. I will however take a page from the phylacteries and make sure it can only be created by a worshiper of the keyed deity.


Thanks for the feedback, all.

Nazard wrote:
That being said, I'm not sure I like the idea of taking a 100 gp magic item, a 200 gp poison, and combining them together to get a 1,400 gp potion of poison (750 gp for a druid), albeit one with much less potent save DCs.

That was something that worried me as well. I think the problem--if that's what it is--can easily be solved by scaling up the cost to 700 gp and stipulating that it works on 1400 gp of poison. But I'm not sure that's necessary--what is the balance problem if we effectively give poison at lower levels with weaker poison effects?


Ronars, are you aware of any precedent of judges rejecting items because of effects tied to item value? Is Paizo trying to move away from this mechanic? I agree wholeheartedly that it's dumb, btw.

Also, is there a specific abuse that you're worried about with the cowl?

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Phloid wrote:
Thanks Anthony.

Not a problem, that's what we are here for in this thread.

Phloid wrote:
I will however take a page from the phylacteries and make sure it can only be created by a worshiper of the keyed deity.

Indeed, that is a good method recommended in most places - if you don't have all the books, dont forget that handy dandy prd link which allows you to search.

In this case, I opened PRD - clicked Magic Items in the left hand menu bar - then clicked Wondrous Items in the table on the page that loaded.

The Wondrous Items page loaded, so I then used find on page with a search string of "[Evil]" - then just hit the next button to jump to each one. Total research time needed was about 4 minutes.

One thing to consider though - any restrictions on Wondrous Items, like worshipping a given diety, can (but not always) affect the user base. By this I mean, if it's not a popular diety, then the number of NPCs and PCs using it may become limited and the item itself might start heading towards plot device land.

I'm not saying don't do it, simply be aware of the potential impact along these lines.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ok, my first Norse offering is taking shape and I looked at the superstar web cast method. So this may be a wordy post as it explains what I am trying this time, and I'm documenting my revised processes growing out of this practice.

So I started by looking at Vikings and trying to list potential items for wondrous items.

After discounting some obvious weapons, I settled on the classic helmet with horns - now I need to avoid the helmet becoming armor, but the image of those helmets with rams horns sticking out the side are clearly something demanding of play and attention.

I then started thinking about what it could do. No specifics, just general ideas to start with...

After some thought, I came up with the notion that the horns can be rotated so that the horns point in a certain way... possibly my activation method.

If I turned them to the classic both pointing up position, I began to envisage a charge attack of some sort with head lowered to skewer your opponent - I must re-check the rules for fancy ways of tweaking them in an interesting way ... maybe charging or bull rush.

On a related note, I imagined them both twisted pointing to the back of the head, which meant that with head down, it would be ram like rather than bull like - possibly battering ram sort of power maybe...

And then my mind went - affinity - these are move powers which tend to go in foot items.

Hmm, time to rethink - although the charging ideas seemed cool, they flaunt the slot affinities badly.

I want to keep the twisting of the horns though, that idea has bitten and won’t let go.

So, thinking about the mechanic, it starts to seem like some sort of direction buff or effect is needed.

So I looked at the head itself as something to be affected.

Looking at other head based items, I soon determine that we don't really need more intellect / spell caster type items, but maybe it could affect the mind accounting for the raw savagery and fearless fighting style of the Vikings and bring that to the table.

Will need to check on the rules for morale and the like - maybe I can find a funky cool way to manipulate those rules.

What else...

Sight - hmmm, creepy, instead of horns ending in points, what if they ended with an eye that can be focused via the twisting of the horns, some sort of minor buff if only one horn is twisted but a higher buff if both horns are twisted to the same direction. This has possibilities - will need to examine searching, spotting etc related rules - another possibility here. Perception could be fun to play with, but I need to avoid the "eyes in the back of your head" meme.

Hearing - ears on the end of the horns doesn’t work visually, but the idea of turning the horns to eavesdrop without need for turning your head has possibilities too, maybe it could be a secondary effect linked to the rules bending of sight enhancements I find.

Possibly horn location, if affixed to the sides of the helm, it would be hearing, to the top of the helm is for sight - now I wonder, do I got for sight, or hearing - or include relocation of horn to fixing positions on the helm to provide a combo item – I will need to think more on this I think to avoid the Swiss Army Knife, but I think it may fall out of checking the perception based rules and skills that I may end up playing with.

I couldn't envisage how they would affect smell, so I'm passing on any scenting type of item.

Speech - hmmm, auto translation is so Doctor Who Tardis/Star Trek Communicator there is no way I'm going there - but possibly could do some sort of voice projection thing - maybe something like Shout/Roar/Yell demoralising type of thing - note to self - Demoralising Roar is in Warcraft, so this could be a dangerous one to pick. So this is my fallback perception choice I think.

It looks like the best bet at the moment is directional perception type of effects.

So - revisit the twisting mechanic - it's going to be obvious when you reach up to your helmet and turn the horns, so it's not going to be much use as a covert perception item unless set in advance of your target seeing you. If a combat effect is granted, its going to be targeted pretty quickly if used then.

Hmmm, so we have an item now that we could do some funky directional perception based tweaking with the possibility of some game balancing penalties when used in combat or for covert uses. This wouldn’t have to be big penalties as players would soon realise this themselves, but needs to be considered for item completeness.

So there we have it, an item for head slot that affects head based slot affinities in the perception arena...

At this point I am now reviewing perception based actions, skills and the like to determine what effects I think will be cool in this item.

It may be that I can't find a cool interesting effect and the helm gets dropped - but I have at least narrowed down the areas and mechanics that I want to apply. I also haven’t thought of a name - this is usually born of the effects, so I'm not worried about that yet.

I am hoping to post a first draft helm this weekend if I can find that special effect for it.

At the moment, I have the activation envisioned, the item nailed down pretty much and a good idea of the area of influence in the rules I'm targeting and I haven’t yet had to do any number crunching or construction spell selection pains. But that’s not far off now.

On to the rule books - perception type actions, spot, search and so on.

One last thought - this is NOT a dwarf helm - must avoid that meme too.

Hope you find this thought summary of use or helpful in any way in your design methods.

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Obviously I thought of the viking helmet... and the first thought was "gore attack on a charge". That I think is valid on the head slot, but it's so obvious that it's very much not superstar.

While most of my brainpower is going to integrating a few ideas for campaign settings into coherent wholes (very dangerous when you've got a setting that started out mechanics free, was revised conceptually three times, then tried to incorporate all of 4th edition lore until psionics, then was switched to a swords & sorcery feel to use low-magic Tome of Battle mechanics, and now is set for a totally custom system, but still swords & sorcery low-magic feel)... I've got three concepts going.

Hat of the Wanderer. Really all I know about this is the name and the visual (the broad-, floppy-brimmed hat like Odin is typically depicted as wearing when incognito).

Hoplite's Padding. Name needs a tweak, certainly. This is chest slot, meant to be worn under armor. I want it to cut encumbrance for armor; probably making the armor function as one category lighter for encumbrance purposes. I'd also cut armor weight down, but that's the sort of bookkeeping I think people stop caring about after the first level or two, so I'll probably ignore that. Then it needs something sharp & flavorful; not entirely sure what yet, though bonuses for bull rush (or resisting it) definitely come to mind.

Abundant Amphorae: A dungeon fitting. I want a set of amphorae (big urns) which replenish their contents. That's pretty generic to start, but I know what I want to do. Each urn in the set produces something different, and each of those items has its own effect. But you can also combine the items for different effects. Not to combo the effects, but for something thematically similar but different. I haven't really taken the time to review possible effects here.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid

Anthony Adam wrote:
Phloid wrote:
Thanks Anthony.

One thing to consider though - any restrictions on Wondrous Items, like worshipping a given diety, can (but not always) affect the user base. By this I mean, if it's not a popular diety, then the number of NPCs and PCs using it may become limited and the item itself might start heading towards plot device land.

I'm not saying don't do it, simply be aware of the potential impact along these lines.

This is good advice and something I had already considered. I originally designed the item keyed to Iomedae and then realized it was probably too niche and there was no reason I couldn't open it up to any deity. Like I mentioned before, my item is open ended and can be created specifically keyed to any single deity. Once the item is created the deity can't change, but a worshiper of any god can create one specific to his deity. This is another reason I don't want to add a spell with an alignment descriptor in the creation requirements. They come in all alignments depending on which deity they are dedicated to. I know there are ways to wordsmith different spells for different effects in the creation requirements but I'd rather just avoid it if it's not required.

And I'm well aware of the SRD and had searched it myself. There is really no good example of what I'm talking about, but the phylacteries are the closest thing. I think I overlooked them because there is no spell in the creation requirements.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

After much tinkering at the weekend, my head slot item simply ended up mojoless. So I won't bore you with the current build and am reworking.

Head slots are actually proving quite a challenge to be shiny fun.

The final version, for those curious, became a helm that removed concealment in combat situations...

Each horn removed concealment for the neighbouring 5 feet space pointed to, both horns pointing the same direction extended that an additional 5 feet in the line pointed.

Very small tinkering with combat situation in the end - not great. Not game breaking, fairly balanced - just lacking in mojo. On the plus side, I came in at under 2000 gold, so fairly fun for low level pricing.

A good example of running up the garden path to find no spangly wonder at the end I think.

Back to the drawing board.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid

I'm tinkering with an item that I'm having problems assigning spell requirements for. I don't really want to fully divulge what it does as I might enter it in RPGSS next year, but I could use some advice in what spells it should require to create.

Let's say the user can target a character and it makes the target believe he is wielding a weapon. The target can see and feel the weapon in his hand and to him it seems real. He can attack with it, but takes non-proficiency penalties as though it were really in his hand (this is important to the item's function). This to me seems like it should be an Illusion (phantasm) effect as he is the only one who can see and feel the thing.

The other thing is that the target is compelled to keep and use this illusory weapon. He is not surprised by its sudden appearance and is happy to attempt to use it even it he is not proficient in the weapon. This obviously seems to be an Enchantment (compulsion) effect.

The problem I'm having is that no spells of these two schools seem to be a great fit for an effect like this. The best fit I can find for the enchantment effect is the Beguiling Gift spell, which isn't bad, but I'm not really handing the item to them. It just appears in their hand. I'm also considering Smug Narcissism which is also ok since the target becomes confident in his ability to use the item. Maybe I need both? Are there any other enchantment spells that are a better fit?

The harder part is the illusion effect. The phantasm spells are few and far between. None of them that I have found put something on a person or make a person think they have something that they do not. This probably isn't all of them but here is a brief list. Phantasm spells-Dream, Phantasmal Killer, Illusory Script, Nightmare, Phantasmal Web, and Mad Hallucination. Mad Hallucination has a name that might seem appropriate but its effect isn't right. It has to be a phantasm because I don't want the target's ally to see what the target sees. Sort of like my question on whether evil magic items need to have spell with the evil descriptor, does my Illusion magic item with a phantasm effect need to have a phantasm spell in its creation requirements? Can I just use a figment spell such as Major Image and still give it the phantasm effect so that only the target can see it?

I want to make if clear, before someone suggests I just make it an enchantment effect that causes the target to believe he sees and feels something that is not there, that it is important to the complete item that it has illusory texture, weight, smell, and sound. There should be no question that the character might not suffer non-proficiency penalties to use the weapon and I feel an illusion effect is necessary for this.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

You mean like shadow weapon and suggestion...or maybe a lesser geas?

Dark Archive

This is an awesome thread and will post an item for review. I also see a lot of good ideas here.

Boots of Swiftness
Aura faint transmutation; CL
Slot Feet; Price 5,000gp Weight 1lb

These boots have been reinforced by strips of tough leather that provide an unexpected amount of protection and flexibility to the foot.

Increases the wearers base land speed by 10 feet. In addition the Boots of speed grant the wearer +2 insight bonus to Initiative.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Longstride, creator must have the Improved Initiative feat. Cost 2,250gp

I know the name might not be very convincing but I like it.

Please critique :) as I look forward to improving to go in next year competition.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid

Neil Spicer wrote:
You mean like shadow weapon and suggestion...or maybe a lesser geas?

Great! Now that Neil has seen my post I've tipped my hand to the judges and could disqualify my item. Just kidding. I might still be ok as I've hidden the actual effects of my item pretty well. And I have another item too that I think is stronger. Maybe I'll just post it here instead.

Shadow Weapon is a decent option based on what I've given. Probably as good as any of the other Illusion spells I have considered, though as a shadow spell it should be quasi-real. I definitely don't want it to imply that the effect might be able to deal real damage.

Suggestion is a good suggestion (groan). Simple enchantment and can do just about anything.

I don't think Lesser Geas fits.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor

Deiros, I think that's a nice, solid wondrous item that could easily be in a book of magic items. That said, I don't think it has enough "mojo" to be considered Superstar. It's a bonus to speed and initiative, and the judges are generally looking for things that do far more in terms of playing with the rules.

Also, your spell should be italicized and your cost should be exactly half of your price. You're also missing a CL.

Dark Archive

I was just wondering if it had the "mojo" section or if it was enough to be something considerable, but I did flop that and you are right, I'm glad to know it's a solid item, since it's one from my home brew game.

Skeleton Key
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price Varies; Weight .5 lbs.

This item is a key grafted from carefully hewn bone and a metallic heft.

When used to pick a lock, it bestows upon the user a competence bonus to Open Lock checks equal to the key's enhancement bonus.

Requirements Create Wondrous Item, blacklight, message; Cost 800gp(+2), 3,200gp(+4), 7,200gp(+6), 12,800gp(+8), 20,000gp(+10).

This was my players solution to not having a rogue (one of the many solutions).

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor

Sorry I'm going to be negative again, but I think you're still falling into some of the traps they talk about in wondrous item design.

The judges aren't going to reward a basic bonus to a skill with a spot in the contest. Sure, it's useful, especially if you've got a party without a rogue, but it's just not exciting. The judges have also talked a lot about how they really don't like items that have real-life names, a la a skeleton key, among other issues.

Not sure if you've seen the auto rejects, but I suggest looking at them (can't find the thread right now, but Anthony Adam's Round 1 template explained thread has that advice along with a lot of other things. I'd strongly recommend going through the critique my item thread for a lot of advice for things the judges look for. It's very long but I know I culled a lot of tips from it.

Dark Archive

Thank you very much and will do read suggested places regardless of length.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would suggest you skim read the first half as that deals with formatting, the second half is what is becoming the "mojo" half.

I will be adding some "what was done well" summaries gleaned from feedback on the last 5 years of winners to the post over the next weeks or three, so keep an eye on that thread for updates.

I hope you find it useful nonetheless.

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Couple other notes on the Boots of Swiftness and Skeleton Key:

The speed bonus on the boots should probably be enhancement; as an untyped bonus this is comprehensively better than boots of striding and springing because it stacks with haste and similar.

There is actually a non-magical item called Skeleton Key in the game already; it's a key that makes Disable Device checks with a flat +10 bonus, and can only be tried on a given lock once.

I've nailed down the secondary and tertiary features of my Hat of the Wanderer, without actually figuring out the primary feature at all. That is, the "Oh hey, this minor feature fits the theme of the item and is a good thing to toss in primarily for theme" features are set. Unfortunately, every time I try to think about it, I instead end up singing The Wanderer by Dion in my head for 10 minutes.

Dark Archive

I hadn't notice the skeleton key item, thank you for pointing it out.

Well so sad it's 21st and no more item submitting.

Will wait for the next practice event to see what I can muster.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Steven T. Helt

Phloid wrote:
I've got a magic item design question and maybe this is the place to ask.

Generally speaking, magic items don't register an alignment. The thing that makes a magic item evil is the use of evil power to make it. So, a darkskull requires an evil spell. A phylactery of negative channeling doesn't require a spell to be cast at all, but does require the creator be an evil cleric of sufficient level. So the question lies in where the power comes from. Most of the time, that's going to be an evil spell.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Steven T. Helt

Ready to submit for round two of the practice session.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Steven T. Helt wrote:
Ready to submit for round two of the practice session.

Go for it, I'm having to rework my item as discussed in prior posts, but that wont stop me commenting and reviewing other practice items from everyone else.

I suppose everyone's expecting you to start a new thread, since this one says in the title that it closed two days ago.

Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

yeah, lol, I was going to do monthly threads and then later on thought just keep going - all the practice in one notes in one thread - If i could edit the name, I would.

I'll start a new thread (without timelimit - grin) , and post a link to this thread as the first post.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka MythrilDragon

You might also post a link here so that any who happen upon it can follow along with us.

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