Black Arrows

Rise of the Runelords

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

I was wondering, is there a prestige class for the Order of Black Arrows somewhere? I can't seem to find one.

One of my players is a dwarven ranger eager to join the Black Arrows

Dark Archive

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No there is not.I really wouldn't think it would be to prestigious to be a Black Arrow as it does mention they send criminals and other undesirables to Fort Rannik to become Black Arrows if I recall correctly.

Kind of like the wall in A song of Ice and Fire.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

As presented, they seem to be pretty stock rangers, with favored enemies of humanoid (giant).

Also, depending on how The Hook Horror Massacre plays out, there might not be any Black Arrows left to join. If there are survivors, then it shouldn't be hard for a PC to assume the mantle of Black Arrow and rebuild the group to continue to protect Turtleback Ferry in the future. For that matter, even if there are no survivors, then a PC could pretty easily declare himself as the new leader of the Black Arrows and rebuild from scratch.

Grand Lodge

Often they are multiclassed, especially the aforementioned undesirables as presented by bigkilla, with roguish or fighter-ish backgrounds.

Dark Archive

JoelF847 wrote:

As presented, they seem to be pretty stock rangers, with favored enemies of humanoid (giant).

** spoiler omitted **

Yeah, I gave that opportunity to my players and they shot it down in seconds,it would have been fun and some cool roleplaying/story making stuff.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber

Indeed, favored enemy: humanoid(giant) is a must. I want to make it a prestige class, despite the fact that it is not prestigious - due to the nature of who signs up - because this certain player loves the idea of joining a Golarion-specific prestige class.

I'll just wait and see the outcome of their visit to HM, and give my players the choice to possibly rebuild the Order.

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