
Jade Regent

Liberty's Edge

One of my players got bitten by Jorgan the Axe, the werebear, and failed his save. Does he change on the next full moon, whenever I decide that is, and does remove curse fix it before hand?

Yes the Pc changes on the next full moon (not that bad from wereboars as they aren't inherently evil) as long as he knows about the lycanthropy he should be able to remove it.
that said i'd look up lycanthropy because back in the day (i.e. 1st and 2nd edition) it was a real pain to remove it.

Shadow Lodge

According to the SRD, it's within three days, not before the next full moon. Link here.

I have to say, as a player I wouldn't cure a werebear infection. The changes aren't overpowering and the roleplay potential is awesome. As a GM, I'd totally let the +1CR slide at that level, given the dramatic potential.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That, and you really don't loose anything from being a werebear unless you're a barbarian, or any other class that requires you to act chaotically or lose your bonuses (I'm going by the alignment listed in the hybrid form on the PRD). The change isn't game-breaking anymore, as compared to 3.5 (how you enjoying that +16 Str? OK, just checking), and the alignment change while involuntarily shifted won't really get in the party's way.
Werebear-ism doesn't seem like much of a curse, honestly, except that every full moon you wreck your armor and become a marauding, fuzzy agent of justice.

Kaushal Avan Spellfire wrote:
Werebear-ism doesn't seem like much of a curse, honestly, except that every full moon you wreck your armor and become a marauding, fuzzy agent of justice.

With a wicked craving for nuts and berries.

Werebear-ism would wreck havoc on the caravan's food supplies. From the Lycanthropy article in #45...

Ecology of the Lycanthrope wrote:
The hunger of the lycanthrope is usually proportional to its largest form. A werebear in human form has the appetite of a much larger ursine. Gluttony is a mark of such lycanthropes.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ANebulousMistress wrote:
Kaushal Avan Spellfire wrote:
Werebear-ism doesn't seem like much of a curse, honestly, except that every full moon you wreck your armor and become a marauding, fuzzy agent of justice.

With a wicked craving for nuts and berries.

Werebear-ism would wreck havoc on the caravan's food supplies. From the Lycanthropy article in #45...

Ecology of the Lycanthrope wrote:
The hunger of the lycanthrope is usually proportional to its largest form. A werebear in human form has the appetite of a much larger ursine. Gluttony is a mark of such lycanthropes.

Alright, fair enough, except that provisions are abstracted so that 1 unit of provisions feeds either a human or a horse...

'Cause that makes sense.

Liberty's Edge

The character that "acquired" the curse is an oracle and the parties 2nd healer, when 1st isn't available, ie when player cant make it. So will see if they let it go for the 3 days and see how it plays out. thanks

The Exchange

The CHA hit is going to SUCK.

Liberty's Edge

In original form stats are unchanged only when they shift do they alter
And Doram ob'Han the 3 days is time period to get it cured the SRD states, "A creature that catches lycanthropy becomes an afflicted lycanthrope, but shows no symptoms (and does not gain any of the template's adjustments or abilities) until the night of the next full moon

Krusk Bloodletter wrote:
In original form stats are unchanged only when they shift do they alter

+2 Wis, -2 Cha in all forms.

Pathfinder Bestiary, pg 196 wrote:
Ability Scores: +2 Wis, –2 Cha in all forms;

Shadow Lodge

Exactly: no change for a month, but three days from the time of infection to cure it. When you think about it, that's kind of nasty. How do you know to cure a disease with no symptoms? (Monster knowledge checks, I imagine.).

As for the increased appetite, I might run that as sleep-eating and treat it as a mystery that the party had to figure out. Every night of the full moon, one unit of provisions disappears. That would be meh in a normal campaign, but in the caravan it might be a fun use of the consumption mechanics, and lead to Unrest and accusations of theft (is one of the untrustworthy Varisians taking more than their fair share?).

The Exchange

Ya. Any other class save maybe Bard would benefit from this. But for an Oracle, turning were just nerfs so much of the class. Hell, as a Pally, Fighter, or Ranger I'd be happy to get Werebear. LG alt self ain't that bad.

TheLoneCleric wrote:
Ya. Any other class save maybe Bard would benefit from this. But for an Oracle, turning were just nerfs so much of the class. Hell, as a Pally, Fighter, or Ranger I'd be happy to get Werebear. LG alt self ain't that bad.

now i just have to make an order of paladins that infect their members with werebearitis, so they go from ironclad crusaders of good to fluffy superhero-types

Liberty's Edge

Doram ob'Han wrote:
Exactly: no change for a month, but three days from the time of infection to cure it.

Just quoting Doram ob'Han for the relevant part. Does the same three day limit apply to eating wolfsbane to receive another Fortitude save as well?

Liberty's Edge

SRD says need a 12th level cleric to heal. Will a paladin with remove curse if used get rid of it?

Dark Archive

If I recall correctly, curing lycanthrophy requires a removed disease spell cast at caster level 12.

Shadow Lodge

According to the SRD: "A remove disease or heal spell cast by a cleric of 12th level or higher cures the affliction, provided the character receives the spell within 3 days of the infecting lycanthrope's attack. Alternatively, consuming a dose of wolfsbane gives an afflicted lycanthrope a new Fortitude save to recover from lycanthropy."

A paladin with remove curse won't work (although if it were a sufficiently high-level paladin - 15th or higher - I might let it slide, because at that level, who cares), and if those three days pass there is no in-game way to remove the curse, short of a major artifact or quest. That's how I read it, anyway.

Liberty's Edge

ok thanx for input

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