Monk / Druid multi class?


Does anyone have any experience doing a multiclass monk / druid that isn't a 1 level monk dip? All of the information I see so far sort of assumes you're dipping into monk just for 1 level.

I'm looking for a character that is basically the monk with wild shape, though only for animals (character concept purposes). From the Shaping Focus feat in ultimate magic I could get the strongest wild shape for animals at level 4 (Anyone think it's odd that beast shape IV is missing?). This to my understanding would also allow for an 8 hour shift time and 3 times a day.

Is there any other benefit (feat?) i'm missing from multiclassing into druid? Is this going to gimp my monk in some way i'm missing?

Liberty's Edge

Shillelaghs. I built a monk that used this as a quarterstaff .

Dark Archive

Dip 2 levels... Monk archetype Master of Many Styles.

Bonus Feats: (no Prerequisites)

Dragon Style (Combat)

Prerequisites: Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Acrobatics 3 ranks.

Benefit: While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep effects, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. You ignore difficult terrain when you charge, run, or withdraw. You can also charge through squares that contain allies. Further, you can add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on a given round.

Normal: You cannot charge or run through difficult terrain, and you cannot charge through a square that contains an ally. With an unarmed strike, you usually add your Strength bonus on damage rolls.

Dragon Ferocity (Combat)

Prerequisites: Str 15, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dragon Style, Stunning Fist, Acrobatics 5 ranks.

Benefit: While using Dragon Style, you gain a bonus on unarmed strike damage rolls equal to half your Strength bonus. When you score a critical hit or a successful Stunning Fist attempt against an opponent while using this style, that opponent is also shaken for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 + your Strength bonus.

Special: Taking this feat allows you to qualify for the Elemental Fist feat even if you do not meet that feat’s prerequisites. If you do not meet that feat’s prerequisites, you must choose one of the damage types that feat offers, and you can use only that damage type with your Elemental Fist attacks until you meet the feat’s normal prerequisites. A monk with this feat can use Elemental Fist as if he were a monk of the four winds.

Prerequisites required...

Feral Combat Training (Combat)

Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus with selected natural weapon.

Benefit: Choose one of your natural weapons. While using the selected natural weapon, you can apply the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite, as well as effects that augment an unarmed strike.

Special: If you are a monk, you can use the selected natural weapon with your flurry of blows class feature

Flowing monk with wolf wild shape. A trip animal with trip benefits.

Or you could try Sohei/Druid with a roc companion. Save up for an ironwood lance.

Monk 1/Druid X is definitely fun for lots of reasons. I don't have actual experience with Druid 4/Monk X, but I'd think that a lot of the same benefits could apply (Wis to AC, rather high damage in Large and Huge forms, RP tie in to animal style kung-fu, ability to call your PC "Super Ape")

The biggest things you'll miss out on might be Strong Jaw and advancing your animal companion. Depending on how you adjudicate Feral Combat Training, the Strong Jaw spell might be a big loss or not. Making your animal companion too wimpy to participate in most combats defintely has its flaws though, especially when you won't be able to summon decent flankers either.

That said, you'll get better BAB while flurrying. Since wildshape can net you the Grab ability this PC could be a great grappler. A Monk's Robe could also cover the gap in your unarmed strike damage. The previously posted Shillelagh idea is especially good since you can potentially flurry for 2d6 damage twice as early as 2nd level.

Kung Fu Panda:)

I've got a character that I was planning on taking considerable levels of both Monk and Druid. His purpose was to be the grapple-happy melee support.

Which way to pounce would be the fastest for a monk-druid?

So I guess this brings up a question for Feral Combat Training. If you transform into a Tiger what would your attacks be?

Would it be Flurry of Blows (claw), plus Claw, Claw, Bite at -5


Flurry of Blows (claw), plus Bite at -5


Would the -5 not be applied at all since they are not secondary attacks?

lostpike wrote:

So I guess this brings up a question for Feral Combat Training. If you transform into a Tiger what would your attacks be?

Would it be Flurry of Blows (claw), plus Claw, Claw, Bite at -5


Flurry of Blows (claw), plus Bite at -5


Would the -5 not be applied at all since they are not secondary attacks?

I have seen multiple people say beast shape will change your attacks to that of the animals but I don't see that anywhere?

lostpike wrote:

So I guess this brings up a question for Feral Combat Training. If you transform into a Tiger what would your attacks be?

Would it be Flurry of Blows (claw), plus Claw, Claw, Bite at -5


Flurry of Blows (claw), plus Bite at -5


Would the -5 not be applied at all since they are not secondary attacks?

This is the PFSRD explanation for your question.

Liberty's Edge

Consider Brightness Seeker. Wildshape by level 3 in the Prestige class, very minimal prequisites, and the 2 level ability would allow you to qualify for feral combat training by level 9. Not to mention the Rebirth ability would be interesting with your character concept.

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