A kind of unlimited Magic Missile


Grand Lodge

This is only an idea that was brought up by a new player on my Friday night game, and after listening to my players' discussion, I am thinking I might give this a try, but I wanted to ask some of the more rules savy types on the forums their opinions.

Short version - Wizards can cast (a form of) Magic Missile at will. Like a cantrip I guess.

Clarification- We play Beginner Box only and I have been informed we will never graduate to Core. That being said...

I do NOT want an auto hit spell cast at will though, so I am thinking of a roll to hit Magic Missile (no crit chance) 1d4+1 per Max spell level known and formally calling it Mage Hammer to offer distinction from Magic Missile. This would cap it at 1d4+3 at level 5. Hardly game breaking.

Crunch as it were, to follow: I am not trying to write an official rule so forgive me if I do not structure this correctly:

Mage Hammer:

School evocation [force]; Level magus 1, Sorcerer 1, Wizard 0

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S

Range medium (50 ft. + 5 ft./maximum spell level)
Targets a single creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes


The Mage Hammer spell generates a magical, semi-transparent hammer that flies toward its target. On a successful ranged touch attack, the hammer strikes its target, bypassing any armor, dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage. This damage is increased to 1d4+2 once the caster can cast 2nd level spells and maximizing at 1d4+3 when the caster is able to memorize and cast level 3 spells.

The hammer strikes unerringly on a successful ranged touch attack roll ( I am thinking BAB + INT), even if the target is in melee combat, so long as it has less than total cover or total concealment.

The reason behind the idea is to offer a flavor option to the BB Wizard to have an attack iconic with wizards every round without having to rewrite the way spells are done. My players argument was Valeros and Mari get an attack every time they want. Why don't I?

Wanting to keep this person happy (and coming back) I asked for all players opinions and I would give a formal answer our next session.

My question is this, how game breaking would this be? I can flavor it up saying they can only cast it while holding a wand or staff or even make it a "Wand of Hammers" but with unlimited charges.

Feedback and please criticize. I want to give this player a fair shake and reasonable answer.


Trait: Magical Lineage (Mage Hammer)
Feat: Toppling Spell

Now he has a 0 level touch attack spell that trips people using his full level for BAB and his INT as his modifier. It also doesn't provoke since you can do it at range.

Wizards already have many attack spells they can use every round. That's what 0 level spells are for.

Acid Splash
Disrupt Undead
Ray of Frost

EDIT: I'm not familiar with the Beginner Box rules but I didn't think they would vary much from core rules. Then again I could be wrong.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Sounds good, and more importantly - sounds fun! I'd drop the range to Close though.

I can't remember what spells or cantrips there are in Beginner Box. You could have it as a telekinetic power and let him also tweak the power ... knock stuff off shelves with it or whatever. Trip people up/ grab their ankles (no damage) so the rogue or fighter can hit or catch up with them. Tap someone on the shoulder so he looks the other way for a second - anything that gets the party and player excited and enthusiastic without putting the rest in the shade is good in my book.

Good for you for giving it a go too.

Grand Lodge

The Beginners Box does not use traits iirc

There are already unlimited cantrips for wizards that deal damage: Acid splash and ray of frost.

I see nothing game-breaking or unbalanced. I would suggest that if it requires a roll, then it should be eligible to threat/crit on a 20. If the reason behind the spell's creation was to guarantee the wizard player an equal amount of fun, why deny crit rolls?

Grand Lodge

carborundum wrote:

Sounds good, and more importantly - sounds fun! I can't remember what spells or cantrips there are in Beginner Box. You could have it as a telekinetic power and let him also tweak the power ... knock stuff off shelves with it or whatever. Trip people up/ grab their ankles (no damage) so the rogue or fighter can hit or catch up with them. Tap someone on the shoulder so he looks the other way for a second - anything that gets the party and player excited and enthusiastic without putting the rest in the shade is good in my book.

Good for you for giving it a go too.

I like this. The question asked from the player (my wife), "Why can't I just cast Magic Missile every round?" Me - I am not going to give you an auto hit attack to use at will.

She scowled and I asked the other players their opinions.

My write up is actually very restrictive I think. It is a non critable Arrow basically. I look forward to more feedback and reasonings. This is just for our home game and not for anything like PFS or anything.

This would also allow me to let her play her Gnome without having to worry about damage redesign for the BB like stated in the "Halfling damage" thread of which I am a slacker and do not want to find to link.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Just dug out my Box. No cantrips. hmmm....

I'd replace Hand of the Apprentice with your power, then let him manipulate it more, and crit.

EDIT: In Core, ranged attacks typically use BAB + DEX bonus. Int is more ... wizardy... but then the wizard outshines the fighter in the hitting department, by having the same chance to hit but being well out of the damage zone.

Grand Lodge

Redbranch wrote:
I see nothing game-breaking or unbalanced. I would suggest that if it requires a roll, then it should be eligible to threat/crit on a 20. If the reason behind the spell's creation was to guarantee the wizard player an equal amount of fun, why deny crit rolls?

Honestly? I expected backlash on the idea of an unlimited cantrip with a little more punch already without discussing crits.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Definitely crits. It's a power that won't be used all that often that will miss more often than not in a game that's a few hours every so often. Give 'em crits! :-)

Grand Lodge

carborundum wrote:
Definitely crits. It's a power that won't be used all that often that will miss more often than not in a game that's a few hours every so often. Give 'em crits! :-)

A very valid argument. I will work it in to allow the crit range to be 20.

It's your game it's your rules is what it comes down to. If you feel its not game breaking for your games then you could implement it no problems. In regular play there are level 0 spells so this is a moot point, and your option would be overpowered as I showed above. Most wizards will buy a crossbow to have something to do in between casting.

No clue on BB rules but in core you're also penalized with a -4 to hit on creatures engaged in melee and require a feat, Precise Shot, to get around this. This also applies to spells being shot into melee.

Seems kinda lame that they'd remove 0 level spells from the BB.

This might be a bit of extra work, but you could always pull the "cantrips" and "orisons" sections from the PRD here and the two level 0 spell lists. I don't think it would be too much trouble to incorporate them (then again I haven't seen the BB rules).

That said, for the purpose/situation you describe, I think the spell looks good as it is.

On a side note, I'd call the spell "Mage Pulse" or some such thing and let the player describe what it actually looks like (instead of saying it looks like a hammer).

The Exchange

Khrysaor wrote:


Trait: Magical Lineage (Mage Hammer)
Feat: Toppling Spell

Now he has a 0 level touch attack spell that trips people using his full level for BAB and his INT as his modifier. It also doesn't provoke since you can do it at range.

Is this really that much worse than Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bolas for a full BAB character?

I see no reason not to include a cantrip, and this one as written isn't overpowering or anything. If it has an attack roll, it should crit (I know the rules for weaponlike spells aren't in the beginner box, but it just makes sense anyways).

Why make it wizard only though? Anyone who casts magic as their primary "thing" should have the option of unlimited oomph, especially if that's all they do (sorcerer, I'm looking at you). Why make your spell a 1st level sorcerer spell, instead of 0th level for everyone?

Also, for ease of language, say that the spell does 1d4 + 1 per two caster levels. It doesn't quite do the same thing (you get +1 on even instead of odd levels) but it's very close and prevents confusion.

I would say stay away from tripping people or moving things. There's a spell in Core that moves things already, and tripping people can be really really powerful. It's best not to introduce that into the game as an at-will ability. If it does damage and trips people, it's significantly better than any other cantrip in the Core game. As it stands, your cantrip still outclasses other cantrips out there (acid splash does 1d3, as does ray of frost. Disrupt undead does 1d6 against undead things only). Doing 1d4 force damage with no pluses but an attack roll would keep it in line with other cantrips.

Grand Lodge

Khrysaor wrote:

It's your game it's your rules is what it comes down to. If you feel its not game breaking for your games then you could implement it no problems. In regular play there are level 0 spells so this is a moot point, and your option would be overpowered as I showed above. Most wizards will buy a crossbow to have something to do in between casting.

No clue on BB rules but in core you're also penalized with a -4 to hit on creatures engaged in melee and require a feat, Precise Shot, to get around this. This also applies to spells being shot into melee.

Seems kinda lame that they'd remove 0 level spells from the BB.

I actually agree with you on this but, you defined in one post exactly why my players and wife specifically will not switch to Core from Beginners Box. She does not want memorize hundreds of rules amongst however many of my books just to roll some dice and play a game with friends once every week or so.

Grand Lodge

Melissa Litwin wrote:

Why make it wizard only though? Anyone who casts magic as their primary "thing" should have the option of unlimited oomph, especially if that's all they do (sorcerer, I'm looking at you). Why make your spell a 1st level sorcerer spell, instead of 0th level for everyone?

Because there are only Wizards in the Beginner Box and I forgot to remove Magus and Sorceror from my Magic Missile rewrite

0th level spells should scale with level. At-will magical powers are a good thing.

You may want to keep the damage the same as other 'cantrip' spells. Doing 1d3 instead of 1d4 (like ray o' frost) with the +1 per two levels. Keeps it a little more balanced with other spell damage for that level of spell.

Or you could keep it as written and have her character find a unique spellbook with the spell in it (or something) she could learn. Something to make her character different and unique from other wizards in your game.

It's always fun when you have something that sets your character apart.

Scarab Sages

Well, if you don't mind some power creep, it's fine. It's certainly more powerful than a normal cantrip.

It's a force effect so affects more things.
It has greater range than a cantrip.
It deals more damage than a cantrip.

I'd keep it simple myself and just give your player an existing cantrip, rather than create a new one and hope it's balanced.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

It might be handy to move the thread to the beginner box forum, as you are getting lots of helpful advice about cantrips :-)

Grand Lodge

carborundum wrote:
It might be handy to move the thread to the beginner box forum, as you are getting lots of helpful advice about cantrips :-)

I did not post in the Beginner Box area specifically because this was just a "What do you think" thread and the fact that the Beginner Box does not have 0 Level spells.

I am of the belief that threads like this would ruin the BB area as it would only serve to confuse those who are potentially new to all this 'lawyering' so prevalent on these boards.

DDogwood wrote:
Khrysaor wrote:


Trait: Magical Lineage (Mage Hammer)
Feat: Toppling Spell

Now he has a 0 level touch attack spell that trips people using his full level for BAB and his INT as his modifier. It also doesn't provoke since you can do it at range.

Is this really that much worse than Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bolas for a full BAB character?

Once you throw the bola's you have to retrieve them to throw them again. If this was allowed in core play it's a free trip every round for a wizard and he doesn't have to be anywhere near combat. Since there's no traits in BB it wouldn't be an issue. There's also no 0 level spells in the BB so an exception for one class would be an exception for all classes to be fair. Just bringing the 0 level spell lists over from the PRD like someone suggested would be easy.

Dark Archive

Ravenbow wrote:
The reason behind the idea is to offer a flavor option to the BB Wizard to have an attack iconic with wizards every round without having to rewrite the way spells are done.

Why not just give them access to cantrips? Specifically Acid Orb and Ray of Frost for every round attack options.

I really don't think the inclusion of cantrips would cause much problems for BB users. Just make sure to give the Cleric orisons too.

Ravenbow wrote:
carborundum wrote:
It might be handy to move the thread to the beginner box forum, as you are getting lots of helpful advice about cantrips :-)

I did not post in the Beginner Box area specifically because this was just a "What do you think" thread and the fact that the Beginner Box does not have 0 Level spells.

I am of the belief that threads like this would ruin the BB area as it would only serve to confuse those who are potentially new to all this 'lawyering' so prevalent on these boards.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Hero's Handbook p. 28.

"Cantrips are a weak type of wizard spell that you can use over and over again..."

I have Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, and Read Magic as Wizard cantrips in my copy of the Hero's Handbook. Similarly, Clerics have four Orisons listed on p. 18.

Grand Lodge

CrackedOzy wrote:
Ravenbow wrote:
The reason behind the idea is to offer a flavor option to the BB Wizard to have an attack iconic with wizards every round without having to rewrite the way spells are done.

Why not just give them access to cantrips? Specifically Acid Orb and Ray of Frost for every round attack options.

I really don't think the inclusion of cantrips would cause much problems for BB users. Just make sure to give the Cleric orisons too.

Maybe this thread has derailed to the point of not caring but short version recap.

Player-I want my wizard to cast Magic Missile every round because the melee people get to attack too and having to pull out a crossbow or sling on a wizard is stupid.

Dm/Me- What if I make it so you have to roll to hit instead of instantly hit every round?

Player - Ok

Thoughts? That's the thread.

The idea of having to go and copy or type all the cantrips orisons etc and explain all these changes to new players who could give a rats tail about "rules balance" and only want to have fun to sate this request is a lot like cutting down a forest to build a strip mine to harvest the gold to smelt into nuggets to send to a jeweler to make a new watch, when all she wants is a extra link added to feel less constrained.

Grand Lodge

Sevus wrote:
Ravenbow wrote:
carborundum wrote:
It might be handy to move the thread to the beginner box forum, as you are getting lots of helpful advice about cantrips :-)

I did not post in the Beginner Box area specifically because this was just a "What do you think" thread and the fact that the Beginner Box does not have 0 Level spells.

I am of the belief that threads like this would ruin the BB area as it would only serve to confuse those who are potentially new to all this 'lawyering' so prevalent on these boards.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Hero's Handbook p. 28.

"Cantrips are a weak type of wizard spell that you can use over and over again..."

I have Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost, and Read Magic as Wizard cantrips in my copy of the Hero's Handbook. Similarly, Clerics have four Orisons listed on p. 18.

I stand *edit*correctED*. I am not near my Box set and was going from memory alone.

Ravenbow wrote:
Sevus wrote:
*snip about cantrips*
I stand correct. I am not near my Box set and was going from memory alone.

It's understandable, I had to go dig out my Hero's Handbook just to double-check that I'm not insane. But yes, there are 0-level spells available.

That being said, I don't see Mage Hammer as being particularly unbalancing in the Beginner Box environment. It gives you a combat cantrip with slightly more oomph than Ray of Frost, and having to make an attack roll strikes me as a fair trade-off.

I would just make it a generic ranged touch attack, however.

I'm not terribly familiar with the BB, but to have a Force Effect damage spell at level 0, its damage should be 1d2 to fit the model presented at later levels, where Force spells have a damage die decrease vs. competitive Elemental spells. Force Effects are simply better than Elemental most of the time.

As a cantrip, it should still have a Ranged Touch Attack requirement to keep on-par with Acid Splash/Ray of Frost. As Ray of Frost is part of the BB, making sure it's of a comparable power level is really important.

That said, yes to crits.

Sevus wrote:

It gives you a combat cantrip with slightly more oomph than Ray of Frost, and having to make an attack roll strikes me as a fair trade-off.

I would just make it a generic ranged touch attack, however.

You have to make a ranged touch attack with ray of frost, too. If you give a 0-level magic missile a better damage die, it's clearly better than the 'official' alternative. It should have the same damage or it's comparatively overpowered.

As for crits, any spell which requires an attack roll crits at 20/x2.

Simple enough. Up the damage on the other cantrips to 1d4. Magic missile attacks normal AC because it deals force damage.

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