Going back to the old 1" scale measuring tape system

Homebrew and House Rules

I was considering trying the old system of using a tape measure rather than a battle grid, or in conjuntion with one, 1" = 5'

How's that worked for anyone that's tried it?

I played a few session of D&D 3.5 with no grid, and we occasionally used a tape measure to check a distance. It's not an improvement, but it will do in a pinch.

Why do you want to switch?

It smooths out diagonals and makes interaction with odd shapes/non 90degree angles more realistic but in return movement is a lot slower, it requires measuring things and makes adjudicating things like attacks of opportunity (especially with reach weapons) a lot less smooth.

Yea, smoothing out diagonals, mostly, for moves and area of effects. Counting 1 then 2 then 1 is also slowing, and templates awkward. Thinking about a hybrid of leaving the grid, but making the rule on diagonals just true distance with most obvious square as the end of the move, and more than half a square as being in the area.

Dark Archive

I ran a whole campaign this way. Measuring only really came up in a few cases, when we weren't sure if it was within your move speed. It was interesting to have a character go around a round tower without ditching extra move distance. (we used a tailoring tapemeasure so it would bend.)

Made sure all the mesium sized minis were on circular bases 1in wide.

I made paper templates of circles of various sizes as well, for AoOs and spell effects for spheres and cones and 5 ft wide lines(lightning).

All in all it went pretty well, and I intend to stick with it in my next campaign.

It wasn't all that much slower, with the addition of the templates, and it resulted in a more satisfying experience for me.

Of course, YMMV

I tried this once and always wanted to convert to this method.

Instead of using measuring tapes, use precut sticks for movement. 30' is 6 inches. Make a stick for each player and have plenty of extras.

The main issue was dealing with AoO's for creatures with longer reaches. In the game I played in, the AoO was aDM call.

I have used this before and does make for slightly faster play. I used a sewing measuring tape which works out pretty well especially if you had to change directions.

We use a battle mat but we also have a dowel rod marked with 8 inch hash marks so that it can ends up being 40 feet. It makes diagonals very simple. It would work without a battle mat but it really makes figuring the diagionals easy. It als helps with radius and so forth.

Silver Crusade

Asphesteros wrote:
Yea, smoothing out diagonals, mostly, for moves and area of effects. Counting 1 then 2 then 1 is also slowing, and templates awkward. Thinking about a hybrid of leaving the grid, but making the rule on diagonals just true distance with most obvious square as the end of the move, and more than half a square as being in the area.

Have you considered a hex grid? Years ago I bought a huge double sided mat that has squares on one side and hex on the other. I used hex and never looked back.

Hex grids are far superior to square grids in my opinion however WOTC picked squares . . . and well that means everyone gets squares. I use both sides of the map. Especially when I pre draw some areas.

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