Do Pharasma Spellcasters Gain Extra Spells?

Pathfinder Society

Sovereign Court 2/5


Gods & magic states:

Adepts, bards, rangers, sorcerers, and
wizards of Pharasma may learn augury (2nd-
level), death knell (2nd-level), and speak with dead
(3rd-level) as if they were on their class spell list.
Clerics treat clairaudience/clairvoyance (3rd-
level), false life (2nd-level), and moment
of prescience (8th-level) as spells on
the cleric spell list.

Do they get this in PFS?
Paul H


As far as I can tell they do not. This feature is not specifically allowed in the Gods & Magic section of the Additional Resources it only lists specific equipment, gods, and spell legal for play.

Silver Crusade 5/5

I think my friendly neighboring Venture Captain has put it much more succinctly then I have.

PFS assumes that every player has access to Pathfinder ROle playing game : core rule book, Pathfinder Society Field guide, and the PDF Guide to Pathfinder society organized play. Additional resources can be found in this linkPathfinder society additional resources.

Here is what i found on that link for Gods and Magic

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Gods and Magic
Equipment: Azlant pendant, barbed pentacle of Asmodeus, belt of the snake king, broken chain of the beast, bronze dagger of Erastil, cloak of the crusader, cloak of the Dark Tapestry, dawnflower sash, deathlurker's cloak, gossamer amberstone, hag's shabble, holy mask of the living god, icon of the midwife, inheritor's gauntlet, key of the second vault, mask of cutting flesh, nightstone of sorrow, orb of the waybringer, pallid crystal, Preklikin's Book of Cults, rhombocrystal, robe of the master of masters, sacrificial dagger of the blood mother, Shad'Gorum nugget, spellsight bracer, stinging stiletto, tankard of the drunken hero, veil of veils, vurra of the maker, windwave kilt; Gods: all of the gods listed on the inside front cover are legal choices for clerics; Spells: Abadar's truthtelling, blessing of the watch, burst of glory, channel the gift, channel vigor, Deadeye's arrow, defending bone, fallback strategy, Gorum's armor, Gozreh's trident, greater infernal healing, infernal healing, pick your poison, poisoned egg, shield of the dawnflower, traveling dream, unbreakable heart, waters of Lamashtu

So I don't think you get this in PFS, i didn't see that listed.

here is something form one of the links on the additional resoruce links. I hope this helps

Pharasma-Friendly Death Domain 3rd-level domain spell: Replace animate dead with speak with dead. 6th-level domain spell: Replace create undead with antilife shell. 8th-level domain spell: Replace create greater undead with symbol of death.

Pharasma-Friendly Souls Subdomain 3rd-level domain spell: Replace animate dead with speak with dead.

I hope this helps

Sovereign Court 2/5


Thanks, thought as much.

Just that you had to go all way back to first papragraph of the thread (many pages up) to see that things NOT included are NOT PFS legal.

Juat been asked - was the omission intentional?

Thanks again
Paul H

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

PaulH wrote:
Juat been asked - was the omission intentional?

"My cleric casts Spell X."

"Er, clerics don't have Spell X."

"It's okay, I've got it for worshiping Deity A."

"Oh, okay."

*goes to another table, this time under a different GM*

"My cleric casts Spell Y."

"Er, clerics don't have Spell Y."

"It's okay, I've got it for worshiping Deity B."

"Oh, okay."

*player chuckles to himself that he's got every spell in the game*

The Exchange 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
PaulH wrote:
Juat been asked - was the omission intentional?

"My cleric casts Spell X."

"Er, clerics don't have Spell X."

"It's okay, I've got it for worshiping Deity A."

"Oh, okay."

*goes to another table, this time under a different GM*

"My cleric casts Spell Y."

"Er, clerics don't have Spell Y."

"It's okay, I've got it for worshiping Deity B."

"Oh, okay."

*player chuckles to himself that he's got every spell in the game*

Jiggy - I am surprised at you. The above is very unlikely to happen... it is far more likely to happen like...

Most Likely:

"My cleric casts Spell X."

"Er, clerics don't have Spell X."

"It's okay, I've got it for worshiping Deity A."

"Really? where from?"

"Er... Gods and Magic."

"Got a print out on you?"

"Right here" Shows Judge.

"Wow! Cool! I got to get a copy of that! Does it got anything cool in it for Diety B?"

Or it might happen like:
Few judges:

"My cleric casts Spell X."

"Er, clerics don't have Spell X."

"It's okay, I've got it for worshiping Deity A."

"Not at my table! Monster attacks Cleric!"

I remember a table in LG where a player cast "Hold Boat" - and the Judge started pulling a rule book to read the spell. As the table erupts in laughter and cat-calls at the player. The Judge still fondly tells the story of the spell "Hold Boat"...

What should happen under the current rules will be...

Current Rules:

"My cleric casts Spell X."

"Er, clerics don't have Spell X."

"It's okay, I've got it for worshiping Deity A."

"Really? where from?"

"Er... Gods and Magic."

Judge explains in his own way that even thou it is in a legal publication, that is not listed in Additional Resources and so is not legal for play.

This is kind of like finding that the fine print excludes you from getting the treat you figured you had "in the bag".

An example would be for Cayden Cailean - The last Paragraph of the diety write-up for CC starts with the line (end of pg. 11) -
"His Clerics may prepare neutralize poison as a 3rd level spell." Players thinking this is legal (is it?, is it not?) will prepare a 3rd level Neut.Poi. and NOT buy other protections - result will be poisoned PCs when the player figured he was protecting them.

Besides, the Judge will know before the spelll is cast what Diety the cleric is a worshiper of - and the player will have to have it on his prepared spell list. Pharasma Clerics who have a 2nd level spell prepared as False Life (2nd-level), will need to have it noted on his list of prepared spells. If he's going to cheat he's more likely to say "I cast my Silence spell" and erase the False Life. Players that cheat are going to cheat, this is not restricted to prevent cheating - it restricted for game balance (I think).

The Exchange 5/5

So judges - what are you going to do when you get the following at a table?
A bard, or sorcerer, who says they are a worshipper of Pharasma and has selected augury (2nd-level), or death knell (2nd-level), and or speak with dead (3rd-level) as if they were on their class spell list? They have burned a slot for this spell - do you tell them that they are cheating and to fix it right now? How do they fix it? Select another (replacement) spell? (By Jiggys' reasoning above, the "smug player" will use this ruling to select one spell this game and a different one at the next.) Or that the spell slot is just not selected? What if that is his only spell of that level?

How about rangers, who are worshippers of Pharasma, and site Gods and Magic to say they may learn augury (2nd-level), death knell (2nd-level), or speak with dead (3rd-level) as if they were on their class spell list? Do we correct them, fix the list, move on? (see problems with replacing spells in mid game above).

How about Wizards, who are worshippers of Pharasma, and site Gods and Magic to say they may learn augury (2nd-level), death knell (2nd-level), or speak with dead (3rd-level) as if they were on their class spell list? They will have spent money to buy a scroll (normal scrolls of this type are not arcane, so they would have had to buy a "special printing" to get it into their book), and more money to add it to thier book. He is likely to have bought other scrolls of it, as these are spells that he is not likely to have prepared in ready slots. Again, do we correct them, fix the list, move on? (see problems with replacing spells in mid game above).

We'll need to fix this some way when we encounter it. PLEASE do not assume that the player who did this is a CHEAT. It is much more likely that he made an honest mistake and will be feeling upset that he is loosing something that made his character "special". He may have picked a religion influenced by this. Treat him gently. And hope that someone will do the same for you the next time you make a mistake.

The Exchange 2/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Same as with any other player character build mistake, ask them to change it.

Silver Crusade 2/5

I'll ask them to fix it after the session, and give them a few ideas for what to replace it with.

The Exchange 5/5

Alexander_Damocles wrote:
I'll ask them to fix it after the session, and give them a few ideas for what to replace it with.

I like this one

The Exchange 5/5

In this same vein of topic.

there are several OTHER notes in the diety write-ups that MIGHT come up.

I'll use Cayden Cailean as I have a cleric of his in PFSOP.

here's the last paragraph (page 11),
"His clerics may prepare neutralize poison as a 3rd-level spell. They may spontaneously cast knock as a 1st-level spell but only to open welds, shackles, or chains used to imprison or hobble someone. Their create water spell can create ale or wine (1 cup per level), and their create food and water spell can be used to make ale or wine rather than water (which spoils at the same rate the food does). His bards may learn knock as if it were a 2nd-level spell on the bard spell list"

IMHO: I think the notes on create water are cool. it's a great RP wrinkle! The same for create food and water. To me the neutralize poison as a 3rd-level spell is nice, esp. when linked to his spell pick your poison. The knock gimmick is cute - but I don't see it coming up much in play (maybe for Andorians?). But... are these allowed by RAW? well... I'm not sure. What do you think?

The Exchange 2/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

What does the additional resources page say about them?

The Exchange 5/5

Dennis Baker wrote:
What does the additional resources page say about them?

I'm sorry Dennis, I thought that was clear from what Myles said above to the OP. The only reference Additional Resources makes to Gods and Magic is to list the Equipment (Magic Items) and New Spells added. It does not reference anything else (which we would assume means that are not allowed).

But it also does not reference any of the Dieties either, so we should then assume that they are not allowed?

The Exchange 2/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

The deities are allowed in quite a few places, starting with the core book.

The Exchange 5/5

Dennis Baker wrote:
The deities are allowed in quite a few places, starting with the core book.

So, when a player has his PC create Ale during the VC briefing, to share with his fellow team mates - do you tell him that is not the way it works?

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Yep, just like if his character is showing off his revolver or other advanced firearm. Why wouldn't you tell him it's illegal?

The Exchange 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
Yep, just like if his character is showing off his revolver or other advanced firearm. Why wouldn't you tell him it's illegal?

'cause it's cool. As long as all it does is effect RP, I mean, you can have a cool Wenchester Rifle - as long at the stats are the same as a Musket.

Kind of like the guy who says his diety is one of the minor gods from Gods & Magic (the dieties in G&M are not listed in Additional Resources, and would therefore not be legal from there. If you want to select a diety, you need to go to a source OTHER THAN Gods & Magic.)

If I have a cleric of Cayden Cailean, do I use the write up for the diety from Gods & Magic? or just the Spell pick your poison?

All of the gods listed on the inside covers of Gods and Magic are PFS legal, IIRC. Everything else "included" about a specific god in that book isn't, unless it's on the "Additional Resources" page.

The Exchange 2/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

nosig wrote:
Dennis Baker wrote:
The deities are allowed in quite a few places, starting with the core book.
So, when a player has his PC create Ale during the VC briefing, to share with his fellow team mates - do you tell him that is not the way it works?

Yes, when players make minor rules gaffs I generally let them know. Usually off line because I hate rules discussions at the table. This isn't at the table though.

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