Anyone else hoping for a book detailing the Pathfinder Gods!

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Now before you go on about the Stating Gods rants, I'm not talking about that, What i'm talking about is taking alot of the already published materials, ie like that of the Kingmakers indepth look at Erastil or Jade Regents Shelyn. Though nicely detailed I'd like a little more depth as well as the God s divine agents stated and maybe a few unique monsters or outsiders that are diety specific. Also I'd like to see more feats, unigue spells, magic items, artifacts. Also I'd like examples of powerful NPCs, maybe some cool fluff like favored colors, scared animals,gems,colors etc. As well as manifestations and more detailed prayers and rituals. I'd also like to see possible differances between how divine casters work or behave between each other, possible orders/dominations/philosophes

Basically I want more detail, akin to that of the 3.5s' Faiths of Faerun.

Lantern Lodge

Have you read Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods and Magic? It's one of my personal favorites and was actually my first purchase outside of a corebook.

While it doesn't have all the details you are looking for, it does devote a page to each of the major Pathfinder gods as well as provide some magic items and details on lesser known gods.

I WOULD like stats for gods

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I would love a hard cover book for the Gods of Golarion putting together all of the AP articles on the Gods and whatever else Paizo has for us since those early day of the Gods and Magic book.

Grand Lodge

I have Gods of Golarion, I want more details though, I also have each of the Faiths of series

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

A lot of what you're asking for is out there, it's just scattered across the breadth of the Paizo published materials. Not all of what you've asked for, but a lot of it.

If you don't have the adventure paths, that might be why you think some of it's missing - they regularly have extensive articles on the gods and their followers.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Didn't we just get the three Faith's Of books?

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

LazarX wrote:
Didn't we just get the three Faith's Of books?

Yes, but those are player books. A lot of what he's asking about is more GM-oriented. I do think a lot of that is out there as well, but it's pretty scattered about. I know I'd have a hard time finding it all, and I've got a nearly complete library (I don't have all the modules).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Faith books are pretty much what you need for GM material. Unless of course you want stats for a "Kill The Gods" campaign. Otherwise Gods aren't stats, they're DM Fiat writ large.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Critzible wrote:
Now before you go on about the Stating Gods rants, I'm not talking about that,

Okay, so he clearly doesn't want stats for the gods.

Critzible wrote:
What i'm talking about is taking alot of the already published materials, ie like that of the Kingmakers indepth look at Erastil or Jade Regents Shelyn. Though nicely detailed I'd like a little more depth as well as the God s divine agents stated and maybe a few unique monsters or outsiders that are diety specific.

And clearly I can't read either; he obviously has the adventure paths.

Critzible wrote:
Also I'd like to see more feats, unigue spells, magic items, artifacts.

I agree Gorbacz, a lot of that was in the Faiths books (and also some of the adventure paths too).

Critzible wrote:

Also I'd like examples of powerful NPCs, maybe some cool fluff like favored colors, scared animals,gems,colors etc. As well as manifestations and more detailed prayers and rituals. I'd also like to see possible differances between how divine casters work or behave between each other, possible orders/dominations/philosophes

Basically I want more detail, akin to that of the 3.5s' Faiths of Faerun.

So there's the crux. He wants even more than what's in the adventure paths and the Faiths books.

@Critzible: Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon. Paizo seems to be pretty clearly using a "breadth first" approach to filling out the world, and even more detail than you get from the adventure paths is probably not going to happen in the near future.

But there are bits here and there (for example, Dwarves of Golarion has additional info like what you're talking about).

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
gbonehead wrote:
I agree Gorbacz

Are we at the point where people just assume that I have posted in every thread and they know what I have posted? If yes, I'm pretty scared... ;-)

I would also like to see a book like this

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Gorbacz wrote:
gbonehead wrote:
I agree Gorbacz
Are we at the point where people just assume that I have posted in every thread and they know what I have posted? If yes, I'm pretty scared... ;-)


Somehow I seem to have typed Gorbacz when I meant to type LazarX. I have no idea how that happened. Perhaps my brain scrambled all the letters in Critzible and LazarX and somehow ended up with Gorbacz.

heheh :)

Grand Lodge

@ gbonehead: You should get that looked at if your mixing letters together

As for my original post, I know allot of whats out thier, but its slightly frustrating that its spread out over allot of books. I know that right now is not the time for such a book, as the APs still have a few deities have yet to be covered. I was aiming this more as a general plea for the developers that some others aside for me ( hopefully that post such things here) can support such a book for future developement.

I don't have access to all the APs and Some I would never run or really use ( save monsters and a few odds and ends) But Gods I would love that information in one hardbacked Volume that combines the Gods and Magic, the Faiths of, and thier AP articles into one tome, as well as a few more minor detials, and what I've kinda wanted Stats for the Gods personal messengers ( who I like to use time to time as the BBEG of my overall campaign arch).

Grand Lodge

This would also set the platform for more info on the lesser gods as well as the demonlords, etc. as tthose of us that are curious can easily adapt them to are styles and having a little info on how they run there cults

I have Gods and Magic and the three Faiths books. I'm quite happy with those. I'd never stat up deities. That just leads to munchkinism and madness.

Scarab Sages

This (hardcover) sounds like something that would only be done years from now, and only if Gods and Magic goes out of print, kind of like the Rise of the Runelords hardcover. If it is done, it would be really neat because they'd put ALL of the gods in, including the obscure racial demi-gods. It probably won't happen anytime soon, though.

Grand Lodge

don't want god stats just a complied tome with a few extra goodies from all scources

Scarab Sages

huh, this is quite useful:

Pathfinder Wiki: Religion

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I'd like to see more herisies (sp) who get spells, like the Burners.

Sovereign Court

Are burners statted up anywhere, or do they only exist in the fiction?

I'd love to see Paizo do something like "Book of the Righteous" from Green Ronin, compile info on the Gods and have a running narrative of a few versions of the mythology behind it all. Having it all in one place would be nice, I admit, but it's not something I look for any time soon.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

GeraintElberion wrote:
Are burners statted up anywhere, or do they only exist in the fiction?

AFAIK, only in the fiction. But heresies are fun!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

GeraintElberion wrote:
Are burners statted up anywhere, or do they only exist in the fiction?

Yup; so far, only in fiction. And they're probably not likely to ever be published in game stats, because things like this are real easy to do in fiction but in game rules they get real difficult and real tricky real fast.

Unless we do something like stat them up as rogue archetypes with a requirement of "must be chaotic neutral" or something like that, revealing the fact that while the Burners claim to be agents of Iomedae, in fact they're crazy malcontents.

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
Are burners statted up anywhere, or do they only exist in the fiction?

Yup; so far, only in fiction. And they're probably not likely to ever be published in game stats, because things like this are real easy to do in fiction but in game rules they get real difficult and real tricky real fast.

Unless we do something like stat them up as rogue archetypes with a requirement of "must be chaotic neutral" or something like that, revealing the fact that while the Burners claim to be agents of Iomedae, in fact they're crazy malcontents.

In my Golarion they're ex-clerics of Iomedae who don't know it.

This is because some kind of monstrous outsider (yet to be decided) is granting their spells.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

GeraintElberion wrote:

In my Golarion they're ex-clerics of Iomedae who don't know it.

This is because some kind of monstrous outsider (yet to be decided) is granting their spells.

This is something I wonder. Could a cleric of Asmodaeus who's fallen too far towards Lawful Good get his spells granted by Erastil? Can a cleric get spells (in Golarion) thinking they're from someone else?

Kind of dialing the wrong number, divine style?

Grand Lodge

See that is the kind of stuff that would be in the guide, These Burners. I mean holy orders for any classes, things like that are part of what i want, I mean the Faiths of, and the Gods and Magic are great teasers but I want more, and all in one place! also i would love the gods divine agents stated up and spells to summon them

Grand Lodge

I also realize that they probably won't come out with this soon, I do though hope it eventually comes out I'm putting this out here for others of my similar wants to post here to show that others would like this type of book as well, I do repeat though THIS IS NOT TO GET THEM TO STAT THE GODS, I WANT NO GOD STATS. their divine minions ( ie like calistras' Chaos beast servant) I do want stats for.

Critzible wrote:
I also realize that they probably won't come out with this soon, I do though hope it eventually comes out I'm putting this out here for others of my similar wants to post here to show that others would like this type of book as well, I do repeat though THIS IS NOT TO GET THEM TO STAT THE GODS, I WANT NO GOD STATS. their divine minions ( ie like calistras' Chaos beast servant) I do want stats for.

I for one would also love a Gods and Demigods hardback, once the APs had finished detailing the major players in the pantheon. Stats - nope, don't need those as it detracts from the mystery. Players shouldn't be able to go up against fundamental universal forces like gods. But I would like to see stats for their servants / proxies etc. I know a lot of it is out there, but I can't take thirty different books to my game club on the offchance one of the players wants to find a temple of Irori one session.

Shadow Lodge

About every third AP volume has a lengthy article about one of the gods.

I feel the same way as the OP, but towards the Minor Deities, instead of the Major ones.

While the Major Gods have the books, and an article in the APs, the Minor gods instead just have a short paragraph.

Three of my five players worship minor deities, which forces me to take my own spin on the lesser gods and take notes so I don't contradict myself in the future on their behavior or views.

Silver Crusade

Matthew Morris wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:

In my Golarion they're ex-clerics of Iomedae who don't know it.

This is because some kind of monstrous outsider (yet to be decided) is granting their spells.

This is something I wonder. Could a cleric of Asmodaeus who's fallen too far towards Lawful Good get his spells granted by Erastil? Can a cleric get spells (in Golarion) thinking they're from someone else?

Kind of dialing the wrong number, divine style?

Very interesting thought. I may borrow it from the two of you, someday. However-- Matthew-- I don't think it's at all likely for your "cleric of Asmodeus" example... Erastil's just a little too honest to sucker-play an ex-follower of an evil god like that. But for an evil power to start feeding spells to a fallen servant of a good or neutral deity, to continue leading them down the road to perdition and/or use them directly as tools for some nasty plot-- yeah, I see that happening.

Grand Lodge

I Know the APs have the dieties more fleshed out , I just want all thier information into one book, and yes lesser gods cane get some love into to, This thread is here to get support for the book and tell the developers that people want a book devoted just for this, Though in my hopes I'd perfer it sooner rather than later, I'm patient but would love for more people to support the thread if they feel the same as me

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:

In my Golarion they're ex-clerics of Iomedae who don't know it.

This is because some kind of monstrous outsider (yet to be decided) is granting their spells.

This is something I wonder. Could a cleric of Asmodaeus who's fallen too far towards Lawful Good get his spells granted by Erastil? Can a cleric get spells (in Golarion) thinking they're from someone else?

Kind of dialing the wrong number, divine style?

I could see a deliberately sneaky god, like Sivanah, pulling something like that (particularly since she's already canonically empowering some healing stuff for Razmirites, as part of who-knows-what sort of gambit).

But Erastil? I would think, that if Erastil, who's pretty much a stand-up guy, wanted to poach a cleric from Asmodeus, he allow the cleric to 'fall' out of favor with Asmodeus, and then send a minor celestial servant of some sort (or even just a prophetic dream) to 'interview' him for possible Erastilian compatibility, only offering him a little bit of his old power first, until he completed a series of tasks that are more suitable towards Erastilian doctrine than Asmodean instinct, perhaps with a few little tests of character thrown in. Each 'task,' some of which would not be obvious as such, might allow him to 'buy back' a level of cleric (as cleric of Erastil, this time), or even a 'Step' towards that level (using Sean Reynold's 'steps' concept, where you gain level-based abilities incrementally) for a lower level cleric, to pad out the process. Erastil would probably be a bit more subtle about the process than Iomedae or Torag, given their natures, but still not just hand over the keys to the kingdom willy-nilly, and certainly not in a covert or behind-the-scenes manner.

Calistria, on the other hand, might totally 'seduce' a fallen cleric of someone else over to the path of lust, trickery and vengeance, without bothering to explain everything to the 'new recruit...'


As for the Burners, Flauros, Szuriel or Moloch could all be suitable 'patrons' for a fallen Iomedan who is big on burning heretics. As a demon lord, Flauros already has a vested interest in what's going on in the Worldwound area. On the other hand, maybe he's not into helping locust-boy undermine the church of Iomedae... Moloch sounds clever enough to do such a thing, as does Szuriel, for their own reasons.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Thank you for your input, Gentlemen,

I used the Asmodaeus --> Erastil example since the evil gods doing it would be too cliche' ;-)

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