[LPJ Design] Review and playtest our Machinesmith base class

Product Discussion

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Cheapy wrote:
Hand of the Marksman is a Rite Publishing spell, so make sure to S15 it and include the text in the product. :)

We did that, but since this is just the rough draft we did not include the OGL material.

I'd recommend even posting those in the next draft, so we can see them :)

Maybe. We have to keep you interested in purchasing it, especially when you hear about the archetypes and prestige class we are going to add to this class.. Plus we have the

Move Animate Objects to 4th level. Clerics get it at 11th level, these guys at 13th. It's an iconic spell for this type, so they should get early access.


I'd add other combat spells to 5th level in general. They'd just be using Wall of Force and cloud kill battle after battle, and GMs would grow tired of that.

Well we added more spells to 4th, 5th and 6th levels so I am sure you will be happy with them.

So after talking with our Creative Director and PFS Venture Captain, JP Chapleau, he can up with an important question that I thought we should pose to the people commenting in this thread. What What ROLE does the Machinesmith occupy in a party? Let's hear your thoughts.

Here are some ideas for Archetypes/Prestige classes to go with this class:
Drone Master: Multiple little robots
Transmechanic Disciple: Become the Machine.
Battle Forger: More combat based machinesmith.
Technologist: More antimagic abilities with way less magic.
Master Sapper: Explosives expert.
Technomage: More abilities that combine magic and tech.
Artificer: Part archaeologist, part builder. Can bring the best out in any magic item.

I am really interested in this product, Can't wait to see it finished. :)

Louis, I think you have a product here that I would love to have. I always thought your stuff was good quality, but just didn't fit with anything I was running, or wanted to run. This I already have a place for in my present campaign.

As for a role, he seems to be a support character, but not in the traditional sense. Depending on the build & archetype, he could fill a combatant role. He could even be a viable rogue replacement for dungeon environments.

Yea, I quite like Tark's take on it.

I've been wondering what his role was since the first draft. It's more clear now and it's less of a scattershot. Right now you can be a skill monkey in a support role that can still contribute, a combat monkey who has some skills (although the Mechanus really needs to be able to be programmed with feats, something like this), to really be combat capable). Or you can be a blaster a few times per day.

xorial wrote:
Louis, I think you have a product here that I would love to have. I always thought your stuff was good quality, but just didn't fit with anything I was running, or wanted to run. This I already have a place for in my present campaign.

Very cool. We like when we can get new people turned on to our products.

As for a role, he seems to be a support character, but not in the traditional sense. Depending on the build & archetype, he could fill a combatant role. He could even be a viable rogue replacement for dungeon environments.

Thanks for the input.

Cheapy wrote:
Yea, I quite like Tark's take on it.

It took a lot for use to get to this point, including the internal discussion about this class between all the staff members.

I've been wondering what his role was since the first draft. It's more clear now and it's less of a scattershot. Right now you can be a skill monkey in a support role that can still contribute, a combat monkey who has some skills (although the Mechanus really needs to be able to be programmed with feats, something like this), to really be combat capable). Or you can be a blaster a few times per day.

I think we may have taken some of your suggestions in the newest update.

Ah right! I didn't mean to imply otherwise :-)

I will also echo the chorus saying that I really can't wait for this. It might be why I can't shut up about it! Especially the drone master, battle forger and technologist. The last one in particular sounds like it would fit a militant group of anti-magic scientists that I am working on!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is looking much better.

Have one minor flavor suggestion for the Repair ability As it reads now. "Repair (Su): A machinesmith can fix broken items
with a mere touch" It sound just a bit more "wizardy" then one might like. I would suggest a change to this

"Repair (Su): A machinesmith can fix broken items
with nothing more than a mere touch of a tool"

Maybe another thing to do is getting somebody to make Hero Lab files for this when it comes out.

xorial wrote:
Maybe another thing to do is getting somebody to make Hero Lab files for this when it comes out.

We would be VERY INTERESTED to do that and would be more than happy to pay someone to do that. We here at LPJ Design don't know anyone who can, but if there was anyone interested to do so, feel free to contact LPJ Design directly.

I wanted to take a second and talk about the class for a bit in the hopes of generating more feedback.

It's good to see some of the comments about how the machinesmith is more or less a support character that can be built to fill many niche's but in its own unique ways as that was the intent from the start.

Ultimately the machinesmith is meant to be a problem solver..

If he cannot utilize his array of skills and toys to fill the needs of the group then chances are he'll be able to build a magic item that can fill that need.

Anyway, changes are being made and now some archetypes are beign considered and hammered out. The biggest changes in the new version is going to be the mobius weapon for certain.

Well it looks like I will be getting some of the archetype and prestige classes for the machinesmith by this weekend. So if things work out we might have test version available on line by Monday. So keep your fingers crossed.

Here are three of the six archetypes of the Machinesmith class. Review, comment and enjoy!

Some machinesmith’s eschew the idea of using their skills purely for creative purposes. Instead they focus their energies on creating explosive devices capable of wreaking untold amounts of carnage.

Bomb (Su): At 1st level bombardiers can produce small but powerful explosive devices. A bombardier can use a number of bombs each day equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier. Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the round they are armed, they burn out and become inert—their method of creation prevents large volumes of explosive material from being created and stored. In order to create a bomb, the bombardier must use a small explosive device—the bombardier can create this device from the small amount of materials in a set of artisan’s tools, and these supplies can be readily refilled in the same manner as a spellcaster’s component pouch. Most bombardiers create a number of explosive devices at the start of the day equal to the total number of bombs they can create in that day—once created, an explosive device remains usable by the bombardier for years.

Creating and throwing a bomb requires a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash Weapon special attack. Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus. On a direct hit, a bombardier’s bomb inflicts 1d6 points of f ire damage + additional damage equal to the bombardier’s Intelligence modifier.

The damage of a bombardier’s bomb increases by 1d6points at every odd-numbered bombardier level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from a bombardier bomb is always equal to the bomb’s minimum damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of fire damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6points of fire damage). Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the bombardier’s level + the bombardier’s Intelligence modifier. Bombardiers can learn new types of bombs as discoveries (see the Discovery ability) as they level up. A bombardier’s bomb, like an extract, becomes inert if used or carried by anyone else. A bombardier’s class level stacks with alchemist levels to determine the amount of damage their bomb ability does.

Machinesmith’s can learn new types of bombs as gadget tricks as they level up. A bombardier’s bomb, like a prototype, becomes inert if used or carried by anyone else. This ability replaces the crafter and repair abilities.

Explosive Adept: A bombardier may take the following alchemist discoveries as gadget tricks: acid bomb, concussive bomb, delayed bomb, dispelling bomb, explosive bomb, fast bombs, force bomb, frost bomb, inferno bomb, madness bomb, poison bomb, precise bombs, shock bomb, smoke bomb, sticky bomb, stink bomb. The bombardier uses their class level in place of their alchemist level for the purposes of meeting prerequisites. This ability replaces crafting expertise.

Some machinesmith’s, particularly those hailing from the Arman Protectorate, grow to distrust and even loathe magic. To this end they endeavor to use as little as possible while simultaneously researching new and deadly ways to counter magic and all its practitioners.

Diminished Prototypes: A technologist prepares one less prototype of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may use prototypes of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level.

Axiom (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, the technologist develops an innate ability to ground magic with science. The technologist can “lose” any prepared in order to have it function as a dispel magic spell of its level. This ability replaces crafting expertise.

Improved Axiom (Su): Beginning at 7th level, the technologist ability to nullify magic with technology improves. The technologist can “lose” any prepared prototype of 3rd level or higher in order to have it function as a greater dispel magic spell of its level.

Spell Resistant Materials (Ex): At 11th level the technologist’s research into defeating magic allows him to build features into his devices that allow them to resist magic. Gadgets, greatworks, and any item the technologist makes receives a resistance bonus on saving throws against spells and spell like abilities equal to the technologists class level.

Ultimate Axion (Su): At 15th level the technologist learns how to nullify even high powered magic through the use of science even potentially destroying artifacts. The technologist can “lose” any prepared prototype of 6th level or higher in order to have it function as a mage’s disjunction spell of its level.

Drone Master
Some machinesmiths make good use of mechanical servants and guardians focusing their abilities on producing a quantity of specialized automatons rather than a single general purpose machine.

Greatwork: A drone master must pick the mechanus as their greatwork.

Mechanus Squad: At 5th level instead of increasing the size of the mechanus the drone master instead splits the mechanus into two smaller mechanuses each less powerful than a single mechanus of a standard machinesmith. Each mechanus has its own base form and associated base statistics. Regardless of the number of mechanuses in the squad, each mechanus has the same base attack bonus, base saving throw bonuses, and upgrades. But the rest of the mechanuses base statistics must be divided between the mechanuses including Hit Dice (minimum 1), armor bonus, Str/Dex bonus, augmentations the drone master has selected, and the number of gadget tricks that the dronemaster can share. Once a drone master decides on the forms and abilities of their mechanuses they cannot be changed. Example: A 5th level drone master can create two small mechanuses. Each mechanus has a BAB of +4, +1 on all saves, 2 Hit Dice, and their normal bonuses gained from the 1st upgrade (except size increase). The drone master decides to give one mechanus a tracked base form, one gadget trick it can share, +2 armor, and +2 bonus to dex. For the second mechanus the drone master selects a humanoid base form, one augmentation they have selected, +2 armor and +2 strength. If a mechanus is destroyed the drone master must rebuild it. Remaking a destroyed mechanus takes 100gp per Hit Dice plus 8 hours of uninterrupted work. This replaces the normal costs for replacing a great work.

At 15th level a drone master can choose to have three small mechanuses or one medium sized mechanus and a small mechanus.

At 20th level a drone master can choose to have four small mechanuses, two medium mechanuses, or any similar combination in which two smaller mechanuses count as one mechanus of one size larger.

This ability alters the mechanus ability.

Extended Drones: Starting at 7th level whenever a drone master uses a drone prototype (i.e. blade drone, guardian drone,greater blade drone) it lasts 1 min./level instead of its normal duration. This ability replaces Axiom.

This probably would've been caught in editing, but they should have Throw Anything to avoid the -4 to hit with the bombs, and you should clarify this sentence:

The damage of a bombardier’s bomb increases by 1d6points at every odd-numbered bombardier level

This is the same language as the Alchemist, and it means that at level 1, the bombs do 2d6+Int mod damage. There's a lot of debate on whether that's the intention or not. I would think on it, and clarify it either way.

It seems powerful, as you are giving up a bonus to skill checks (Crafter) and the ability to repair to get some awesome bombs.

Also, a note about Crafter (Ex). You can already make Craft checks untrained :)

Seems odd that the pro-science dude gets less prototypes...Also, the axiom ability there is missing the word prototype.

Ultimate Axiom: There are no prototype levels higher than 6th :)

I like this one. It's focused on anti-magic things, and gets dispel magic stuff earlier. Maybe their greatwork can eventually do something anti-magic? Say the mechanus can have a field of anti-magic, etc.

Drone Master:
Was the issue with mechanuses and feats fixed? Or do they really only get them at 20th level? If so, that kills this archetype, IMO. Having extremely weak mechanuses that are very expensive to remake? As written I would never choose this one, even though Extended Drone seems like it'd be really nice.

Actually, I might just take this archetype and keep the fully powered mechanus. Then, I'd just utilize Extended Drones. I haven't thought about this, but as a suggestion, perhaps just get rid of the Greatworks and give an ability like the master summoner's SM SLA, but for those drone spells? Obviously I haven't seen them yet, but it might fit the bill better.

Final Word:
Bombadier is much more powerful than what they give up. The repair ability is mostly useful for the mechanus users, I think.

Technologist is cool. That with an analyzer and bombadier archetype could be fun for an anti-magic bomber. Look around with detect magic to see what's magical...and blow it to bits.

Drone Master has issues, and I think should be rethought. If the mechanus can be programmed with feats, it'd be better. Or if the cost went down. One stray fireball can set you back 1,000 gp per level! I'm not sure if I'd use them if those issues were fixed, but that's more due to a personal dislike of multiple weak versions of the main ability. Which is the other issue. I'd take the archetype just for Extended Drones.

Dot for future reference.

Cheapy wrote:


This probably would've been caught in editing, but they should have Throw Anything to avoid the -4 to hit with the bombs, and you should clarify this sentence:

The damage of a bombardier’s bomb increases by 1d6points at every odd-numbered bombardier level

This is the same language as the Alchemist, and it means that at level 1, the bombs do 2d6+Int mod damage. There's a lot of debate on whether that's the intention or not. I would think on it, and clarify it either way.

It seems powerful, as you are giving up a bonus to skill checks (Crafter) and the ability to repair to get some awesome bombs.

Also, a note about Crafter (Ex). You can already make Craft checks untrained :)

Seems odd that the pro-science dude gets less prototypes...Also, the axiom ability there is missing the word prototype.

Ultimate Axiom: There are no prototype levels higher than 6th :)

I like this one. It's focused on anti-magic things, and gets dispel magic stuff earlier. Maybe their greatwork can eventually do something anti-magic? Say the mechanus can have a field of anti-magic, etc.

Drone Master:
Was the issue with mechanuses and feats fixed? Or do they really only get them at 20th level? If so, that kills this archetype, IMO. Having extremely weak mechanuses that are very expensive to remake? As written I would never choose this one, even though Extended Drone seems like it'd be really nice.

Actually, I might just take this archetype and keep the fully powered mechanus. Then, I'd just utilize Extended Drones. I haven't thought about this, but as a suggestion, perhaps just get rid of the Greatworks and give an ability like the master summoner's SM SLA, but for those drone spells? Obviously I haven't seen them yet, but it might fit the bill better.

Final Word:
Bombadier is much more powerful than what they give up. The repair ability is mostly useful for the mechanus users, I think.

Technologist is cool. That with an analyzer and...

Thanks for the comments. Some of yours fall very much inline with ones we had internally. I guess we are all on the same page design wise.

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Good news!!! We have officially finished the development on this class and its archetypes. I would like to thank everyone who took the time out to read over and comment on this class for NeoExodus. I am glad so many of you have supported us through this process. You can expect to find this base class and the upcoming Quartermaster Handbook some time in March. This sourcebook will contain all kinds of interesting mundane and magical items for use in the NeoExodus campaign setting and your own setting at home. There will also be two NPC write up with direct connections to the Machinesmith class. Additionally, if you purchase the Machinesmith class you will get that amount discounted on your purchase of the Quartermaster Handbook. Thanks again for all your help on this project!

By the way, for all you people that have been interested in this class, here is the visual character design of the Machinesmith class. Enjoy!

Do you have a non-facebook link for the image?

Cheapy wrote:
Do you have a non-facebook link for the image?

He usually crossposts to his blogspot page, but I see it wasn't the case this time around.

Sorry about that, you can see it here!

That's a huge arm.

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Cheapy wrote:
That's a huge arm.

The better to beat people with...

LMPjr007 wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
That's a huge arm.
The better to beat people with...

That is almost a Space Marine Powerfist...I like it.

So....has there been any announcement as to when the fully finished machinesmith in all his glory will be available for purchase? Mid-march? I'm just a little overly excited. I'm very careful how I spend my money, but this is something I want to get, and I'm having an increasingly difficult time waiting for it... :)

It'll be released alongside the equipment book.
In the meantime go ahead and mess with the latest playtest, as it'll at least be pretty close to what the final version will be.

dbass wrote:
So....has there been any announcement as to when the fully finished machinesmith in all his glory will be available for purchase? Mid-march? I'm just a little overly excited. I'm very careful how I spend my money, but this is something I want to get, and I'm having an increasingly difficult time waiting for it... :)

We are still waiting for one writer to turn in his work. From there we will move on to artwork phase. Expect to see this class and the complete Quartermaster Handbook in late April maybe early May.

OK we finally got the finished artwork for the Machinesmith class, so expect to see them finished book and class very soon.


Cheapy wrote:

She IS wearing pants. Come on...

I see them now!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm looking forward to this, Louis.

I too await this. The design and development and the passion behind it are a testament to the idea and its utility...

Finally placed the last piece of artwork into the Machinesmith for NeoExodus: A House Divided and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Now I have to decide HOW I am going to release it: As a part of Quartermaster's Handbook or solo?


All kidding aside, I see this as a really useful class for any campaign.

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If we release it solo, then expect for it to cost between $2.49 to $3.29. I might even think about adding this class to the NeoExodus Iconics. I mean what is more iconic than a steampunk inspired class for NeoExodus: A House Divided and Pathfinder?

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I'd suggest a separate release. I think many people might enjoy the class, not only fans of NeoExodus.

LMPjr007 wrote:
If we release it solo, then expect for it to cost between $2.49 to $3.29. I might even think about adding this class to the NeoExodus Iconics. I mean what is more iconic than a steampunk inspired class for NeoExodus: A House Divided and Pathfinder?

The price seems right compared to similar offering from other companies, like SGG.

Endzeitgeist wrote:
I'd suggest a separate release. I think many people might enjoy the class, not only fans of NeoExodus.

That is my point about NeoExodus. I nothing about it. Furthermore, I haven't seen anything that told me it was a steampunk style setting. I am going to be using this for some Spelljammer stuff, so I really don't want to have to buy a product that has a lot of campaign material that I may, or may not, use.

So I'm going to be completely selfish here but I'd rather have the class separate. But maybe sell the class at a discount if you buy the quartermaster handbook with it?

The Exchange

I'd also suggest separate.

I like this enough to buy if it is separate as well, actually would look forward to it if it was separate.

It looks like I will have to do it as separate product AND in the Quartermaster's Guide, with a discount to those who buy the Machinesmith separate. Best of both worlds. Guess I have some work to do.


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Classes of NeoExodus: Machinesmith is now on sale at RPGnow. Coming to Paizo most likely tomorrow. Thanks for everyone support on this project. It has been a great experience and we hope to do more of these "group reviews" of in progress projects.

I will buy this tomorrow then.

The Exchange

As shall I, methinks.

...breaks piggy bank...begins counting pennies.... ;)

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