Crimson Sword |

I was wondering if size bonuses were relative to your opponent or something you get regardless of your opponent's size. For example, if a halfling were faced against a goblin, would both still get their bonus AC and attack? If a halfling was against something that was large, would their bonus increase beyond normal.
Bonus question, are the monsters in the book, have they (AC) been calculated with Medium opponents in mind?
Thank you.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

They aren't relative, but they cancel out: A halflings' attack bonus is equal to the goblin's AC bonus and vice versa. Just as a human fighting an elf has no special bonus or penalty.
If a halfling fights an ogre, they get the same 'effective' +2 bonus (+1 attack, -1 to target's AC) as a human fighting a storm giant (-2 to targets AC).

Lathiira |

Size bonuses aren't relative, they're static; you get them regardless of the difference in sizes between you and your foes. They don't change based on this disparity or lack thereof. Monster ACs are calculated with size modifiers built-in (you can see the breakdown in parentheses after the monster's AC); therefore, the modifiers aren't conditional as you ask, but remain the same regardless if it's a halfling vs. goblin fight or halfling vs. great wyrm dragon fight.